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Valiant: July Roundup

Hallo all! Hope Summer Camp's was as productive as they hoped and wished for! Over here at the Neko Cafe, we're back with the Valiant roundup for July. Life has demanded a lot from the red panda in the last month, but he's remained hard at work, making sure to get out a little bit of writing every day, even if it's only a few paragraphs. We've listed last month's releases below - hope you enjoy them!   Dreaming Draught #4: Nostalgia
A draught that can be enjoyed on its own, or used as an element in other draughts.   Dreaming Draught #5: Spitfire
A draught that'll put some pep in your step and fire in your saliva.   Dreaming Draught #6: Candor (Syntaritov Variant)
A favored choice for spies and interrogators the galaxy over.   Covenant #35: The Invitation
After returning from the Old City, Jayta and Raikaron settle back into life in Sjelefengsel.     And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!  

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

All 42 prompts done.

I got 41 and 42 done. Most were for my Sielah Universe but I did do #42 for Caelum Prime. Yippy!
SC24 Article List
Generic article | Aug 23, 2024


Have you completed all 42 of this year's Summer Camp Articles?! This Is the Badge FOR YOU!!! #42in24

Did you get all 42 Summer Camp prompts written?

Well done! You have earned this!

Snag this for your collection with [img:5806674] or [imgblock:5806674].


River Rush - Summer Camp Update #4

I feel like this past week has slowed down considerably due to lots of traveling and events taking up my time but Diamond is super close and that Feral 40 is still calling my name. I'm hoping to knock out a few more prompts tomorrow and the next day so I can get even closer to finishing them all.
  I've been keeping track of all of my completed Summer Camp articles here:
Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Jun 23, 2024

RiverFang's Summer Camp 2024 journey!

  Remember that even if we're all feral, we should take some breaks, relax, and even take a day off from writing if that's what you need. Don't forget to treat yourself!
  #RiverRush #IsekaiNews #SummerCamp

A vehicle that caused social upheaval

This is a very world specific sort of upheaval... and I got really distracted by the making verse the upheaval part, haha... but the article is almost 2k words and I really need to move along if I'm going to hit bronze.   Article #4. There is a "tl:dr" opening if you don't want to read a really long article.  
The Scylla
Vehicle | Jul 24, 2024

Summer Camp Entry #4

Did not think I could another one done today but I have. Its a bit rough in all honesty but its another idea I've had for a while now and this is the closest I have come to visualizing it.
Species | Jul 14, 2024

Happy 4th of July! #4thofjuly #independenceday #wolvessavingsheep #wildzoo #fantasy #animal

Breeze noticed how much stronger Keke had gotten. She also noticed he noticed...
by Vela

Visit the Trocadero, for delight or ruin

This is entry #4 for #SummerCamp. This is for the vehicle that causes societal upheaval. I've had this idea for a while, and never had a reason to write it and now I do. I hope you enjoy it.
Vehicle | Jul 4, 2024

The ultimate destination for decadence and desire


Just Finished Article #4 for Summer Camp 2024 "The Scorch War"

The Scorch War
Military Conflict | Aug 4, 2024

World-Building Thoughts #4 - The Implications of Cultural Isolation

It's been a hot minute since I delved into active world-building and lore writing for After Silence. Most of the time I've been distracted by other exciting side projects, like creating queer-themed art for the upcoming Pride month. I'm looking forward to getting back into world-building, as I'm thinking about an article I recently finished that serves as a follow-up to an earlier ‘World-Building Thoughts’ blog of mine, on the dynamics of monocultures in fantasy worlds.   In prior entries, I wrote about the idea of separating species from ethnicity to reflect the geographic rather than biological determinants of culture. However, the concept of an isolated monoculture, where a species develops its own distinct cultural identity separate from others, is also worth examining.   Why, then, might a species choose or find themselves in such isolation? Fantasy realms like Azeroth or Faerun often depict species with unique languages, traditions, and myths, without necessarily exploring the reasons behind such cultural seclusion. One common rationale could be a sense of superiority. This perspective, where a species views itself as inherently superior, might lead to self-imposed isolation as a form of cultural preservation. This scenario is not without its implications: it often mirrors real-world supremacist, authoritarian, and ultranationalist ideologies. The narrative of a "pure culture" under threat from outsiders taps into the same fascist rhetoric we witness in reality. Thus, as creators, we must be mindful of the messages we embed within our narratives, especially when portraying cultures that exhibit such isolative tendencies. I've seen too many isolated ‘elf cultures’ in modern writings that are justified by the story and the author with their biological superiority, and whose behaviour is only downplayed as ‘a bit snooty’.   Another reason for cultural isolation could be geographical. Perhaps a species inhabits a region naturally inhospitable to others—remote islands, deep underground caverns, towering mountain ranges, or harsh climates like deserts or volcanic fields. However, even in these settings, the idea that only one species would adapt to such extremes is unlikely - but not impossible.   Let's consider the implications of how a culture develops under voluntary versus involuntary isolation. Does the culture actively seek to remain isolated, or is it a consequence of their environment? Are there historical attempts to engage with the wider world, or is there a pervasive fear of the unknown? These questions shape not only the culture itself but also how it is perceived by others in the same world.   I've created the "Floating Archipelago of Euwlingaard " in my latest lore article. This chain of islands, isolated by vast distances from the surface world, is my own attempt to work with those ideas. The inhabitants must manage limited space and resources creatively, fostering a culture of mindfulness and resourcefulness. This setup challenges them to balance their isolation with the need to expand and connect with broader world.   I invite you to read more about this in the linked article below, but I am mostly keen to hear your thoughts. How do you approach cultural isolation in your worlds? Do you avoid it or focus on it? Are there others reasons for cultural isolation, that I haven't even mentioned?  
The Floating Archipelago of Euwlingaard
Organization | Jun 16, 2024

The Floating Archipelago of Euwlingaard is a series of interconnected, nomadic islands inhabited by the owl-like quillows, who navigate the skies of Netherdyn in pursuit of knowledge and the restoration of their celestial heritage.


Caturday Reads #4

  Happy Caturday!
  It's been a while since the last entry, but I just didn't have enough energy to do both reading and writing - so I prioritized getting my latest article about stinky babies done. Been doing a bit better the latter half of this week, so I got both my planned reading done, half an article written, and a bit of painting underway.
  As for the actual reading part of this Caturday Reads blog, I got four great articles for you this week.
  The first one is a #Traveller shoutout, from our own amazing chapter leader AwsmChimera. Their character articles always paint such vivid images of the people they're about, with how they weave text, quotes, little story snippets, art, and even morif-music together.
Calenvo: Lord of Remembrance
Character | Mar 21, 2024

  Next one is a fascinating phenomena described by PrippyMontyPoppyCock. These were one the WE'22 entries that really stood out to me, and not just for the eye-catching title. It's fun and odd and quirky on the surface, but has a such an interesting and deep explanation.
The Troll on Porridge Island
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 12, 2022

  The below articles by Kriltch have been sitting in my reading list a long time now, and I've read them before but really wanted to showcase them. They're probably among my favorites when it comes to weaving together knowledge of the laws of nature in a wholly in-universe manner.
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 13, 2023

What everything is made of

Ghoa - Magic
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 18, 2024

Control of the world

  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

Introducing ProtoStar for Emissary Wars

Presenting Emissary Wars Hero - ProtoStar, incredible work by luisxiii. More to come. Who's Next! #comicbooks #comic #superhero , #ttrpg #rpg #mmo #videogames #protostar #4colors #conquestcomics #conquestpublishing

The Very Endmost Point of Haly's Summer Camp

Summer Camp Ultra Finish!

First and foremost, let me give a great big congratulations to GM Drake for writing such an outstanding article that it became the measure against which all others in its category (#37, Document, An Important Announcement from One to Many) were held, The First Global Broadcast of the CSS ft. Dusty Runeshine.

When I submitted my feedback to the judges, I wrote, "I is just so clear that THIS was THE article that this writer cared about, from the amount of work that went into just writing that many words, to the stellar artwork, the story, and for holy heckins there is a PLAYLIST of the broadcast! And as a bonus...steampunk otter!!! Hands down, my favorite part is the uniqueness of choosing a radio broadcast."

First and foremost, I love it when I'm offered a theme, and then someone twists it in a new and creative way. The first time I used the document template on World Anvil, I was STUNNED at how broadly the term "document" was interpreted.

And I have a special and specific love for radio and music as documentary devices. While I love parchment and ink, they don't travel into space. Radio does. And art -- including music -- is a much better measure of a people than history (IMO). Art has the power to change people in a way that history can rarely touch.

Beyond all of an immersive writer, I can recognize when something you didn't realize was going to be a Universal Key...suddenly becomes just that and it Ties Everything Together and the flow state kicks in and the words come pouring out of your fingertips like they were simply born straight from the electrical pulses in your brain into the memory core of the World Anvil servers. These pieces are transformative. These pieces are transcendent. These pieces are deserving of all the recognition they can be fairly given.

Finally...heckin's amaze-balls steam-punk space otter DJ, mate.... It's like he read my wish list to Santa. But this was just the cherry on top of the beautiful Radio Rocket Steampunk Sundae that is this article.

Next, I want to give yet another shout-out to E. Christopher Clark. In fairness to everyone who was not expecting prompts 41 and 42, and who still chucked in and wrote them with only hours before the end of Summer Camp...I chose the winner of prompt #41 (Organization, Group Dedicated to Keeping A Secret) randomly. I scrolled up and down the page of submissions until my younger son, Noble, said stop. Then, Hippie rolled a d12, and that place on the page was the winner.

I always love it when esoteric words inspire An Entire Thing. It makes me happy deep down in the pit of my solar plexus. Especially because I knew already what tenebris meant from way back in the olden days when Mark and I were writing spycraft stories together. Sigh! Those were the days, and reading this was a surprisingly refreshing flashback. And while our tenebris was not protecting White Block Secrets as Chris's is, I can say we were role-playing it on AOL, can see the immediate connection.

Are You A Completionist?

I am!

And because of it, I wrote for all 42 prompts during Summer Camp. And, because that didn't take up enough of my time, I also made this spiffy Platinum Towel badge for everyone who, like me, just couldn't let it go!

After all, how were we supposed to ignore the call of sweet knowledge? If 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, then surely we owe it to ourselves and to the world to do our best to strive for that answer whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Even if we have to create a world in order to figure out those answers.

Summer Camp 2023 Platinum Towel 42/42
by Haly, the Moonlight Bard/Canva

Just When We Thought We Were Done...

Along came Dimi and gave us two more prompts, right at the end of the month-long journey that is World Anvil Summer Camp. And because we are


we wrote them. All of them. All 42 of them.

We wrote until our brains were numb. We wrote until the words dribbled out of our bleeding fingertips. We wrote way too late at night, and way too early in the morning. We wrote in the interval of shows. We wrote in the park, and in the hotel, and in the car. Some of us even wrote on the plane, and in the loo, and in the bath.

But in the end, we got it done: a bare minimum of 12,600 new words in our world-building projects. And for that monumental achievement...we deserve this digital doodad.

Claim this badge if you answered all 42 prompts for Summer Camp 2023 using [imgblock:4791498] or [img:4791498].


My Own Summer Camp

I've said it so much already, but I'm going to say it again, here. This summer has been a huge bushel of growth and achievement and taking big risks. I've developed my world, I've developed my writing, I've developed a writing circle, I've developed friendships.

For Summer Camp, I wrote all 42 prompts, 40 of them as actual competition pieces. (I was judging 2 of the prompts.) I'm pleased to say that one was shortlisted, and one placed! So much love to Chris L and LexiCon (WordiGirl). Not only are these two writers who I admire, and people who are quickly becoming friends, but they are incredible peers who shone a light on my work this Summer Camp!

In addition, I want to give an ENORMOUS shout-out to everyone who read my work for their Summer Reading Challenge! So many of you gave me such wonderful feedback, asked insightful questions, and sent me sooo muuuuch loooove that I'm overflowing with all of the feels. Legit, I occasionally just break into tears when I stop to think about how this community has embraced me and my weird little world of waterlogged wiseacres.

Coming Soon to Patreon...

Based on his wonderful popularity, I think that Victor the Vermin will be the new featured artwork on my Patreon merch at the Full Moon level. Right now, I'm planning to have a new Victor piece with the same "Eat the Rich, Devour the Truth" slogan, exclusively for stickers, mugs, tees, and hoodies. (Currently, all of my Patreon and Ko-fi support is going toward upgrading my WA membership.)

Don't Forget...Twitch Streams M-F!

Co-work with me at every weekday (Monday through Friday) from 4-6 pm Eastern. Together, we'll accomplish those big tasks in small bites! We normally work in 20-minute intervals, then we have a planned break to stretch-empty-refill, then play a game for a few minutes before going back to work. It's a play on the oft-used pomodoro technique. I find it to be a great way go get through (most of) my ADD struggles and actually get things done!

So, bring your world-building, your writing, your fiberwork, your homework, your term paper, your laundry, or those veggies you need to prep, and let's make some progress, 20 minutes at a time!

Oh, and My Newsletter!

Just like you, I'm more than my World Anvil. (Though, it is a big part of me!) So if you enjoy what I give you here, there's so very much more waiting for you in my "What's Good?" Newsletter!! If you enjoy things like board games, recipes, my great photos, interesting tidbits about words (such as a list of 20 amazing collective nouns for animals), and occasionally knowing where I'll be making convention and event appearences, then head to and sign up now! (You should get a pop-up, but if not, then there is a simple form at the bottom of the home page!)

Until next time, friends...take care of yourself, and take care of each other!


August Reading with Lavani #4

"I hope the Reptilian Homeworld learns to support caregivers and young. With child-rearing handled as an entry level job, it isn't surprising Sophia got bullied." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


Quick Quip #4 From Next Chapter

This next chapter is likely going to be titled 'Snarkness Rising' given the verbal context. Consider the following as an example:
  Without so much as glancing up, Medias retorted, “What I lack in wit, I have in wisdom, but feeble minds cannot be expected to discern wisdom when they distract themselves with the intersection of blunt objects and their more sensitive regions. ‘Tis no indictment of your proclivities, but fornicative indulgence in lieu of common sense is a regrettable loss to demonkind and the structural integrity of broom handles everywhere.”
  Love you all! <3

Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #4

This week was quite eventful actually and I managed to get several articles done. Some of which have been lying around for years. While others are wholly new.
  This is an article about a subject I have grown increasingly interested in: The Backrooms, which is basically a dimension that you may end up in if you noclip through baseline reality. What I did was more or less take the concept as a whole and introduced it into my setting as seamlessly as I could, and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I am also glad to finally add some new material to the Valestia Terra setting, which is basically Earth but with certain fantastical and anomalous characteristics thrown into it.
The Halls of Bakk
Geographic Location | Apr 11, 2022

A place where you should not be able to access. A Quarantined Reality that has been abandoned by Time Itself.

  Now this is an article that has been long in the making. Several years in fact. And I had begun it several times, but could never quite make it work. Until now. Since Origin is one of my most integral characters to the whole setting of Miand'Mésvéstell it feels nice to finally have an article of her, and one that explores more of her character.
Character | Oct 6, 2022

Origin is the most powerful entity in Existence. The Daughter of the Creator and She who Remembers.

  Guardian was another article that I have been trying to make work for several years, and after having finished Origin I went to Guardian. There is still some slight work to be done, but I am quite pleased with the result.
Character | Oct 6, 2022

Guardian is the one who oversees all of Existence in his Father's absence. A master manipulator of Threads of Fate.

  Vhaigur-Tech was something that I really needed to write down. At least when it came to overall technology used in my Alez Setting. At first it was wholly mundane but I took some liberties and gave it a more fantastical feel. I also created a new ancient civilization that will be mentioned a few times in other articles, but I have not yet written much about them.
Technology / Science | Apr 5, 2022

A technology that is most utilized by the avarage person. On that uses electricity produced by esoteric engines.

  Reminiscence was an article that I first wrote sometime in 2019 and was in dire need of a makeover. This new version has more extensive information that connects more with new lore that has sprung up over the last few years. Quite proud of how it turned out.
Geographic Location | May 16, 2022

A realm that has seen its fair share of catastrophes, and has quite the history.

  Zurjolh is a new article that came to be thanks to Varldstan Cericor actually. It is connected to Reminiscence but stands good on its own. Was written more for the sake of having it out there but do not think I will add much to it later.
Geographic Location | Apr 7, 2022

An intermediate Dvallh Realm that connects several Realms within Alézun'Teran.

  I finally did a Setting Introduction for my setting Miand. And I expanded upon it quite a bit from older variants. It also gave me some slight new insight and a clearer picture of the world.
Miand Setting Introduction
Generic article | Apr 8, 2022

A short introduction to the fantasy setting of Miand.

  Zar-Kesheth is an older article that was given a slight makeover. The biggest change I gave it was a slight history in regards to how it was created.
Geographic Location | Apr 9, 2022

Zar-Kesheth is a chaotic primal land that was the epic center of a cataclysm that shook the entire world and continues to this day. A testament to the raw power of the Daughter.

  If you like my work, please do consider clicking that Follow Button so you do not miss out!

Nadir #4 of 7 - Sloth

4th Nadir down, 3 to go! My fourth creation for WE '21 is another one of the 7 Nadirs of Sin - Sloth.
Wrath, Lust and Gluttony came before and now i'm really excited to reveal this one to you!
  Please check it out and let me know your thoughts or ask some questions!
Hennan, Nadir of Sloth
Character | Aug 20, 2022

SC 2021 Update - 10/10 Prompts Complete!

With one day to spare before the next set of prompts are released, all of my copper prompt articles have been submitted. I'm a little gutted because, had I not been hit with a massive headache yesterday, I would have probably written this update yesterday. But oh well! Celebrate your victories where you've earned them (and I think I've earned this one :P )
  If you fancy having a read of any of my articles, you can find them all here:
  And because I've tracked it on a spreadsheet here's a break down of some of the stats for the copper prompts so far: > Total word count - 8132 words > Article with the most words - A Song of Law and Opportunity for prompt #8, which currently sits at 927 words > Article with the least words - SNDY and the Death of Cerberus for prompt #9, which currently sits at 753 words, this one was definitely the hardest for me to write out of the 10 prompts we've had so far > Personal favourite? Gradician Ferrets for prompt #4 - I really enjoyed writing this one and researching ferrets (they're pretty cute guys c'mon) and I hope you guys enjoy reading it :D
  Plan of action until the silver prompts get released tomorrow will be reading through some of the other submissions for prompts and spreading the love! As well as adding some links to my own articles (but let's be honest, that's less important than spreading the love)

Revamping pre-we articles #4

I finally finished one of my oldest articles, from July of 2020. So now here's it, with information and images added! Now you can know more about Moskova's capital city!
Ulán Shang Kov
Settlement | May 26, 2021

Ulán Shang Kov is  the capital and most populated city of the Kingdom of Moskova.It is the headquarter of the Moskovar Monarchy.


Monday update #4

Another week has rushed by. ^^;;
  I have finished the text of the Costume Challenge but I'm still finishing the drawing for it. I've been busy with IRL stuff this week so haven't had much time for fun things. Well...some of the IRL things were fun I suppose. XD sibling (Hayate) turned 30 this week.

  I have also started preparing the next Kickstarter for real. All preparations for the Kickstarter should be finished by the 31st so I can start handing out the link to the notification page. I will be working on this during the coming week. :) ...the Kickstarter will go live on the 10th of June. :)

  I have been considering doing a comic again. I have ideas. XD;; ...We'll see after I'm finished with the Surviving Idyll Kickstarter. :)

Launched today: 400 Worldbuilding Prompts!

Today I launched the first product in my new shop! As it's worldbuilding related I thought I'd share the news with you here - this is something that I'll be using to expand the world of Melior :D

400 Worldbuilding Prompts
    • Genre agnostic, suitable for any project
    • Watch your world grow & track your progress in the interactive Google Sheet
    • Prompts are already sorted into the same templates used on World Anvil!
    • Bonus printer friendly .pdf!

  Free / Pay What You Want


Good time zone everyone!

So the entry period for the Peculiar Plants Challenge has passed and now it's onto sharing and feedback for the next week. I've tried to do my part by creating a 2021 Peculiar Plants Challenge Entry Review article. I've linked all entries and listed my personal favourites of the 96 entries I did have a chance to read through.

In addition to reading/liking/commenting on other people's work, I spent a lot of time researching and writing my entry Digivine.

All in it took about 145 hours since I did learn a little about how to edit photos, create digital art, use CSS, select typography, and design images and pages for the internet. I've also tried to step out of my comfort zone by doing a little self promotion on Twitter and Twitch while trying to not annoy/anger anyone because this is all new to me.

April-ish Plan of Attack

The Uncertain Future

1. My Career
On a personal note, I've re-entered the workforce and returned to the job I had when I was placed on disability leave (Nov. 2019). I'm not necessarily better, I just have no further medical steps to take that would support my staying on leave. I'm slowing building up my hours but it has been wrecking me. I'm quite discouraged since I don't think I'll be able to juggle working, my home life, and creating content / being part of the World Anvil community. I'm trying to keep going but, as it was the cause of my leave in the first place, my desires exceed my capacity quite easily.

2. My Profile (xtremepsy) and Content
I managed to get a new-to-me PC from my brother-in-law that has a graphics card to help with photo editing and it may support streaming. However, per point 1, I'll continue to lurk on Twitch best I can while producing ad-hoc worldbuilding content and these blogs for now. I still am tempted to actually stream though I lack a webcam that is <15 years old.


  • Further development of my social media profiles (Discord, Reddit, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Producing educational/informative blogs on world building and creating TTRPG content
  • Finish compiling my summary for "Collaborative Worldbuilding for Writers & Gamers"
  • Redesign of Olutanri CSS
  • Redesign of Olutanri and its meta per the Collaborative Worldbuilding process
As always, thank you for reading,

-Mark a.k.a. xtremepsy | Olutanri

Weekly Roundup 2-21-21

So this week I:
  • wrote 6223 words
  • finished reading 2 books
  • published/updated 6 articles
  • finished cleaning out wardrobe
  • donated clothes/dishes to food basket/thrift store
  • new dishwasher has been installed
  • Got first dose of COVID vaccine (I’m due back in a month)
  • started big revision #4889 for my book

  •   A well-rounded week I'd say.
      Big goals for next week are:
  • keep it up
  • #
    Creating Generation #4 of Alamiste, taking place on the continent of Tuckszinne.

    If there's something I've realized this Worldember...

    It's the fact that I have SO much left to do. So many new stubs plopping up as I'm writing. So much nature to describe, so many nations, so many ethnicities. Dunia always feels "done" to me, because it's "done" in my head. But when I look at Worldanvil, I realize just how much is missing.
      If you've missed my progress, here are the first articles from the first week of worldember:
      Article #1:
    Article #2:
    Article #3:
    Article #4:
    Article #5:
    Article #6:

    Take the Challenge

    Institutions of Learning

    How do people learn in your world?

    Suggest an article to be featured