For the past three or four or however many years now, I've been struggling to answer one simple question: What's the best medium for me to tell my story? I tried writing it as a book, but it quickly became apparent to me that the story wanted to be told through a visual medium. "No problem," I thought, "I'll make it a webcomic! I love comics, and I've been meaning to get into visual art, so this is the perfect chance to do it!"
  Cue *Curb Your Enthusiasm* theme. Learning to draw is good and all, but when I think about the sheer quantity of work it would take to illustrate a story as long as thing one, it really makes me question that decision. Earlier this year I tried again to squeeze the story into a purely written medium, but I wasn't really pleased with the result. But then, I had an epiphany. There was a simple solution to all of my problems, one that had been staring me in the face for years. Ladies, gents, and non-binary friends, I am pleased to announce that Tales from the Imaginary Tavern is going to be (drum roll please)…
  A visual novel.
  Yeah, honestly, I wish I had thought of this sooner. It really is the best of both worlds: I get to tell my story visually as God intended, but with a significantly reduced workload. It gives me an excuse to do coding (which, unlike visual art, I already know how to do), and it even opens the door for some interactive storytelling elements. Plus, marketing an indie game is much more in my wheelhouse than marketing an indie book or indie comic.
  For the first time, this project feels less like a pipe dream and more like something I can actually accomplish. This is the most optimistic I've been about one of my projects basically ever, and words cannot describe how excited I am. I will let you know more as soon as there is more to know. Until then, watch this space.
  #visualnovel #update