Good time zone everyone!

So the entry period for the Peculiar Plants Challenge has passed and now it's onto sharing and feedback for the next week. I've tried to do my part by creating a 2021 Peculiar Plants Challenge Entry Review article. I've linked all entries and listed my personal favourites of the 96 entries I did have a chance to read through.

In addition to reading/liking/commenting on other people's work, I spent a lot of time researching and writing my entry Digivine.

All in it took about 145 hours since I did learn a little about how to edit photos, create digital art, use CSS, select typography, and design images and pages for the internet. I've also tried to step out of my comfort zone by doing a little self promotion on Twitter and Twitch while trying to not annoy/anger anyone because this is all new to me.

April-ish Plan of Attack

The Uncertain Future

1. My Career
On a personal note, I've re-entered the workforce and returned to the job I had when I was placed on disability leave (Nov. 2019). I'm not necessarily better, I just have no further medical steps to take that would support my staying on leave. I'm slowing building up my hours but it has been wrecking me. I'm quite discouraged since I don't think I'll be able to juggle working, my home life, and creating content / being part of the World Anvil community. I'm trying to keep going but, as it was the cause of my leave in the first place, my desires exceed my capacity quite easily.

2. My Profile (xtremepsy) and Content
I managed to get a new-to-me PC from my brother-in-law that has a graphics card to help with photo editing and it may support streaming. However, per point 1, I'll continue to lurk on Twitch best I can while producing ad-hoc worldbuilding content and these blogs for now. I still am tempted to actually stream though I lack a webcam that is <15 years old.


  • Further development of my social media profiles (Discord, Reddit, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Producing educational/informative blogs on world building and creating TTRPG content
  • Finish compiling my summary for "Collaborative Worldbuilding for Writers & Gamers"
  • Redesign of Olutanri CSS
  • Redesign of Olutanri and its meta per the Collaborative Worldbuilding process
As always, thank you for reading,

-Mark a.k.a. xtremepsy | Olutanri