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My New Year's Article Now has Inspirations! (and other news)

I checked off some resolutions!

My New Year's Challenge Entry is now serving more of the purpose it intended. Check out some of the fine beans and articles I was inspired by (and sneak a peek at my shortlist for the Generic Article Category)!
  Also, I'm planning to make Someone's Birthday BIG! I've mentioned it here and there, but Someone Elsewood's birthday only comes every four years. 2024 is one of those years and I don't want it to go to waste! No matter how unimportant Someone insists birthdays are, I'm telling you, shenanigans will be afoot whether he likes it or not! And you will probably really like it. Get ready for behind the scenes content, fun audios, interesting stories, secrets, and more! To help you get the most out of next month, I've decided to announce that there is a...


The cheapest way to get the goods AND support your local WILLOWISP branch! For the low low price of $1 USD, you can become a Temporary Dependency, gaining access to BIRTHDAY SHENANIGANS and other secret sneak peeks. But beware: this discount role is only available for a limited time. Once the window closes, there's no telling when (or if!) it will be opened again, so take advantage while you can!

  So, if you'd like to support me on Patreon or Ko-Fi, you can do so by just paying $1 usd per month. Remember, you can cancel any time! So if you think that you'd not like this after February, you can simply drop it.
  Thanks again to you all for being awesome! I pray your New Year has been going well. Sending love and hugs.
  #WBResolutions #KoFiChallenge #support #birthday 3shenanigans #fun #daily

Merry Christmas Eve, All! Here's my gift for everyone...

Hey there! Merry Christmas Eve. I pray you all have been well. Just stopping by with a Christmas gift for you! You may have noticed that Dark Green Neckties have been temporarily replaced with Red Christmas Present Bowties in my Ko-Fi shop. For every one you buy for me at my Ko-Fi shop. you'll be entered in a drawing to win a New Year's prize from my shop! All #support is appreciated. #kofichallenge
  I pray you all have a blessed and safe holiday. Sending lots of thanks, prayers, love, and hugs.

Another SPECIAL GUEST STREAM (with the voice of Secret Agent Someone)!

Calling all #Watchers! Join us Tuesday, December 19th at 8:30am ET on for games, chatting, #holiday shenanigans, and #keeptalkingandnobodyexplodes with a super special guest! None other than Jon McNally (the voice of Someone Elsewood)!!! Donate on stream and cool stuff happens! #KofiChallenge #twitchstream #announcement

Special Guest Stream!

Calling all #Watchers! Join us Monday, December 18th at 10:am ET on for games, chatting, #holiday shenanigans, #littleinferno & more! Special Guest: DreamCartographer!!! Donate on stream and cool stuff happens! #KofiChallenge #twitchstream #announcement

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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