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Hooooooooooooooo NEW WORLD! Sort of!

Friday night I got the most random urge to revive an old world, Terra Ava. This world is inhabited by all kinds of bird people, other birds, and some more birds. This world is almost a year old now, but as soon as I created it and wrote my first article, all the inspiration I had for it just died. So here we are. Fresh coat of paint, all old articles are gone and never coming back, and it's time to make something awesome!   This last year or so I've felt like I've somewhat lost what worldbuilding is all about. To me, worldbuilding is about expression, about fun and joy. I want to enjoy what I write - don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the Yonderverse and that isn't going anywhere, but both the Yonderverse and the A to Zoo have so much pressure behind them, and I feel like I'm constantly having to impress everyone when I write anything.   This world will hopefully take away that pressure. It is just a fun little world I go to when I need a break and want to do some lighthearted worldbuilding. I hope people enjoy this world, but I won't let it pressure me ;)    
Ava Admira

Who run the world? Birds!

Who run the world? Birds!

  I also have two articles prepared already!
Welcome to Ava Admira!
Generic article | Feb 18, 2024
2024 in Ava Admira
Generic article | Feb 18, 2024
  #mochievements #newworld

Early WorldEmber homework!

WorldEmber is almost heeeere!! I can feel it! November marks the start of the official WorldEmber Prep Month in World Anvil and I'm much too excited to wait until Friday for our homework this year.
  Thankfully many of my friends are feeling the same too, which sparked Stormbril to come up with an early homework idea!
Go back through your previous events (WorldEmber or otherwise!) and pick out the articles you were most happy to create or most happy with in the end, and try to figure out why! Is it just because of the end result, or is it because of how it ties into the rest of your world? Make a list of them and share them with your followers or via a journal post, and then think about how you might recapture that feeling this year :D


Reflecting on previous events

WorldEmber has often been the event in which I create my best work and favourite worldbuilding concepts :D
  • Gauntlet: this full blown card game was so much fun and I think my enthusiasm really shines through in this article with the extra details to the presentation of it
  • Corvidans: I'm particularly fond of this article for the time I spent illustrating this species
  • Rréraliázi: I really enjoyed nerding out on numbers in this language article and making a bizarre counting gif was super fun!
  • The Common Calendar: I'm also really proud of this calendar because of the effort I put into its design

  •   Reflecting back on these in comparison to other articles I created during previous events, the ones that I put more love into were the ones I enjoyed the most (and that other people enjoyed, too)!

    Plans for this year

    If you had sussed out the secret message from my previous update or have spotted a sneaky addition to my user signature - I have created a new world!!
      I am delighted to announce my latest worldbuilding project:
    Journals of Yesteryear
      JOY is an optimistic leaning, neutral-bright fantasy world with derpy magical creatures, floaty islands, mouth-watering food, and adventure-filled vistas full of overgrown ruins - all presented in the format of journal pages with a quirky combination of loose sketches and colourful pixel art.
      I'm just setting things up at the moment, but you're welcome to come and take a look! I'll be sharing my proper WorldEmber homework there shortly, and you can take a sneak peek at my Spooktober stubs that I snuck in last minute! :D
      #EarlyHomework #HomeworkClub #WorldEmber #WorldEmberPrep #WorldEmberHomework #NewWorld #PixelArt

    Take the Challenge

    Institutions of Learning

    How do people learn in your world?

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