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SummerCamp 2024 badges looking nice on my profile

The badges for #SummerCamp2024 on my profile looking very nice on my WA profile
Congrats to all the #Summercamp2024 winners!

Reading challenge article - Summer Camp 2024

I've finally written up my reading challenge article :D
Reading challenge - Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Aug 31, 2024

  #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp #summercamp #summercamp2024

Shortlist for SC24 prompt 18!

I sponsored a prompt for summercamp this year and like usual my sibling helped me judge it. You can check out the Shortlist for SC24 prompt 18 over here:  
Shortlist for SC24 prompt 18
Generic article | Aug 24, 2024
  #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

Summer Camp Judging and Reading Challenge done!

I used some articles from the A document that changed the course history category as my reading challenge list. Have a look. Shortlist and reading challenge list here:  
SummerCamp 2024 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 23, 2024

Selected entries from SC2024.

  Next up: I still need to judge the TuneJune entries. I have not forgotten you, guys. :)   #SummerCamp2024 #TuneJune2024

State of the Manifold - August 2024 (Summer’s End Edition)

Howdy all,
  #SummerCamp2024 is done, but the festivities aren’t over yet! The biggest project I worked on this month was the annual Summer Camp Reading Challenge. There were a lot of great articles to cover and it was hard to pick which ones to review, but I may do a few more before the challenge is over. I’m happy to report that finishing this included re-evaluating my New Year's Resolutions and discovering that I’ve already crossed the completion threshold on at least one of them. Hello 100k words! You can check out my challenge page here:
Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 22, 2024

  I also put out a few other articles this month that weren’t challenge related. Some examples include:
  Anyways, that’s all for now. Have you completed your Reading Challenge, and what were some of the highlights you encountered in your travels? Did you have a particular article you liked reading/writing that I should take a look at. Let me know in the comments, and have a great day!
  Regards, BCGR_Wurth

Might as well share some articles I've created....

Hello everyone. After doing 32 prompts for #SummerCamp2024 and posting my #summercamp reading challenge entry, I was wondering what could I do while I await the official awards ceremony. Well, one thing I've decided is to share different articles that I've made for this year's summercamp. I don't know how often I'll do this honestly. Per week or per day? Still deciding. In the meantime, here's an article on a piece of technology from my world.
Technology / Science | Jul 27, 2024

Paratek Exoarmor are suits of armor that are worn by paramilitary forces, law enforcement, military forces, and non-military groups throughout the realms of Aretz. They are armor technology powered by paranormal phenomena


Insights gained from #SummerCamp2024

Here arevthe insights I gained from this year's #summercamp
Generic article | Aug 17, 2024

July Update + Summer Camp


And with that, the Summer Camp is over.

What I've been

Summer Camp

First of all, I manage to reach my main goal at COPPER! Secondly, I've submitted a total of 16 prompts all across my main three worlds, meaning I've stretched my goal up to SILVER! What a great challenge despite facing a drag during halfway and sprint the rest hours before the deadline, but it was fun journey all along.

If you want something to read for leisure or the Reading Challenge (may join) feel free to see all things I made. I'll be appreciated :D

Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

A Summary of the Summer Camp 2024

Other then that, I finally finished the main article for my main religion! I hope I can write all the deities by the end of the year, or maybe all of them in WorldEmber :D

Krin-Gion Pantheon
Organization | Jul 6, 2024

The collection of myths and legends told by the people of Krin and Gion, consisting of 10 multipurpose gods and goddesses, spreading across the South Estisia.


In case you didn't know, Artfight is the annual art competition where everyone draw somebody's art (Attacks) as for them to draw yours back (Revenges). It hold every July - like the Summer Camp! I joined the Team Stardust and had been drawing a total of 3 arts. It's fewer than I expected but it's very fun and I can't wait to join it again next year!

August Plan

As you might know from several of my prompts, Terraloga was flash-forwarded! The world has been progress for 30 years, meaning anything has to be changed, including major history events. I'll spend most of the month updating old articles - while choosing carefully to add new one if necessary, which I'll keep notifying. And if you follow me on my discord server you can find its whole list of published articles, my old monthly updates, artworks from the past, and work in progress (P.S. the server is still incomplete)

  • Major Lore update on Terraloga
  • Reading Challenge
  • Revamp my other worlds (if possible)

Best wishes


#monthlyUpdate #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024


My articles for #SummerCamp2024

This has been a very successful sumercamp for me!. I only expected to achieve silver but I managed to get gold. And the more I look to many of my entries the more I realized I'm slowly improving, both with my drawing and my CSS skills . Some prompts were really hard to answer and others I didn't manage to answer them because either I didn't have time or I didn't have any idea of what to write for them. But for the ones I wrote, I'm very proud of them, and I can't wait to add some nice art for the ones I didn't have time to polish!. Anyway, I sincerely hope you achieve your goals during this SC 2024 and had fun taking part in it. I leave you here an article with all my Summer Camp entries just in case you want to read some of them for your Reading Challenges! (Which if you do, I would be very honoured!).
Callyxtus SummerCamp 2024 articles
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

The Final #SummerCamp2024 Roundup!

Well, the time has come and gone everybody! For each and everyone of you, great work! Yes, even you person who might not have reached their goal or been super proud of your end product, the fact you made any sort of attempt is admirable and deserves praise!
  As for me, I'm proud that I went above and beyond my goal, not only getting Silver, not only getting all the way to Diamond, but finishing each and every prompt this event gave us, and I gotta say I feel pretty dang good about most of them! This summer has given me a lot to think about, and as we go into the reading challenge, I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking behind the scenes as to where I go from here.
  But, that's enough about my thoughts, here are the Final Nine Prompts I did post-Diamond Wave, which includes the two bonus prompts we got for the last week AND the previous wave prompts I skipped over for various reasons! Thank you in advance for reading, and I can't wait to read y'all's work too!
Queen Rosellia Titania Siog
Character | Aug 3, 2024

The Queen of Vampires, ruler of the Midnight Realm

Settlement | Aug 2, 2024

A protective city amidst the harsh sands of Afallon, away from the safety of the Oases

Drag Performers
Ethnicity | Jul 31, 2024

Fabulous and dramatic artists of the utmost flair and style

Character | Aug 2, 2024

The Mother Dragon of the Night, Secrets, and Poison

Language | Jul 30, 2024

A language spoken in the erudite halls of Afallon that carries history, status, and judgement for non-speakers

The Second Advent of The Tower
Myth | Jul 31, 2024

A warning about the return of the life-altering Tower from Edda's prehistoric past

Ricky Ramones
Character | Sep 6, 2024

A rebellious musician with a firey temper and passion for the hottest of music

Grab-Brew Stew
Item | Jul 30, 2024

A common base stew that many adventurers rely on

Tristan's Belltower
Building / Landmark | Jul 30, 2024

A belltower, designed to be rang temporarily, but whose bell still tolls to this day


First Summer Camp Round-Up: Articles I'm most proud of! Plus: A week of R&R (Reading & Relaxation)

What a wonderful month it's been! My only regret is not discovering this community sooner. My writing skills have come a long way this season and I'm so thankful for your part in that!
  I've got my morning coffee beside me and I'm excitedly working my way through my notifications. I expect it will take me a week or so to read through everything and pick my favourites. In the mean time, here are a few of my SC articles I'm particularly proud of.
On the Hecath: The Collected Writings of Vierix Clymenikari
Document | Sep 1, 2024
I've grown so fond of this subplot it might end up with its own novella, or even novel. A story of (failed) inter-species diplomacy in an exotic new world.
Kuni and the Magical Kitsuneudon
Myth | Sep 1, 2024
I largely write in an encyclopedic style, so it's fun to write in prose. This story really flowered from the initial concept, and I even got a bit misty-eyed writing the last bit. I now cherish this story greatly.
Building / Landmark | Sep 1, 2024

A mountain carved fortress overlooking the Holy City of Calm, built to guard against dragons

I tried to capture a feeling of grandiosity and deep history here, and I'm proud of the result. Give the song a listen and see how it feels with the ambience!
Indus Fortesque
Character | Sep 1, 2024

The ill-fated mortal swordsman who would become the Skull Knight, demigod of repentant monsters

One of the major goals of my setting is to explore myths & gods in their humble origins, using the styles of magic realism and metarealism. The origin story of my demigod The Skull Knight is, I feel, a successful attempt.
The Dye Wars
Military Conflict | Sep 1, 2024

A series of First Age wars that placed Waking Materia on the interplanar "map" and further stimulated colonization

A more thorough exploration of my setting's Early First Age, when the plane first began to be colonized by outsiders. The exploration of colonialism and its effects is another one of my interests.
  Anyway, time to get reading. I hope you enjoy your own reading week(s)! ~ Alan
  #summercamp #summercamp2024 #sc2024

16 SC2024 articles, 16k words. All the things!

Listed all on my homepage right here:

TTRPG world with Steampunk, Dragons, and Top Hats (and Gnomes!)

  #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

Made diamond for the first time!

I hope you all had a good summer camp! I wrote 32 prompts, which is an achievement since I haven't done that before. Gold's my usual goal. All three of my worlds got love this time, which was nice. Once judging's done, I'm hoping to go back and do some better artwork for the more important articles.
Summer Camp 2024: Prompts
Generic article | Aug 3, 2024

  And now, on to the reading part of Summer Camp.

Summer Camp 24 - Favourite Articles I Wrote

Hi everyone!   I hope you all had a great #SummerCamp! Mine went very well; I wrote 42 articles and I'm very happy with them and all the art and silly little doodles I've been able to addto them :D   My favourites are:  
  • My main character for this new world: Lady Olénie of Glass, an article with a lot of art that I like.
  • Magic system: Glass and Magic Lenses explaining how they are used to transform magic wavelengths and cast spell, and Runes, explaining how this symbolic writing system works and how it's linked to magic. I love how I've developed this system and how well I managed to make the hard rules work!
  • The past of my world: Dragonic magic manifestations, explaining how the emperors used to invoke dragon constructs to fight their enemies and how this ended up killing them and ending the empire, and The Last Emperor's Experimental Notes, which details the last experiments carried out by the emperors before their fall. These two were a real surprise, as I really don't like vehicle prompts, but then this sparked an idea that is now fundamental to the past of the city and current days' politics.
  • Animals: Painted magpie, clever animals whose love of pretty colours is being exploited to pollinate flowers, and Tower cats, the little bosses of the city who keeps it free from vermin and dangerous magical creatures. Those two are just fun and cute articles.
  • Cat - magic.png
      Full list of my articles: Summer Camp 2024   #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp #summercamp #summercamp2024

    39 prompts done, and with that Summer Camp 2024 concludes for me

    I didn't have time to get all 42 and my last few buzzer beater entries probably need some polishing.   I had a lot of fun doing this. On the off chance someone wants to read my entries. Here they are with brief descriptions and mild commentary  
    My Summer Camp 2024 Page
    Generic article | Aug 24, 2024

    hyperlinks to all my Summer Camp 2024 articles, Gold Achieved, onward to diamond

    I will admit not all prompts are 100% finished but I ended with 9 and am happy with it. I have many new ideas :) #SummerCamp2024

    Go Copper!

    My pledge for #Summercamp2024 was for Gold, but my July didn't go as expected and I had to euthanise my beautiful dog best friend and writing buddy unexpectedly.
      I still managed to get to copper today, and I'm pretty happy with most of what I wrote! I'll probably expand all of these once the judging is over, but I'm glad I tried to get some done, and it was great fun writing some things I otherwise wouldn't have thought to write!
      Have a read if you've got a moment, a few have some accompanying art too! Looking forward to reading through a bunch of articles tomorrow <3
      Weavetearing Rokkai Tea Ceremony: Tchhrro Warbris The Slagpiles Bonemoth Addyl Greattree Ward Jarrstone Island
      Happy Summer Camp Finale everyone!

    Skin of my teeth but I managed 32 prompts completed, it's been fun.


    Last bit of articles AND good news!

    I successfully did 16 articles this year! I was worried I wouldn't and then I just decided on a wildcard and said 'fuck it, let's go'. I would have done one sooner than last minute, but it's been an extremely rough week.
      However, before I go into my last articles, I want to share good news! I am setting the date for publishing Inarora's Excursion to be September 22, 2024. So I'm going to be a published author in a little over a month and a half! I'll make a few other posts about it later on.
      Anyway, last few articles hath arrived! I do apologize, I don't have much to really say about any of these articles but I am trying lol.
    Anti-Cavity Salve
    Technology / Science | Jul 30, 2024
    This was kind of inspired by the knowledge that we COULD have a cavity vaccine but they won't let it happen. Which honestly, I could use that vaccine's the Anti-Cavity Salve LOL.
    Illusion Tags
    Technology / Science | Jul 30, 2024
    Illusion Tags. I'm sorry, not sorry, but they were inspired by Naruto. I just thought it was a neat idea. And ofc I took my own creative liberties.
    Made With Love or Hate
    Myth | Aug 3, 2024
    Last one, made with love or hate. Idk, I just threw this together. But it is a very interesting concept so I figured, why the hell not?
      Anyway, thank you all for the love you've given my articles this month. Good luck to the other competitors out there. :)
      #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp #summercamp #summercamp2024 #urbanfantasy #fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Publishing

    32 articles created! I have hit Diamond at last!

    I've done what I have set out to do for this year's #SummerCamp2024: achieve Diamond by creating 32 articles of worldbuilding. Thankfully, I paced myself so that I can let my creativity flow without pushing too hard. Now, I'm gonna take a break for a while. I know the Summer Reading challenge is coming up, and I'll join in. But for now, I'm taking it easy.
    I'm two away from finishing with bronze! Pretty sure I'll finish by the end of day #summercamp2024
    3 from Gold, and I do not know if I can cross the finish line. But been thoroughly inspired for both my worlds. #SummerCamp2024

    Broken Dulcet Chapter 28 is Live and Summer Camp Updates

    Read Chapter 28 here,
      Lapis breaks.

      #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #sciencefiction
      So I've got 27/32 prompts done. My goal was gold, so I have that! I'm going to focus and get the last five done before tomorrow. It will happen: two are written and need art, and if I keep the last three under 1000K, I should be good. I've never hit diamond before, so this will be a first!
      I'm proud of my articles. They've risen naturally from the prompts and my world settings. Some are things I should have written about before, so this has been a great opportunity to get them down.
    Summer Camp 2024: Prompts
    Generic article | Aug 3, 2024

      #summercamp #summercamp2024
      I've hit 806K page views on my World Anvil account! Yes, I'm excited. It means people are reading my stuff! Speaking of which, Ambercaast is coming up on 175K views! I'm so happy to have the World Anvil readership. It keeps my creativity going because I know I'm not writing to the void.
      After summer camp, I'm planning to focus on
    1) getting all my worlds updated with their new themes. Yes, I still haven't settled for one for Lapis of Nicodem, but hey, we'll see what I come up with
    2) get the fourth book of Wellsprings Dragons finished
    3) judge my entries! There are 212 so far, but I'm not certain how many of them have Challenge turned on. Regardless, I will have a lot of reading this month
    4) I really should take a break this month. I need one. Will it happen? ...maybe
      That's all for this week! Have a great end to summer camp, y'all!

    The Big Four-Two!! Nearly 25,000 words!

    My eternal gratitude once again to this wonderful community for this fun and productive summer. With this summer camp I was really able to curb my perfectionism and hammer out a lot of quality writing. Thank you so much!
    My free-to-use, public domain banner collection is now up to 70 images from the original 30! I have also made a "NEW" section for regular visitors to know the recent additions from the old ones.
  • A artificial, hydrid species -- Brackish Taro
  • A tradition that represents moral decay -- The Children of Ob'Silexia
  • An animal that feeds on decay -- Oozeëater Anzu
  • Tech that resists decay -- Body Wardrobes
  • A degenerative condition -- Sleeping Sickness
  • A region that's expanding -- Mai Butte
  • A food valued by travelers -- Ilex Tea
  • A building meant to be temporary -- The Organ of Clarion Canyon
    For those who missed them, here too are my Copper & Silver Articles, my Gold Articles and my Diamond Articles.
    From the time of my publishing this, we have about a day left! Happy writing everyone!
    ~ Alan
    #summercamp #summercamp2024 #sc2024 #banners
    I finished the last of 42/42 #SummerCamp2024 prompts tonight!

    Summer Camp 2024

    I aimed for a Copper badge and by golly I got eight drafts posted. It was a really busy month so the articles aren't as finished and polished as I would like, but I set a goal and I met it. Now I can spend August cleaning up. I know I have more to say for a couple of them which is pretty inspiring, and one I already think I might entirely rewrite. Looking forward to reading what other people have done! #SummerCamp2024   ORCS, THOSE WHO ROAM A Displaced People   ABHORGEN FEVER A Degenerative Disease   DRAHONACH, THE VALLEY OF DRAGONS A Naturally Sheltered Place   OBSIDIAN, BORN OF STARS AND DARKNESS An Evil Spirit, or Divine Antagonist   KALA OF SUNWELL-IN-THE-DESERT A Storyteller, Author or Bard   ATOS OF RED-SEAT-IN-THE-DESERT A Character Who Undergoes a Metamorphosis   IRON MOUNTAINS, WHERE THE GIANT SLUMBERS A Tumultuous Region Prone to Natural Disasters   INADNE DRAGONS, BEASTS OF SKY AND FIRE A Species With Protective Anatomy

    Gold Achieved! Summer Camp's Complete!

    Phew! I set out to join my first #SummerCamp with 8 prompts completed and instead rallied for 24 completed articles! This having been my first writing "assignment" in years, I really enjoyed having quick, specific goals available to achieve. It has really changed the way I will be approaching a lot of my creative endeavors moving forward, which is definitely the biggest victory from this month.
      I'm quite proud of what I've put together in these articles. I touched on various subjects I wouldn't normally hit on my own, and it has brought the land of Dendralis so much more to life! The fact that I created imagery for nearly all of these articles (some cover images were used for multiple articles), only adds to the quality of this output. I also dabbled in some minor formatting for the first time that I think really helped with the longer 'wall of text' articles.
      With that said, I'll include a few of my favorite articles below, along with my hub page that lists every article written for summer camp. Best of luck to everyone finishing up! I'm going to take some time off before Saturday's stream and the launch of the Reading Challenge.
    Summer Camp 2024
    Generic article | Aug 8, 2024

    The Separation
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Aug 12, 2024

    Character | Aug 1, 2024

    Military Conflict | Sep 3, 2024

    Turtles Without Their Shells
    Myth | Aug 1, 2024

    Organization | Aug 1, 2024

    Talamus Wynned
    Character | Aug 1, 2024

      #SummerCamp2024 #Terramora #TheDudeAbides

    The Diamond Round-Up! #SummerCamp2024

    Well, I didn't think I'd be able to do it this year, but I sure proved myself wrong! With ample time to spare I finished 32 articles and got myself into Diamond for the second year in a row! I'm not backing down now, but we'll see just how far we can get in this final final week of the challenge.
      As we close out this final week, I just want to say it's been fantastic getting to see everyone stepping up and creating such a vast variety of articles this year, especially in the Discord which I've tried to be at least a little more active in. I look forward to the reading challenge here in a few days, and I hope you all will bear with me as I write more, for world building and stories, in the future.
      Without further ado, here's your ValentineDM selection for the Diamond wave of prompts:
    Everpine Wood
    Material | Jul 25, 2024

    A rare type of wood immune to rot

    Fae Forager
    Profession | Jul 29, 2024

    Planar hunters that get rare materials from the ever-shifting Fey Court

    The Pan-Eddan Alliance
    Organization | Jul 29, 2024

    The allegiance between all Rulers of Edda, recently forged

    Charity of Pir
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 30, 2024

    An Agarthan festival supposedly centered around charity

    Rust Slugs
    Species | Jul 24, 2024

    A small slug that feasts on, yet can also cause, rust

    Lich Limb
    Condition | Jul 24, 2024

    A necromantic curse that acts like a degenerative condition.

    Charm of Stasis
    Technology / Science | Jul 30, 2024

    A charm to preserve a subject as best as it can be

    Keiki Inaina
    Geographic Location | Jul 30, 2024

    A series of volcanic islands between the 'Oki Islands and Kaguya that're up to debate


    All 42 prompts done.

    I got 41 and 42 done. Most were for my Sielah Universe but I did do #42 for Caelum Prime. Yippy!
    SC24 Article List
    Generic article | Aug 23, 2024


    Two more articles down

    It's been a really hard week for me so I haven't really done much in regards to these articles.
      Arenai Taisha Shrine Probably one of my favorite articles that I didn't know I needed? Because this would make a great spot for Seri to take Inarora in a later story honestly, even as a short story. And if I can come up with more history behind it then even better, because I feel like Seri would info dump about the shrine while walking Inarora through.
      Kiduli Islands This one isn't really my best article, as again I've been struggling the past week. I mean I hope it's good enough, I think it is, but with everything going on I'm kinda struggling through my remaining articles soooo yeah.
      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #summercamp #summercamp2024 #fantasy #urbanfantasy #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy

    Diamond Achieved, but there are still ten empty prompts...

    I got my 32nd article submitted, but I want to run the score up and see how close to 40 I can get.
      Links to my 32 submission with brief commentary is below.
    My Summer Camp 2024 Page
    Generic article | Aug 24, 2024

    hyperlinks to all my Summer Camp 2024 articles, Gold Achieved, onward to diamond

      Of the prompts I haven't got to yet, they are somewhat difficult not because I cannot do them, but because I already did very similar articles long ago and Summer Camp is supposed to be about new material. I'll try to see if I can get to 36 at least.

    Diamond has happened!

    When I started summercamp, I was hoping to write just 8 articles, and now I have 32! I am honestly so overwhelmed with how much I have progressed in my writing this month, and how much fun I've had. Hoepfully, I'll have time to go back and expand on some of my articles before the end of the challenge.  

    Diamond Articles

  • The Universe
  • The Storyteller
  • Gravitational Weakness
  • Plant Shelters
  • When the Stars go Out
  • Mudstone
  • Travel
  • Whispers
  • #summercamp #summercamp2024

    Caturday Reads #11

    Happy Caturday!   So, we're marching into the last week of Summer Camp. How did you find the Decay-theme and its prompts?   I struggled with the homework related to it, but didn't have as man problems with the prompts as I thought I'd have - I think the gold prompts were harder for me to come up with relevant ideas for.   And here's this week's featured articles:  

    Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Diamond Week!

    Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend!   * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

    Greenglimmer Chapter 24 is Live and Summer Camp Updates

    Read Chapter 24 here.   The surge comes, and Vantra is washed away...   Trigger warning for man-made disaster.  
      #darkfantasy   ****   I've reached silver, though I'm a bit behind where I wanted to be with Summer Camp at this point. This week has been a rollercoaster of emotion (sadness, feeling helpless, lots of chocolate, seeing light and hope). I'll catch up as long as I can keep my articles below 1K. (BTW this is why my Greenglimmer chapter is not as devastating as I planned. That's OK, I think it works better world-wise this way).  
    Summer Camp 2024: Prompts
    Generic article | Aug 3, 2024
      #summercamp #summercamp2024   ****   That's all I have for this week. Most of my effort is summer camp-related, so you can see what I've been working on this month in the articles. No grand art, no time, but I've made some cute, sketchier pics.   Take care all. And may you NOT live in interesting times (it's a PITA).   Kwyn
    Hi ho, Silver. #SummerCamp2024

    Fictional slang is always fun to come up with

    I picked a lot of creative momentum with this prompt and wrote more than I initially expected to.
    Religious Based Slang Terms in Scarterra
    Language | Sep 16, 2024

    Common religious based vernacular in Scarterra


    Learn some of the races of Arktoria!

    Hello & good timezone to everyone. I've just uploaded new content detailing some of the races of my world of Arktoria, and they are available for viewing. They are works-in-progress for the time being as there is more I need to add, but that is coming along. These are also not apart of the #SummerCamp2024 entries I have planned. They are simply apart of a list of new content that I've been working on for a while. You can view them below:
    Generic article | Sep 15, 2024

    Saurids, or simply saurid, are a group of reptiles that are apart of the realms of Aretz. They are members of the collection of beast races that have built civilizations, and have successfully co-existed with humanity and their branches.



    Thanks once again for all the support and advice I've received from this wonderful community. I'm so glad to know you all. Remember to keep being you, write what you enjoy, and polish, polish, polish. Also, don't forget to add mention of these articles to your other articles! I love cross-references, as I'm sure many others do.   BANNERS   My Free-to-use, public domain banner collection is now up to 66 images from the original 30! I have also made a "NEW" section for regular visitors to know the recent additions.   ARTICLES   I had a lot of fun with the Diamond series! My new articles are as follows.
  • A myth about food: Kuni and the Magical Kitsuneudon
  • A city of pleasure: Dalmatica
  • A myth about the end of the world: The Terminal Dogmas
  • An occupation considered dirty: The Greyguards
  • A group fighting corruption: Volgirre
  • A material resistant to decay: Orihalcum
  • An organization built around belief: The Victorious Noontide
  • A famous bard: Notta Bitmore
  •   PREVIOUS ARTICLES   For those who missed them, here too are my Copper & Silver Articles and my Gold Articles.   Happy writing and good luck with the rest of Summer Camp, everyone! Remember it's not done this weekend but next weekend (something I only just realized recently lmao).   ~ Alan   #summercamp #summercamp2024 #sc2024 #banners

    Gold Wave completed, for now! #SummerCamp2024

    I've passed the line for the Gold Badge, further than I thought I was going to get, and have finished up for now with the Gold wave of prompts! I'm hoping in the two weeks to come that I'll have enough time and energy to go back for some of the articles I've skipped, but even if I just get to 32 and the Diamond badge, I'll have already blown so much of my own expectations out of the water!
      I hope everyone's been having a good summer camp so far! What've you guys been proudest of?? I'd love to read whatever articles you feel best about! Don't forget to give yourself time to rest and recover and enjoy time outdoors when you can!
      To send off this journal post, here's the articles I've done for the Gold wave: Belief
    Organization | Jul 17, 2024

    A particularly spirited group of nature-focused priests

    The Life of Death and Death of Life
    Myth | Jul 18, 2024

    A foundational myth for the True Giants

    Edicts of Restriction
    Document | Jul 22, 2024

    A manifesto of oppression for non-believers throughout Afallon, planted by a devious outsider

    Divine Dragon Scales
    Item | Jul 15, 2024

    Sacred talismans in worship of The Mother Dragons

    Great Fae Speaker
    Rank/Title | Jul 24, 2024

    The mortal leader of the God-Fae faith and vessel for their divine powers

    Seidou {星道} Exorcism
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 17, 2024

    The primary Kaguyan method of Exorcism, especially among clerics.

    Settlement | Jul 19, 2024

    A city of great affluence, where someone's always throwing a party

    Artificial Chimeras
    Species | Jul 19, 2024

    Man-made monsters of multiple origins

      Happy #SummerCamp all, and here's to making it across the finish line soon! I believe in you all!!!!

    Number Eleven done today!

    Phew I'm almost done. I have five more articles to write and I gotta think about which ones I am gonna do.
      Anyway, here are the three I've gotten done since the last time I posted:
    Armored Rawhendianti
    Species | Jul 18, 2024
    I dunno what to say about this one honestly. This guy probably never makes an appearance in my book LOL.
    Destroyer of Enaros
    Myth | Jul 29, 2024
    This one might be my favorite for the sheer fact that this myth exists about my MC, Inarora, who literally wouldn't even hurt a fly. She is just the sweetest person ever and loves cuddling with her father(s and mom). She feels awful when she accidentally hurts a bug or animal, or even a plant! Shit, she feels awful when she knocks a plushie off her bed because she can't sleep normally. So it's funny that this myth even exists and literally every person who knows her is like, "LOL what?"
    Dusk Plague
    Condition | Jul 28, 2024
    Lastly this is actually an article I've procrastinated on writing because I just didn't feel like it/I didn't feel like I had the right inspiration for it yet. But this is such a big thing because this is what killed the dragons that it needed to get written. So yippee! I got that done finally.
      And I will work out the last five articles at some point soon. I'll get there. Eventually.
      #UrbanFantasy #Fantasy #fantasy #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #summercamp #summercamp2024 #urbanfantasy #dragons

    I've written quite a few articles in the past weeks, but not all of them can be submitted for #SummerCamp2024

    Not that that's a problem, it's mostly just because I've been writing sub-articles for the most part, so I haven't been able to do too much relating to the specific prompts. I have, however, managed to submit 10 articles so far, so at least I have the Bronze Badge, which is nice.   Also, as this is a TTRPG World, I have had to wait on my Players to create characters so I can populate the world with relevant NPCs, Places and Events, so that's somewhat limited me. But I've recently spoken to them, and I should have a bevy of PCs incoming soon, which will allow me to write a lot more Lore to tie into the Campaign.   Needless to say, but I'm quite excited for all this, as I have had this Campaign idea rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken for almost two years now, and I feel like it's starting to reach the perfectly cooked point :)

    The Wall of Quelow! A new article for Summercamp
      #summercamp #SummerCamp2024 #fantasy

    Gold's in the bag, Diamond is in sight!

    So, this past week did not go as smoothly as the first two. I had a bit of trouble coming up with ideas that would both fit the prompts AND the world. Nonetheless, i managed to write articles for 6 of last week's 10 new prompts, plus an article for the "person going through change" prompt from the first week. With that, i reached 24 prompts, meaning i am only 8 articles away from getting diamond.
      The new prompts are.... interesting. I don't really have ideas for most of them so far, but i'll sleep on it and we'll see tomorow and the rest of the week. I still have draft articles i have yet to finish and publish, so those, plus whatever i come up with for this week's prompts should put me over the 32 mark fairly easily, and so im not too worried. Still on track for diamond!
      Here are the articles i wrote this past week:
    Choranian Prayer
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 16, 2024
    City of Lylos
    Settlement | Sep 2, 2024
    Ak'aari Greeting
    Language | Jul 17, 2024
    The Gold Jaguar of Noamarù
    Item | Jul 19, 2024
    Ximal: Ak'aaran God of the Underworld
    Character | Jul 18, 2024
    Xahkum's Legion
    Organization | Jul 19, 2024
    Character | Jul 20, 2024

      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

    Gold Achieved, onward to diamond

    Just completed my 24th prompt today. Onwards and upwards. The diamond prompts are solid, but I think my favorite set this year was the Gold Prompts. I am certainly enjoying this contest.
      Check out my progress below.
    My Summer Camp 2024 Page
    Generic article | Aug 24, 2024

    hyperlinks to all my Summer Camp 2024 articles, Gold Achieved, onward to diamond


    I'm back and hitting SummerCamp 2024 very hard!!!

    I have returned from a bit of a unintended hiatus and will be submitting entries for #SummerCamp2024 in the following days. You can read two of the ones I've submitted using the links below:
    Organization | Sep 10, 2024

    The Collens are a semi-secret organization dedicated to preserving the harmony between civilizations, helping those less fortunate, and defending the innocent from the corrupt forces. The Collens have involved themselves in the events that have affect the


    Caturday Reads #10

    Happy Caturday!
      Since I've had a fairly good day today, and certainly a much better day compared to last Saturday, I got my reading done early. There was even more new authors and worlds I didn't recognize which was really exciting. :)
      And the reading helped making me feel inspired to write again so, after taking my daily walk, maybe I'll get a prompt or two done myself. I've had no problem coming up with fitting ideas for several prompts but in the past weeks felt too drained to get much of anything done without forcing it.
      Here's a selection of the entries responsible for reigniting the spark:

    Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Gold Week!

      Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!
      That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!
      * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.
      #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

    Closing off Summercamp Week 2 Stuff (just before Week 4, oops!)

    It took a million years for me to get anything done for Summercamp Week 2 - I only barely managed to actually finish one article by the Week3 Twitch stream, and only managed to finish one other article from that week, period. That said, I did get two core documents done, thus breaking my weird tendency to do articles that linger on the outside of the concept instead of the main stuff.   Anyway my Week Two stuff:   WILDCARD: A sub-culture considered larger-than-life by some:
    Crimson Court
    Ethnicity | Sep 16, 2024

    The social/political center of Amayan Society; host of the Blood Game.

    My world's namesake. The Crimson Court is the primary setting of much of my vision, and this article is the current apple of my eye.   A technology used for defense or protection:
    Golden Cage
    Technology / Science | Jul 19, 2024

    A seemingly impassable and impenetrable wall that separates each of the Three Realms from the others.

    A fitting end followup to my Week 1 theme of the big war, since the Cage is what ended said war.   I do mean to go back and do more Week2 prompts hopefully. As for Week 3, it's gone much better so far, so there will be a normal week wrapup post at a normal time instead of... cough two weeks late.   P.S. I have no idea how people put headers on these posts, nothing I do works? Curious.   #SummerCamp2024! #summercamp!

    Gold Achieved! Now off to Diamond!

    My sincerest thanks again for all the advice and support I've received this Summer Camp. You guys are keepers! I can truly feel my writing skills leveling up in real time.   As usual, I'm continuing to update my collection of Free-to-use, public domain banners to help people spice up their articles while focusing on the writing. A couple were requests -- yes I do take those! You can use my Guestbook or DM me in the WA Discord.   I've also been enjoying your entries a lot, and will compile my own "Greatest Hits" in due time.   RECENT ENTRIES
  • A commonly-believed myth: Solonn and the Mountain Lady
  • An evil spirit & divine antagonist: Hildegard van Elmdor
  • A spuriously-attributed document: The Curated Reflections of Zaffa the Idiot
  • A holy symbol of belief: The Petrified Forest of Hemlock Veldt
  • A slang or language associated with belief: Religious Slang on Waking Materia
  • A leader or high-ranking person: The Answer
  • A practice/ceremony of worship: The Ruskansmøt
  • And in case you missed them, here are my Copper and Silver entries.   Happy writing and have a great weekend!   #summercamp #summercamp2024

    Curious about the deep-seated enmity between Vampyres and Lycans in my world? Discover the secrets behind their ancient feud in
      #SummerCamp #fantasy #SummerCamp2024 #whatIamReading

    Halfway done!

    Honestly, I'm really proud of my progress this week. I finally hit 8 articles, and I'm halfway to my goal!
      Hwindhita Dasith This one, I'm not sure entirely on but I think with the creation of the Order of the Xoltin, I actually might continue with this idea because clearly, Inarora is gonna need that help.
      Order of the Xoltin This one is honestly hilarious though because if one were to look at Inarora, then read this, they'd laugh. Like. Inarora won't even hurt a fly wtf you mean she's allegedly going to end the world? Are you on drugs? (they probably are on drugs)
      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #UrbanFantasy #Fantasy #Cult #EndofDays

    The Mighty Draquis Axe! A living weapon that siphons the blood of its victims! Follow me for more!

    #fantasy #SummerCamp #summercamp2024

    Two done in one day?!

    Doing these on weekends and telework days are honestly the best days for me lol. But ayo I got two of these bad boys down.
    Yuêndàn Mo
    Character | Jul 15, 2024
    These guys...I really don't know. I just bullshitted it and sprayed with febreeze. Inspired by the fox spirits in east Asian culture, with a twist of my own (I hope it's like that anyway). Not my finest work but hey I wrote something.
    Vy'lantia City, Hampton
    Settlement | Jul 25, 2024
    This one kinda became a reference to like...The Bronx with a mix of Portsmouth, Virginia somehow. (I'm a Virginian don't judge me). Specifically, the casino is a reference to good ol' P-Town. No. I don't like that casino. What was your first clue? And I dunno. I guess it also has elements from other areas of the country too. Idk fully.
      So I uh. Had some extra spoons for worldbuilding today. (I may or may not have been procrastinating draft 1.5 of my novel). Yippee
      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #Fantasy #Colonialism #Summercamp #summercamp #summercamp2024 #procrastination #urbanfantasy


    I've been chugging away at the Summer Camp prompts. I'm at 22 out of 40, which puts me two away from gold and 10 away from my Diamond pledge goal. I've been keeping my article list updated and will continue to do so.
    SC24 Article List
    Generic article | Aug 23, 2024
    Meet a small part of my universe and its cast! House Dos'Soma and House Paraxious! #fantasy #summercamp2024

    And that makes Summer Camp Entry #5

    Took an idea from a while back and expanded on it. Pretty pleased with it. I recall I had an idea about the various kinds of Bigfoot and using them as Giants instead of the usual fantasy sort. This is definitely an I idea I am expanding upon.
      The more I do these Summer Camp articles the more the world is getting fine tuned. I'm getting a better idea of it and some of the concepts and how the story can take place in it. I may started working on another world taking all these ideas and building from them.
    Geographic Location | Jul 15, 2024

      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

    Liberty, equality and fraternity for all rat-kind!

    I enjoyed creating the Rat Post from last years #SummerCamp and wanted to revisit it, It's a bit mad, but I thought the rats needed some representation in #SummerCamp2024. This time the true Rat King claims his throne in Namor's undercity.
    The Manifesto of the True Rat King
    Document | Jul 16, 2024

    Whiskers, Whimsy, and Urban Legends


    Fourth Article Down!

    Phew! I have four articles down. I was lucky enough not to have to go out today so I decided, why not make article number four? Hopefully tomorrow and Tuesday will also involve some article writing. I always need an excuse to keep worldbuilding lmaoooooo.
      Honestly, I'm v proud of all of these articles so far this year. And want to talk about each one so far
    Original Ph'tani
    Ethnicity | Jul 27, 2024
    Original Ph'tani was my first one. In the book, I often talk about how the Naa'ran humans took over their country, so I'm actually glad I had to write this because I needed to have a good reference point for this.
    Milana: City of Peace
    Settlement | Jul 25, 2024
    Milana I don't have much to say about. I wrote this one because of Rhanalan and the strife that happened, and I did realize they needed a safe zone. Or at least one they thought was safe. I don't think I expected to write it the way I did but I think I enjoyed how it came out.
    Sareng Nlantrî
    Geographic Location | Jul 14, 2024
    Okay this one was full bushittery and me drawing inspo from Luray Caverns in my home state of Virginia. Honestly, I should go one day. It's just unfortunately very much out of the way for me. But one day, I'll visit the place that inspired this article.
    Mela Sule
    Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024
    I actually reference this festival in my first book towards the end but I didn't go into much detail. However, I wrote a short story with my bestie that did, in fact, feature this. I was stuck at first because I didn't know what to do. It's not quite a comfort thing but it is tradition, and it did start as a way to comfort the people of the country.
      So I think I'm doing great and having a lot of fun this year lol.
      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #HavingFun #fantasy #urbanfantasy

    Summercamp Silver!

    Week two is over and I managed to complete 16 prompts (already double what I pledged to complete)! I enjoyed the theme of refuge this week and found that it fit nicely into my world. I've focused mainly on earth with the prompts so far, so with next weeks theme of Belief, I'm hoping to explore more about the culture of some of the other species in my world and develop some more of The Orion System.

    Week 2 Prompts

  • Earthen Ecological Society
  • Earth Defense Guard
  • Personal Communicators
  • The International Space Station
  • Spacesuits
  • Reading
  • Stars

  •   #summercamp #summercamp2024

    Why is naming things so difficult?

    I've managed to write 13 Summer Camp articles so far. It is really good fun but honestly I have spent so much time trying to think of names for everything, is is almost impossible.

    Summer camp week 2

    This week was a much slower week as expected, but I did manage to get a few prompts done to reach Copper. Onwards to Silver in week 3! My focus was on a specific gang of Warlords of the deep desert of Ardi-Kokufa, their leader , where they live and the dumplings which are a pretty awesome comfort food for those living in the Deadlands.
    Thunzen Waters
    Settlement | Jul 14, 2024

    An ancient Klomerati reservoir sustains the largest of the warlord gangs of the deadlands

    Dead Set Culver
    Character | Jul 13, 2024

    An imposing devilkin and Klomerati symbiote who is the leader of the Unyielding warlord band at Thunzen Waters

    Salt plum dumplings
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 14, 2024

    A delicacy from the deserts of Ardi-Kokufa

      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024


    I did it! I've completed 8 prompts and acquired the Copper Badge!!! I was definitely overthinking it going into this and I'm way more capable in prompt based challenges than I thought I was. On top of that all the articles that came out of this are absolute bangers that I'm super happy with. Maybe I'll even take a victory lap and go for Silver, but no promises vhbdsfkvjhb.
      I think my favorite article so far in Summer Camp is still this one on caring for Beast Type Knights. I just can't get over the opening prose. Pure comfort, it is.
    Beast Type Care
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 31, 2024

    A wholesome exploration of Beast Types and their implications

    #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

    Caturday Reads #9

    Happy Sundog! ... And belated happy Caturday!   Since I was sick and bedridden most of yesterday, I'm releasing my planned reading journal today instead. It's been fun to see so many new names coming up during the silver week and it was actually a bit difficult to pick out this week's featured reads - after sorting out the worlds that got a feature last week, I ended up deciding by dice roll for near all prompts! But don't worry, the rest are going to my trusty reading list for later features. :)   So, without further ado:  
    Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Silver Week!
      Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!   * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

    16 prompts done, 16 to go

    I locked down silver. Onwards to gold on my way to diamond. You can see everything I got so far here with brief commentary.
      The third batch of prompts looks pretty promising.
    My Summer Camp 2024 Page
    Generic article | Aug 24, 2024

    hyperlinks to all my Summer Camp 2024 articles, Gold Achieved, onward to diamond


    Third article down!

    Phew I'm really taking my sweet time with this this year but it's because I've been working on my book while also working a full time job. So my time is limited for making articles but I am trying! Hopefully I'll hit my goal this year though.
      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #Fantasy

    How do we make the Summer Camp Prompts?

    It may seem weird but, even though I create the Summer Camp prompts, I never think about how I'm going to use them in my own worlds.
      Let me explain: there's a lot of different things that goes into creating prompts. We need to make sure they work for any kind of genre, technology level and setting. They have to make sense for novel worlds and RPG worlds. They need to be flexibly worded enough that they can be twisted to fit different purposes... but if they're too open, they aren't inspiring. And we need things we can think of examples for, both in the real world and in fiction, so you guys have a head start when creating them. (If you haven't read Roc's excellent blogs unpacking the prompts , you really should!)
      And, of course, we need to use pretty much every template at least once, but not TOO many times (looking at you, 6 species prompts for SC23).
      But what I categorically DON'T do, is look at my own world and think about what would be helpful for me! So it's always a fun adventure fitting the prompts into my own worldbuilding projects. :D
      One of the best tips I can share is this: if something doesn't fit, remember to consider the history of your world. For example, the world i'm writing is cozy fantasy, and the Change wave - upheaval, disasters, collapse - was a bit dramatic for the setting. So instead, I used the prompts to create the destruction of an Ancient Empire in the past. That's set up a bunch of awesome stuff in motion for the present day of my world - things like equal sapient rights, and awesome dungeons, and underdark species that lurk on the surface (which is what happens when the Underdark collapses!). So, if a prompt isn't fitting in your world neatly, consider stuffing it in the past, and see what it informs about the present day of your world. It might add richness you don't expect!
      Whatever you're worldbuilding, happy writing, beautiful beans! <3

    Half Way There...

    ...whoa-oh, livin' on a prayer...   Appropriate, I guess, since the next wave is Belief. Finally got the last few silver prompts done, in time for wave three. I don't know what the "Belief" theme will hold for my world, I'm hoping I'll be able to twist the prompts in useful ways, but we'll see.   A tradition that occurs in my naturally sheltered place
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 18, 2024

    Once the rulers of Khaldai have determined that an older member of the family is behaving erratically, a day is set aside for a celebration of life and a soothing ritual to lead that person to their peaceful death.

      An organization that thinks of itself as doing good
    The Unbound
    Organization | Jul 13, 2024

    There have always been those who strive against the Sanguine Tower. The current band of renegade casters, tower escapees, and misguided sympathizers call themselves the Unbound.

      And a settlement created when folks took refuge in some natural catacombs
    Maurac Catacombs
    Settlement | Jul 18, 2024

    The Catacombs started as a natural network of limestone caves but grew to be not just a refugee settlement, but a beacon of learning and hope during The Shattering.

      (as always, I forgot the tags) #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024 #summercamp

    Greenglimmer Ch 23 is Live! and SC Updates

    Read Chapter 23 here   Flickering flames; a warning or a threat?  
      #darkfantasy   ****   I have some Summer Camp Goodness to share! I have more prompts written, I just need artwork. I've been agonizing over the art--and then realized that readers aren't going to expect it to be perfect. Still, finding a larger-than-life pic to represent the pirates of Merdia is going to take some work.  
    Summer Camp 2024: Prompts
    Generic article | Aug 3, 2024
      #summercamp #summercamp2024   ****   So I expected to watch the Sage seminar and the prompt reveal tomorrow--then my husband told me that the flight he thought was on Sunday is actually on Saturday. So instead of sitting in my nice creative space enjoying streams, I'll be driving to LAX and back.   For those of you who don't understand LA traffic--driving to LAX SUUUUUUCKS.   ****   Hope everyone is having a great Summer Camp!   Kwyn

    I hit Silver! And my world is almost 20k Words big!

    Well that is a massive surprise to me ... Not only I have managed to hit silver before the gold stream my world is SO big I cannot even... I have been so inspired and excited that I have written massive #SummerCamp articles and many non-summercamp articles... I am going truly #FERAL


    Today I am finishing my Silver round with a military conflict my favourite type of article and I wanted to share it with you

    Battle of Juggermire Isle
    Military Conflict | Jul 12, 2024

    Join my Victorian Steampunk Adventures

          #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

    All the way to bronze with some short and snappy posts and a new banner for Amnar. #SummerCamp2024

    OK. Here's the thing. I'm terrible at telling people I've done things. I put my head down this week to try to get all eight prompts done in a decent amount of time.
      Some of these are really short. I also haven't remembered to send out notifications to all the lovely people following the world of Amnar (15! That feels huge to me).
    Kata Barrier
    Technology / Science | Jul 11, 2024

    Species | Jul 11, 2024

    At-Alesh: The First Temple of Isha
    Building / Landmark | Jul 9, 2024

      I think that's me up to date. I have so many things in my head I want to do, and I'm a little bit all over the place right now. I treated myself to this image from Tithi Luadthong because I love their work, but now I need to develop a proper banner with "Amnar" or "Five Empires" all over it.
      Loving SummerCamp, loving spending time on this site. T is out on Saturday so I'm going to be able to come to the livestream. YASS! #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

    The ValentineDM Bronze Collection! #SummerCamp2024

    After a rough period of low energy, high work, and struggles of neurodivergent origins, I finally got 9/10 of the Copper prompts done. The only one i'm saving for now is the Character article, as those always take so long for me to get done! (I can't help it, I love details too much!)
      But! As for the rest of my articles, feel free to check them out! I feel pretty dang good about them all, and hope others think the same~! And here's hoping the BBCode is about to work too XD, either way, marching on to Silver!
    1. The Wild Wall
      Geographic Location | Jul 11, 2024

      The great barrier around Edda, keeping it seperated from the wider world.

    2. Banshee Blizzards
      Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 11, 2024

      Destructive storms that are chaotic enough to wake the dead

    3. Red Wrath
      Condition | Jul 3, 2024

      A terrifying fungal infection that can render one violent and volatile

    4. The Final Demands
      Document | Jul 11, 2024

      The 'Oki Islands ultimatum for autonomy

    5. Parisian Dark Elves
      Ethnicity | Jul 11, 2024

      A notable yet often unfortunate cultural group that exists throughout Atalanta, but most in Paris.

    6. The Strike of Exile
      Military Conflict | Jul 11, 2024

      The first strike of The Exiles Din that lit the fuse for Magnum Opus' independence

    7. Magnian Rail Train
      Vehicle | Jul 1, 2024

      The most efficient traincar currently used in all of Edda.

    8. Golden Apple Mead
      Myth | Jul 11, 2024

      A tale of a cheated goddess and the disastrous results

    9. The Whirl of Whimsy
      Building / Landmark | Jul 25, 2024

      A magical circus tent that offers a peak into various other planes of Edda, free of charge!


    Finished my first 8 prompts yesterday, and am excited to push to silver next!!!

    I have been on the platform for a few years and watched most of these challenges from afar. World Ember 2023 is the first one I really dipped my toes into, and I wanted to challenge myself with Elturia to get into #SummerCamp2024. While I didn't have time last month to "do my homework" with life obligations, I am pushing myself to get to gold! Here are the first 8 articles I have written, hope you enjoy!
      A conflict that involved a changing environment
    Sackrym's Folly, End to the War of Broken Bones
    Military Conflict | Jul 1, 2024

      An environmental or other large-scale natural disaster
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 1, 2024

      A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis
    Hraedrek, the Fallen
    Character | Jul 3, 2024

      A sickness that caused societal upheaval
    Skratt bisporus
    Condition | Jul 4, 2024

      A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something
    Wolf Guard
    Military Formation | Jul 6, 2024

      A displaced people in your world
    Ethnicity | Jul 7, 2024

      A settlement considered a refuge
    Fot Sterkha
    Settlement | Jul 7, 2024

      A tradition that gives comfort
    Tradition / Ritual | Jul 7, 2024

    A Personal Item that keeps you safe

    Hello everyone! How have you been? I've been pretty busy with exams lately (I'm still tho) and despite not being sure if I'm participating in Summer Camp as always, I'm glad to tell you all that I am "still" taking part of it. "How?" you may be wondering. Well, I joined forces with George Sanders for making the prizes for all the entries of the 16th prompt, "An item that keeps you safe" that make it to the short list!   You can read more about the prizes we are preparing for you in George's judging article: Personal Item Judging.   We are already excited to read your entries!   #summercamp #summercamp2024 #prompts

    Summer Camp Prompt 16 - Personal Item

    ...Somewhere in your setting, describe "A personal item that keeps you safe." That's my sponsored prompt. I made an article for the prompt I sponsored. It has all the details about the prizes and judging. I'll be adding my item for fun and will put the short list for the prompt prize winners on the article at the end of the month. Personal Item Judging

    When I entered this world, I did not understand pockets. Where I was from, nature provided most of what I needed. The magic of the place let me shape and create anything else I could imagine.

    In my home now, Monsilt, everyone carries tools and supplies. From work to work. To the market, to home. While out on errands or even just for a walk. But I noticed they also carry personal items - often in their pockets. Before you go, I can't help myself. Could I ask - what is in your pockets?


    Take Part! Write this Prompt!

      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024

    Caturday Reads #8

    Happy Caturday!   So, first week of Summer Camp has come and gone, and people have been prolific writers as expected. Myself been taking it slow, with just one copper wave prompt out and another one still in the works.   What do you think about the newly released silver prompts? How did you like the copper wave ones? Silver wave didn't hit quite hit home with me right away the same way the copper ones did, but maybe I'll warm up to them once I've mulled over them for a bit.   I did do a lot of reading, though. As has been a personal custom for me every Summer Camp, I've gone through all prompts released so far, sped read the ones that matched my criterias* and caught my interest, and saved the ones I liked a lot in my reading list for later.   And I though: Maybe I should incorporate this in my reading journal series? Well...  

    Welcome to the Summer Jazz Special, Copper Wave!

      Below is one entry per prompt that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!   * I speed read articles that a) are written by authors I'm not very familiar with b) aren't text walls or bullet point lists c) I don't have to strain my eyes to read e) have the community features on so I can like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

    Wild Card Prompts for the win!

    Five prompts down, so I'm on pace for diamond.
      But by far I had the most fun making the two wild card prompts.
      I predict I will end up doing all eight wild card prompts this summer or close to it.
      Or maybe I just like writing articles that are indirectly about food....
    "The Mermaid and the Dragon"
    Myth | Jul 28, 2024

    apocryphal tale of a young mermaid outwitting a dragon

    the Storm House Eatery
    Building / Landmark | Aug 8, 2024

    one of Scarterra's first full restaurants


    Good luck to all #SummerCamp participants!

    Remember to treat this as a marathon and not a race! Listen to your body, drink water, sprinkle your writing with bits of exercise and don't skimp on sleep!
      Here's my first article, and one I'm proud of as it covers an extremely important part of my setting's history. Check it out!
      #SummerCamp #SummerCamp2024
    The Deluge
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Sep 1, 2024

    The planar catastrophe that has since defined Waking Materia in its Second and Third Ages


    Summercamp is fast approaching! (And I got a sheet or two for y'all)

    Oh gosh, this is going to be my sixth summercamp! How time flies by! I've finished today my whole homework (included the meta I've been pouting about for the past month) and I wanted to share it with y'all!

    Summercamp 2024
    Generic article | Jul 28, 2024

    Here we go again, for the sixth time

    [p[And, as you might be able to see in the article, I got a sheet for y'all! Han and I have worked together to bring you all a community spreadsheet! So feel free to grab a column and join us in the spreadsheet! (Any questions either drop a message here or search us in the WA discord)

    And, if you rather a spreadsheet for only yourself, you can find one here!

    #catoramblings #catochallenges #SummerCamp #summercamp #SC24 #SummerCamp2024 #summercamp2024

    Broken Dulcet Chapters 22 n 23 are Live! and Other Updates

    Sit back, relax, and read Chapter 22 here and
    Chapter 23 here.   The strangers make a startling offer that could give the rebels an upper hand against Gall.  
      #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy   ****   OK, it's far from a pretty homework, but here is my summer camp article (so far). My time has been a bit more limited than I expected to work on it (and my sites!). So it goes, I suppose.   ...I am in a rhyming mood, apparently.  
    Pledge WA Summer Camp 2024
    Generic article | Jul 12, 2024
      #summercamp2024   ****   Have a great day, all! I'll be working on the homepage for Lapis of Nicodem. Hopefully I can get it up before Summer Camp begins!   Kwyn

    The Feral Spirit stirs once more...

    SummerCamp 2024 Pledge
    Generic article | Jun 23, 2024

    My pledge to be at my feral best during Summer Camp 2024!

    #SummerCamp #SummerCampPrep #SummerCamp2024

    WorldEmber2023 : Learning from Loss

    Welp, no wins this year for WorldEmber, despite putting what I felt was my best foot forward.
      With that comes a good hour of tears, a bit of whinging, and suffering from the familiar demons of imposter syndrome. Let it happen if you feel you need to, losing sucks! No one likes to lose, so vent out the emotions how you see fit, and don't upset anyone or cheapen anyone's victories!
      Now that you've vented out the raw emotion of loss... take a deep breath and move on.
      After previous events, a steady growing list of no wins in several years, I have lost days to the depression that follows awards ceremonies.
      I'm going to do different this year. Instead of sitting the whole day and wallowing, I'm gonna write this journal entry to let all my fellow losers out there that at the end of the day, it is okay.
      Part of winning is losing a lot, and the healthiest way to overcome loss is to think of what you are going to do next instead of wallowing in what you didn't get.
      I'll start and you can comment your own if you want.
      For #summercamp2024, I am going to engage in the community from day one. Get the fastest drafts I can for the 10 articles. Then use the extra time to delve into my favorites to try and get some real winners. I've made the process of creating articles smoother and more appealing in WorldEmber, so I think I got a good chance if I engage more and learn from other articles more.

    Take the Challenge

    Institutions of Learning

    How do people learn in your world?

    Suggest an article to be featured