Happy November, Mapvember, & NaNoWriMo (and whatever Nov-something-ember) to everyone! Sharing a spark of inspiration that I got, thanks to #Mapvember2021's very first prompt: "Bridge"/"A bridge that connects two important places."
  This got me thinking about (fantasy) travel between realms, and I jumped into some research on well-established ways of traveling between worlds. Portals/teleportation seem to be the most common way. There's "falling asleep and waking up," hidden doors and tunnels, literal bridges, and whatnot.
  I went with "the Sylvan Road," which connects one world to another via the roots of a shared tree species. The network of roads is called "the Amarantas," which appears as a sprawling forest that reaches out far beyond the limits of one's sight. The secrets of this method of travel are kept by Sylvan Pathkeepers (an ethnic group AND a title that I have yet to flesh out).
  How is everyone's November going thus far? I hope your world building and/or novel writing and/or art-making is going well!