Good morning friends, it is a new month, a new year, and a new opportunity to get in some great habits!
  This is your reminder to back up your worldbuilding!
  • go to your API keys
  • create and copy a key to your clipboard (or reuse the one you've already been using for backups) have been backing up, right?
  • go to your world config, click Open tools & advanced actions
  • open the export world panel and click Export world
  • which will take you to here:
  • fill out the form and paste your key, then click Start
  • it might take a little while, so leave the tab open while it does its thing (mine took 15-20 mins) - the page will update with a notice when it's done!
  • check your email, congrats! that .zip is now in your Google Drive!
  • download the .zip and back it up in a secondary location (like Dropbox or something)
  • bonus step: set a recurring reminder for next month!

  •   #WorldAnvilTips #TJsTopTips