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Feeling like a good day to clean up some #CSS.

It's been a while ...

There was a lot going on over the last weeks. I kind of finished my new CSS. Although I will most likely encounter one or two (or maybe even a lot more) things I can still improve. But for now I'm happy with it and it really looks different then before. This was only possible because I had the help of a loooooot of people, mainly from the German community and the #css-help channel on Discord.   While working on the CSS of my world, I also improved the layout of my articles a lot. At least, I hope they improved :D   I started to work on the article for the official September challenge on Monday. After first thinking to write about just a university I came up with a hopefully more creative idea. But that's not for me to decide. There are some pictures and a map, but I did not write a lot about the persons at the school, because it just would not fit into my way of writing my world. I mentioned some people, sure, but instead of forcing myself on writing something that I don't think fits the style of my articles, just to fit that challenge prompt, I decided to stay true to my way of doing things. So although this article might not be within it the top submissions of the challenge, I think it still is a good article. But decide for yourself:  
Academy of Ithelion
Organization | Sep 12, 2024
  And on that terrible disappointment, I can continue to focus on my submission for Tyrdal's challenge, because that is going well so far and will hopefully be finished in time despite an upcoming three week vacation.   PS: The map is not yet finished, there are some layers missing...

Finally an update

It's already been three weeks since Summer Camp. I finished my Reading Challenge, focusing solely on one prompt, the "intentionally bred hybrid species". Reading 171 articles, starting over three time in the first week until I finally found an approach that worked for me. I described it all in detail in the article itself, so I will just link it again for those that want to and have not yet read it.   Summer Camp 2024 - Recap and Reading Challenge   After writing and reading so much I really needed a break from all the writing and reading. So instead I started to work on the CSS for Mirintha. As I didn't even know where to start - up to then I just randomly changed stuff - I was really glad for the help of Davina. She freely shared her CSS template, which helped a lot in setting up a lot already.   This is what we have achieved so far:  
  • Decided about all fonts, shared them with my gang, decided for several different ones
  • Found my new colors
  • Set a unique background for the content part, seen some grafical errors, getting help from BlueFairy and updated it
  • Found a background for the ... background
  • Started to play around with some container designs, realised there is a bunch of stuff I don't know how to do
  • Finalized some really gorgeous dropcaps
  And then of course I got a lot of help from nnie and Hanhula in the #css-help Channel on Discord and without them I would not have been able to do several things on the layout.   The last thing I was worling on, where borders for my containers and, as already mentioned, I realised there a lot of things I can't do and where I will have to find workarounds or a completely new solution.   And on that terrible disappointment, I decided to leave the CSS for now as it is - unfinished and still not really impressive - (maybe work on it again in a few days) and instead write again, as Tyrdals challenge series will start soon and I want at least write something for that.

Question for formatting....

I'm trying to figure out why exactly my side panel is showing all the way at the bottom of my al-Kanneyeh article and it's driving me up a wall LOL
  Any ideas on what I need to fix because uh...idk how it got like that.
  #WorldAnvilCSS #CSS #ArticleFormatting #Struggle

So Many Updates!!

Hello Anvilites! I’m a few days late for my two week update, but that’s ok because flexibility is important. I’ve been busy! Let’s start off with a Resource List! I’ve put together some of my favourite sources for art, grammar, and writing advice. This was mostly so I could keep all my go to links in one place, but you might be able to find something useful there.

Next up is the shameless plugging of my river article for this month’s challenge. There are so many amazing rivers out there! The Ravmor River is mine, but you should definitely go out and take a cruise through the other entries!

The brilliant MandoMc (fabulous Anvilite) has illustrated a building from ‘The Mit and The Billows’ (my current novel manuscript project). Check it out in my Building Art article!

Some extra things I’ve been working on while struggling to get past my small case of writer’s block are a short story set in a world based on an idea from my days in high school. The Birth of Lake Ransa explains the origins of a large lake, and the dangers of magic and unregulated testing. Under Agollan Skies is a page outlining some stand alone world building for now. Agolla may eventually get its own page but that won’t happen until I’m either done with the first draft of The Mit and The Billows or I am close to that goal.

On a side note, a big thank you to everyone in the #css-help discord channel! I've been dabbling with CSS and everyone there has been beyond helpful and supportive! I'm not really a coder but they made things feel accessible and easier than I thought it was going to be.

Happy travels,



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Institutions of Learning

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