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Adrift Report

General Summary

Ya left in a huff, and went to see if there were any life boats, she discovers that there is only one lifeboat remaining, and only has 4 seats available. She tells Luca, and he comes to check out the damage, they get into a argument about sending Merial and others ahead since she was injured. But Luca convinces her to wait and hear what Merial has to say. They run into Dabria on the way and Luca tells her that he expected more from her. This mildly affects her. She walks past them and heads to the surface to get fresh air. While she is up there she notices the dot in the distance and decides to go try to find a flare gun to signal for help, so she goes back into the sub.    Amita, Luca and Ya bring Merial to the med-bay and Ya starts working on her to assess the damage and try to bring her back into consciousness. Luca meanwhile goes to see what the dot he saw on the horizon earlier was and heads toward the hatch. He surfaces, and notices that the ship is much closer than earlier and is able to make it out as a large ship. He watches it intently. Dabria returns with a flare gun and Luca notices. They get into an argument over whether or not to use the flare gun, and whether or not that ship is help or foe. They reach a stand still as to whether or not to go and wait for Merial to wake up and confirm if she radioed for help.    Meanwhile down below, Amita is helping Ya work and asking incessant questions about her process, and finally they get Merial to wake up. She wakes up and freaks out asking about the giant squid, and seeing where everyone is, if everyone is ok, and what the status is. She asks if any one has tried to radio for help, but no one answers. She tries to get up, but Ya uses her stunning stair to keep her down. Ya also texted Luca telling him that Merial was awake.    Luca receives the text and tells Dabria, they agree to go and talk with her before firing the flare. They make their way down to the med-bay. They tell the group about the boat and Luca draws a picture of the flags. Merial and Ya recognize the flag as pirates. Merial also discovers that no one has radioed for help. Amita runs to go and try to radio for help and contacts the coms instead, and Ya walks her through how to radio out. Darin answers and says he's not in a great position to help, but will try, and Amita gives haphazard information that is not very useful to him. So she goes back to the med-bay, Luca then heads to the bridge to patch the call back to the med-bay for Merial to talk with him.    Merial gets up from the bed and takes the call, and works to give him information. While they are working on that, the boat starts to sway. The boat is closing in and starting to fire.    Merial runs to the front of the ship to try and navigate away and see what the damage is, Ya finishes the call with Darin. Luca helps Merial to her seat, and she starts assessing the damage. Ya and Amita start to go see if they can swim or launch more bombs at the ship, and try to make a plan, but quickly realize that those bombs could potentially harm their own ship in the process. Dabria heads for the hatch incase they arrive and try to board.    Luca asks if there are any weapons aboard the boat, and she says there is a torpedo bay. He heads in that direction and texts Ya the update. Ya sees and decides to head down to help him.    Amita hears that they are about to board, so she runs to grab her broadsword.    The pirates start boarding. Dabria is the only line of defense at this point, and she starts swinging her scythe and tries to knock them down as they start boarding. She does a decent job of warding them off.    Down in the torpedo bay, both screens have been waterlogged, and there is debris everywhere from the leak. Luca tries to clean up the mess. Ya arrives and tries to hack into the torpedo's interface with her phone. She notices that one of the torpedo's is jammed. Luca fixes it with ease.    Meanwhile, Merial is trying to submerge but can't because the hatch is open. Dabria is warding off the thugs, and slices on of the hand off of one of them, Amita joins the battle, but her sword is heavier than she was anticipating and falls down. One of the thugs tries to swing at her while she is on the ground, but she swivels and knocks him down and cuts the back of his legs. The one handed thug lunges too, but the other thug knocks him over as he falls. There are 2 more thugs on the ground that Dabria knocked off the ladder as she climbed to try and close the hatch. Amita takes the shoes off of one of the thug's feet, and throws it up the ladder at one of the thugs on the surface, it knocks on of the thugs off balance which Dabria can use as an advantage on her next turn. There are currently 2 thugs holding the hatch open, 2 on the surface, and 4 down below.

Gods and Heroes

金雅 (Jin, Ya)

金雅 (Jin, Ya)

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 3 x

HIgh Concept
A Wealth of Knowledge, a Deficit of Concern
Your Negative Energy Fuels Me
My Heritage will not be Honor before Swine
I Know Everything, so I Must Be a Part of Everything


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Crafts , Investigate
4dF+2 Fair
Notice , Will , Stealth
4dF+1 Average
Athletics , Resources , Provoke , Fight


Qi // Light As Air - Use Craft instead of Athletics when channeling power into body to control floaty running/jumping
Gorgon // Stunning Stare - When looking with intensive stare, roll Crafts and if rolls successfully, ends the characters next turn.


Inventory: Staff, Binoculars

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

Obstacles Hadroit


Fate points: 1 x

HIgh Concept
A kindly man with a warm smile, nervous tick, and a thousand yard stare
ᛋᚢᚱᚹᛁᚹᛟᚱ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚢᛚᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᛚ
“What are you? An idiot sandwich?” - used


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Notice , Burglary
4dF+2 Fair
Resources , Notice , Lore
4dF+1 Average
Shoot , Stealth , Drive , Contacts


    Cautious observer - In unfamiliar non stressful situations +2 notice
    Muscle memory - In high stress situations rely on previous training +2 athletics


Inventory: Rifle, Chainsaw Pike

Stress and Injury

Mild Consequence (2)
Fire gut

Dabria Amara

Dabria Amara

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 1 x

HIgh Concept
Soon to be ruler of the Underworld
Has big shoes to fill
Sweet as sugar, cold as ice. (Deceive)
Tonight, we dine in hell


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Provoke , Empathy
4dF+2 Fair
Fight , Notice , Athletics
4dF+1 Average
Investigate , Stealth , Resources , Will


One Person, Many Faces. Whenever you meet someone new, declare that you’ve met that person before but under a different name and identity. More or less, have seen what they have done through the eyes of Hades... Create a situation aspect to represent your cover story, and you can use Deceive in place of Rapport whenever interacting with that person. Deceive +2.


Power: Knowledge of people and their death date... Ability to connect with plants and animals (Kind of like Korra with the spirit world vines)   Inventory: Sythe, short sword

Stress and Injury

Amita Dhar

Amita Dhar

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 5 x

HIgh Concept
Pain on the earth brings my wrath
"She really needs to sort out her priorities" (Drive)
Lay it on all the table (provoke)
You have to learn the rules, to break them (Notice)


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Provoke , Crafts
4dF+2 Fair
Notice , Investigate , Athletics , Fight
4dF+1 Average
Burglary , Deceive , Stealth , Will


Can speak to dem plants
Inventory: Broad sword, LollyHops

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

Luca bin Alshams


Refresh: 3
Fate points: 2 x

HIgh Concept
The Watchtower
Failure is not a Hyperion quality
Hero BA
I am a Wanted Man


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Empathy , Notice
4dF+2 Fair
Crafts , Fight , Investigate
4dF+1 Average
Contacts , Rapport , Deceive , Athletics


  • Sunny Personality: +2 (rapport) when inspiring heroism in others
  • How I see the world (Roll Notice: Vision in Gamma> Xrays> Ultraviolet> Visible> Infrared> Microwaves> Radar)



  • Light manipulation (physical light)
  • Ignis Phaethonis
  • I produce a light so bright and uncontrolled that my sight is impaired for a moment (I could get burned) and everyone in the vicinity is at varying risk of becoming blind or burned.

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress
Report Date
17 Oct 2020

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