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Summer Camp HW is done!

I've finally completed the pledge document and the homework needed for SC prep. I'm really excited about Summer Camp, and I hope my first one goes well! Although I won't be writing too much in the first two weeks of July, I will still read everyone else's work to inspire me when I come to write. I'm excited to see what everyone will come up with. For now, it's time to rest and not stress too much.
  Here is my completed prep article. Enjoy!
Summer Camp HW 2024
Generic article | Aug 10, 2024

  #SummerCamp #SC24

Summercamp is fast approaching! (And I got a sheet or two for y'all)

Oh gosh, this is going to be my sixth summercamp! How time flies by! I've finished today my whole homework (included the meta I've been pouting about for the past month) and I wanted to share it with y'all!

Summercamp 2024
Generic article | Jul 28, 2024

Here we go again, for the sixth time

[p[And, as you might be able to see in the article, I got a sheet for y'all! Han and I have worked together to bring you all a community spreadsheet! So feel free to grab a column and join us in the spreadsheet! (Any questions either drop a message here or search us in the WA discord)

And, if you rather a spreadsheet for only yourself, you can find one here!

#catoramblings #catochallenges #SummerCamp #summercamp #SC24 #SummerCamp2024 #summercamp2024

My Map for Summer Camp this year...

I had a random idea to focus on a unique part of my fantasy world for Summer Camp so I spent a few nights working on the map. I present to you, the Rovia region of the Moon Izi:

  The Moon Izi is a frozen and molten hellscape. Vast regions of the world are covered in sulfuric snow, endless salty flats, blackened volcanoes, and of course, lava. Lots and lots of lava. Frozen acid lakes dot the surface of the world and water is extremely rare on the surface. Various exotic forms of life live on this world, gathering around the lava and acid lakes. Fire Elves survived the great cataclysm at the end of the Silver Age and they have been building a civilization underground ever since. Their great cities are built around so-called Stable Stones that protect them from the volcanism around them. The elves here worship the fire god Beirunes, once known as The Great Destroyer.

  I am planning to entirely focus on this moon during Summer Camp, have all the articles link to each other in some way, and tell a mini story throughout all of them. I'll make a proper pledge article later in the month (and also properly upload the map to the site).
  I wrote an article about this world during WorldEmber last year and it should serve as a pretty good primer for this whole thing:
The Moon Izi
Geographic Location | Jul 5, 2024

the Moon Izi is the closest moon to the planet Tarsuros, and the second smallest. It is a volcanic sulfurous hellscape, inhospitable to human life...


  Also, the map might look a bit familiar.... This is because the moon Izi is directly based off of the real moon Io, just with approximately 348% more fantasy!
by NASA (Voyager and Galileo Probes)


  #maps #SC24 #summercamp

I'm ready for Summer Camp!

Week 1's prep is complete! I'm super excited for Summer Camp, last year was an absolute blast and I know this year will be no different. I'm hoping to write some epic stuff!
  Check my prep out below! <3
Mochi's SC24 Pledge!
Generic article | Jun 22, 2024

Summer Camp is almost heeeere!

  #SC24 #SummerCamp #mochievements

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