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Kickstarter Progress!

My #ZineQuest project is still live on #Kickstarter and has been 20% funded.   Check out The New Agent Manual!   #thankyou to all the amazing backers who have already shown #support ever so generously! If you haven't yet, or would like to increase your pledge, it's not too late! The campaign will remain open for 11 more days and will end on March 13th (which is actually MY birthday). Having a fully funded first Kickstarter project would be a dream. God bless and much success to you all with whatever you're working on! Sending love and hugs. <3  

February 29th The Last Hurrah (Someone's Birthday Shenanigans)

And, just like that, we've reached the end of the month. What a wild ride this has been. I thank each and every one of you who have followed along on this journey for your interest, your time, your attention, and your patience. I streamed earlier today and plan to stream again one last time very soon to carry on celebrating Someone's birthday until midnight strikes. If it's past the stream when you're reading this, you can find the replays on Twitch or YouTube at the links below.]   In the Twitch streams, the Discord server, WorldAnvil, Patreon, and more, There were so many awesome conversations, lots of cool interaction, and even some fan art and theories. The month wouldn't have been this spectacular without you all.   I especially appreciate those of you who have paid for a subscription, even if only the lowest $1 tier. Much love to you. Every bit counts. If you'd still like to subscribe for only $1, you have a little time left! This role will be closing soon, but once you have it, you can renew your subscription and still be in-the-know with certain special happenings and have direct access to stories, audio clips, and select secrets from the wonderful world of WILLOWISP for as long as you continue to be subscribed. The tier closing simply prevents new people from signing up, but once you're in, you're in. Don't miss out on this special opportunity!   I am also super grateful for those of you who have backed my Kickstarter project! At the time of me typing this, we are 19% funded. Considering the goal, I am very impressed and eternally in awe of the awesome folks who decided to chip in and support me and my #ZineQuest endeavor. Unfortunately, if we do not meet the goal before the deadline, I will not be able to keep any of the money and the backers will be refunded, no longer in line to receive their chosen bundles. If you would like to help make this project a success and take home a really cool zine, please click the link below. There's still time as this goal is set to end on March 13th (my birthday)! To be fully funded would prove a very heartfelt gift. If you care to get me anything, this would be wonderful. Truly.   In addition to these things, I also released some free content for everyone to enjoy this month.   Burned to Ash (my entry for WorldAnvil's Cabinet of Curiosities challenge) is an article that features a collection of objects from Someone's past that have since been incinerated, as the article's name suggests. Though the paid supporters got a few more direct insights, if you are a free follower, you can still try your hand at piecing some of these mysteries together.   I also debuted the Official WILLOWISP Merch shop where you can purchase items that make you feel like a real agent employed with the Worldwide Independent League of Leasable Operatives, Watchers, Intelligence, and Spy Personnel. Though paid supporters received special discount codes, I made sure to set the costs of these items as low as possible; not with profit primarily in mind. Instead, I settled for most prices to be considered just enough to provide quality merch and decent shipping without going into the negative.   Last, but definitely not least, I was able to finally piece together the official timeline for events that take place in the wonderful world of WILLOWISP that involve Someone Elsewood. I'd been working on such a timeline for so long, but I am fantastically grateful that WorldAnvil's new timeline features kicked in when they did. I was able to get this together, organize my world, AND figure out that "February 29th" Someone's final Birthday Shenanigans gift, actually canonically occurred TODAY in the story! This was amazing to discover. As a writer, I knew when a lot of incidents occurred in proximity to each other, but I didn't exactly work out pinpointed dates, etc. WorldAnvil's tools are an awesome save for such situations, and it made today all the more special. Check out the entire timeline at the link below, and be sure to take a listen to "February 29th, 2024", which is also super lovely because my incredible voice actor Jon McNally really wanted to voice it even though I've been going through tough times lately and everything has been so very hectic with the layoffs and such. Despite all this, he still offered to complete this script we had been talking about for a long time. For free. SO much love to him.   Once again, thank you all for making this whole event possible. Some days, it seemed like a world of problems and opposition was stacked against me. Budget, sickness, busyness--all sorts of mishaps. But you stuck with me through it all. I wasn't able to do everything I had originally planned, but my heart is very warmed by how it all turned out. Please rest assured that, even though Someone's actual birthday may only come once every four years, this project isn't going anywhere anytime soon! Stay tuned for more stories, audio dramas, events, and updates to come. God bless and much success to you all with your own plans. Sending prayers, love, and healing hugs to all you beautiful beans. And if you read this entire lengthy thing, well done. I think you've earned a treat. DM me or comment on this message with your favorite thing about Someone Elsewood and I will send you a special prize.

Someone's Birthday Streams!

Live right NOW but don't miss Someone's official birthday streams tomorrow! Chatting, Games, Redeems, Birthday Shenanigans #ZineQuest + MORE

The Live-Action Trailer has DROPPED!

I wanted to make a live-action trailer but I was, unfortunately, too sick to do so. Thankfully, I have recovered for the most part and have managed to film this quick and fun ad for my #kickstarter #zinemonth #zinequest #zine The New Agent Manual (a solo RPG)! Check it out and let me know what you think. <3

A Cabinet Chock Full of Curiosities, A Boatload of Birthday Shenanigans, and DUCKS!

Someone's Birthday Shenanigans continue with this entry into the #cabinetofcuriosities challenge (including a nod or two towards #duckuary2024 which is the community-run event hosted by none other than Tillerz!  
Burned to Ash
Generic article | Jun 8, 2024

No matter how much he tries to burn, something still remains. Take a look at this collection of objects from Someone's own proverbial Cabinet of Curiosities...

  There's still time to get in on the daily celebrations leading up to Someone's birthday! Starting at the low low price of $1, join in the madness and discover secrets and sneak peeks the general public does not have access to.

Click here to find a tier that's right for you!

  In addition to this, my #kickstarter #zinemonth #zinequest campaign has gotten a bit of traction lately, thanks to you lovely beans, but we're still quite far from the goal! If you're interested in supporting me and acquiring a super cool solo RPG game that can help you come away with a fully fleshed-out character for future adventures, The New Agent Manual is worth a look!

Click here for more info, a cool video, and the link to back the project.

  Thanks so much for reading this lengthy update! God bless and much success to you all with whatever you're working on. Sending love and hugs. <3  

In Threads—flash fiction zine Issue #5 Release Day!

Get your copy of the free flash-fiction #zine "In Threads" with the best vssCollab prompt based stories from the WorldAnvil and VSS communities. Releases today! + Read aloud at 7PM CDT on

vssCollab's #zine IN THREADS issue No. 2 is available!

Get your hands on these epic vssCollab flash fiction stories! FREE!    

  Stories in this issue:  
Banzai Bonds
by Amy Winters-Voss
Messenger of the Stars
by George Sanders
First Impressions
by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Among Us
by Amy Winters-Voss
The Craft of Exploration
by Desdemona Rose
Daily Journal
by George Sanders

Get your copy In Threads Zine Issues

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