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December 12, 2023 (Writer's Life Update)

I apologize for skipping a whole week (and now you could say TWO, though I would count this as a very belated last-week update and not a super-advanced this-week update, since these are supposed to come out on every Friday XP). I decided to make this one a bonus for everyone, but I owe my paid supporters some extra bonus gifts this holiday season for my own lagging behavior. Expect that soon! If you aren't a paid supporter but you'd like to be, feel free to sign up! We have tiers starting as low as $3 USD per month. I am ever so grateful for all those of you who have donated or subscribed. <3  
  Anywho, let's get into the update. Things have been super hectic and have not at all been going according to plan. There have been some wins that I am grateful for, however, so I will not at all discount that.   I had so many things lined up for the server and for streaming and everything, but it seems that obstacles decide to pop up at the most inopportune times. Nevertheless, it's okay. I will take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the awesomeness that has occurred.  

Jon McNally (the voice of Someone Elsewood), XtianNinja, and DreamCartographer all guested on my stream!

  Though I was super sleepy with the former and experienced quite a bit of technical difficulty with the latter two, I am grateful for these experiences and hope to one day have more guests on the streams (including these three again, if they are willing) with a smoother go next time around. I am thankful for these runs, as there was a lot to learn from and I had a lot to take into account for improvement moving forward.  

I got a new computer and am attempting to improve my streaming setup!

  I know a lot of these wins have to do with streaming, but this is something I am really trying to focus on lately. I want to be more professional in the TwitchVerse and I feel good that, though there have been quite a few frustrations and setbacks, I have really been making progress. Please check me out and give a follow if you haven't already. I'm nearly at 400! <3  

Despite it all, there are awesome people still interacting and having fun in the server!

  I am grateful for the community here and in the Infinite Imaginations server. I love you all so much! Even when I am busy or late, everyone is so forgiving and they even start conversations and games on their own which is just heartwarming. If you aren't already a part, please feel free to join! There's a lot of cool stuff happening and even more to come!  

In addition to these great things, there are some things I am highly disappointed in myself for not accomplishing.

  -I haven't officially finished up the #UnofficialMapVember Challenge 2023 ;'{
-I haven't been streaming countdown to Christmas daily (and I'm just now issuing my December schedule as we're already halfway through the month!) '<
-Fell behind on server events and supporter updates ;-;
-Hectic stuff in life :/
-I haven't started much on WorldEmber
-I haven't finished Only the Haunting Nightmares
-350+ notifications on WorldAnvil x_0
-I haven't wrapped up my end-of-year plans
-I feel unprepared to kick off 2024 and Someone's Birthday Shenanigans
-I need to find some kind f way to improve the state of my finances.
-I haven't quite landed a job that meets my needs yet for when the layoff happens at the end of January (but I did get a callback for something that I feel will be settling a bit, but it's better than nothing, I suppose. I will have to pray and see where this one goes //\\)
  Despite all this, I am still very grateful to you all for being so patient and supportive. I hope to have another even more awesome update in a few days, if things align where I actually post them on time. Thanks so much to all of you! God bless and much success with all your own plans. I pray you have a wonderful remainder of the holiday season. Sending all the love and hugs your way. <3

WorldEmberPrep Week 4 Homework & My UnofficialMapVember Entries!

  I finally finished The Week 4 Homework Assignment for #WorldEmberPrep and my two entries for #UnofficialMapVember!
  To summarize, I will be setting up basecamp in the breakroom at work before my shifts. To be safe, I'll be leaving for work an hour early to deal with any winter weather that I might encounter. Most days I should be early enough to get some writing done before my shift. The plan is to use distraction-free pen and paper for the outline. Saturdays will be my typing day when I'll post everything that I've written during the week.
  I've shared two Metro-Style Maps showing a very high-level overview for the main characters during the five acts of the novel. Both maps are hidden behind spoiler tags for obvious reasons.
  Here's my updated Pledge Article.

Mapvember in Shadowrun

Better late than never, here I am with some United Netherlands #UnofficialMapVember prompts. Where to go for a cheap night rest, some recreational drugs, buying cheap housegoods, or storing your valuables. All perfectly suited for a Shadowrunner to either go to or do a run against.

UnofficialMapVember Update!

Boy, is time FLYING! And you all have been very busy! We're now halfway through the month. As I catch up on my nearly 300 notifications, I figured I'd do an #UnofficialMapVember challenge update,
Unofficial MapVember Challenge!
Generic article | Feb 4, 2024

  I have yet to actually enter myself lol 'XD but I finally got around to adding the list of all YOUR entries into the bottom of the page! if you' don't see yours, it's likely because I don't know it exists! Please leave its link in a comment it on the article and I will put it in as soon as I can. If you want me to take yours off, let me know and I'll do so immediately.
  Keep being awesome, everyone! Sending prayers, love, and hugs. Have a blessed remainder of the month and much success to you with #worldember2023 prep, #NaNoWriMo and whatever else you may be doing or facing. <3

How is it so late in November?

I’m so late with homework!
  Is it even valid to start at this point?
  Will I be able to finish Wordigirl’s Unofficial MapVember in time to use it as a base for my Worldember secret project?
  Will the secrecy survive homework, or will I tell the whole plan in the first line of the pledge article?
  We’ll see, I suppose. I would have better chances with some of those things if I wasn't behind in NaNoWriMo too, but I'm happy with the progress I have so far... just not with how late it is haha.
#UnofficialMapVember! #worldember #worldember2023 #NaNoWriMo

My plans, pledge, pixels, and progress for WorldEmber 2023!

I'm so excited for WorldEmber this year because I get to explore my new bright fantasy world! :D
  After a 5 year break, I'm back into colourful pixel art and am brushing up on my skills with a warm up - a pixel pledge!
  Here's part 1 of my prep homework complete:
TJ's WorldEmber 2023 Plans & Progress
Meta | Jun 28, 2024

My plans, pledge, pixels, and progress for WorldEmber 2023!

  And to get some ideas growing in the background, I'm taking part in Wordigirl's Unoffficial Mapvember, too :D
TJ's Mapvember 2023 Progress
Meta | Mar 19, 2024

Mapping out some ideas for WorldEmber and taking part in Wordigirl's Unofficial Mapvember challenge!

Have you done your homework yet? Share your link with me, I want to check it out! :D

#WorldEmber #WorldEmber2023 #WorldEmberPrep #HomeworkSquad #homework #UnofficialMapvember #Mapvember #PixelArt #JOY
Making some maps today! #UnofficialMapVember by the inimitable @Wordigirl whilst I prep me brain pan for #WorldEmber. Hope y'all have a nice day :-)


I finally got around to making the badges for #unofficialmapvember! Check them out!
Unofficial MapVember Challenge!
Generic article | Feb 4, 2024

  Also, if you'd like to be featured on one of my , or just listed in the Challenge page itself as an official entry, let me know! I love to spread the word about all the awesome stuff you all are making!

#UnofficialMapVember community challenge!

A few people in my Infinite Imaginations discord server were wondering if there was going to be MapVember this year. Since it didn't seem to be so, I decided to create my own unofficial #communitychallenge! Badges to come! *insert eyes emojis* Stay tuned for #UnofficialMapVember and read more at the article below! Everyone is invited to take part. <3
Unofficial MapVember Challenge!
Generic article | Feb 4, 2024

Take the Challenge

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