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Gods and Heroes

A FATE game In the world of Earth
| Looking for Players


  • Modern World Regional Map
    To end the great war of 2075, the gods of the Pantheon decided that they couldn't work together any longer. They chose to split up and take different regions of the world to be their own. The regions of the world, and associated god(s) are as follows:   Frigusia - Northern North America, named from the Latin "cold" (Alaska looks on the map like it is part of Dyti, but it is actually part of Frigusia.) Taken by Hera, because the people of the north were the kindest most hospitable people she could find, and thought that she would have the best influence over them to regain the value of family.   Ditcostia - Continental United States, named from the Greek "Western", taken by Hermes, as he is the god of travel, commerce, communication, borders, eloquence, diplomacy, thieves, and games, he thought that his attributes would be best suited to bring America back from the destruction, also none of the other gods wanted it because of how destroyed it became.   Venerio - Central America, named from the Latin word for "Romantic". Aphrodite immediately chose this portion of the world because she thought that the Latin culture was the most Romantic of all of the cultures, and wanted to see what she could do with her influences.   Ertamasa - South America, from the Greek "Celebration" named in honor of all of the wonderful festivals and celebratory nature of the culture. Of course Dionysus jumped on the opportunity to be the god of this land, so he could help make the celebrations even greater.   Dominia - Europe, Named after the Latin word for "Home" since this was the Land where the ancient gods originated, whether that be in Greece or Rome. Both Zeus and Hestia chose to take this land, as Hestia is the goddess of hearth and home, and found it fitting to go back to her original home. Zeus chose to go back because he believed he is the rightful god of Mount Olympus, and deemed it appropriate to go and take back that mountain.   Duria - Northern Asia, from the Latin word for "harsh" in regards to the harsh weather conditions that plague this area. Taken by Ares, because he thought it was the manliest and toughest region, and thought that he was the only one man enough to tame the wild beast of this region.   Opimae - Eastern Asia, from the Latin word for "lush" in regards to the lush greenery of the region. Taken by Hephaestus, because of the heat, and relative proximity to his wife Aphrodite. Also he loved how innovative the people of this region were, and wanted to make it the best region he could.   Calindia - India and surrounding countries, named for the Latin word "hot", Demeter took this land because of it's massive amounts of of agriculture and nature. She viewed it as the easiest place to let her powers flourish.   Aravasis - Middle East, Named for the Greek word for "Arab", taken by the god Apollo, because the sun is so bright in the area, and all of the Arabian beauty an poetry spoke to him.   Armusan - Northern Africa, Named for the Greek word for "Desert" in reference to the massive Saharan Desert that accounts for most of the land. Taken by Athena, because Egypt is one of the oldest, and wisest countries she knew, and she believed that with her influence, she could spread that wisdom throughout her region.   Plusic - Southern Africa, named for the Greek word for "rich" due to the large amounts of natural resources and rich food and beauty in the region. Taken by the god Artemis, because of the raw wilderness that still flourishes in this area.   Nerociana - Oceania, named for the Greek word for "Water". Taken over by Poseidon, for the amazing beaches and access to surfing, and the great barrier reef.
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

6th Mar 2021

Battle at the Volcano

Continuation of the Battle under the Volcano

23rd Jan 2021

I Guess We're All Learning New Things Today

9th Jan 2021


Obstacles has been kidnapped by pirates And the submarine is still adrift in the sea

Read the Report
30th Oct 2020

Adrift Part II

Pirates are attacking, what will we do??

16th Oct 2020


Sub is stranded in the sea, what will the squad do?

Read the Report
2nd Oct 2020

Journey To Greece Part II

Read the Report
18th Sep 2020

Journey To Greece

The team has been assembled. The Quest has begun.

11th Sep 2020

Inciting Incident II

Half of the team is assembled. Will the others join the quest? Will those who have already accepted continue?

Read the Report
18th Jul 2020

Inciting Incident

Let the games begin

18th Jul 2020

Inciting Incident

Let the games begin

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Dido Athenara

Dido Athenara

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 3 x

HIgh Concept
The Dutiful Crown Princess of Carthage
What the Heart Wants
Just do it (I do what I want--Whatever it takes)
The Strike of Wit's Watch ("He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike." Shakespeare)


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Notice , Provoke
4dF+2 Fair
Contacts , Crafts , Deceive
4dF+1 Average
Athletics , Resources , Investigate , Stealth


The Battle of the Wills: Use Will instead of Rapport   Sherlock-Vision: As a descendant of Athena, use Crafts instead of Fight to analyze your opponent and respond

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

老师助手 (Teacher’s Assistant) 金雅 (Jin, Ya)

金雅 (Jin, Ya)

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 3 x

HIgh Concept
A Wealth of Knowledge, a Deficit of Concern
Your Negative Energy Fuels Me
My Heritage will not be Honor before Swine
I Know Everything, so I Must Be a Part of Everything


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Crafts , Investigate
4dF+2 Fair
Notice , Will , Stealth
4dF+1 Average
Athletics , Resources , Provoke , Fight


Qi // Light As Air - Use Craft instead of Athletics when channeling power into body to control floaty running/jumping
Gorgon // Stunning Stare - When looking with intensive stare, roll Crafts and if rolls successfully, ends the characters next turn.


Inventory: Staff, Binoculars

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

Obstacles Hadroit


Fate points: 1 x

HIgh Concept
A kindly man with a warm smile, nervous tick, and a thousand yard stare
ᛋᚢᚱᚹᛁᚹᛟᚱ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚢᛚᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᛚ
“What are you? An idiot sandwich?” - used


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Notice , Burglary
4dF+2 Fair
Resources , Notice , Lore
4dF+1 Average
Shoot , Stealth , Drive , Contacts


    Cautious observer - In unfamiliar non stressful situations +2 notice
    Muscle memory - In high stress situations rely on previous training +2 athletics


Inventory: Rifle, Chainsaw Pike

Stress and Injury

Mild Consequence (2)
Fire gut

Dabria Amara

Dabria Amara

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 1 x

HIgh Concept
Soon to be ruler of the Underworld
Has big shoes to fill
Sweet as sugar, cold as ice. (Deceive)
Tonight, we dine in hell


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Provoke , Empathy
4dF+2 Fair
Fight , Notice , Athletics
4dF+1 Average
Investigate , Stealth , Resources , Will


One Person, Many Faces. Whenever you meet someone new, declare that you’ve met that person before but under a different name and identity. More or less, have seen what they have done through the eyes of Hades... Create a situation aspect to represent your cover story, and you can use Deceive in place of Rapport whenever interacting with that person. Deceive +2.


Power: Knowledge of people and their death date... Ability to connect with plants and animals (Kind of like Korra with the spirit world vines)   Inventory: Sythe, short sword

Stress and Injury

Amita Dhar

Amita Dhar

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 5 x

HIgh Concept
Pain on the earth brings my wrath
"She really needs to sort out her priorities" (Drive)
Lay it on all the table (provoke)
You have to learn the rules, to break them (Notice)


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Provoke , Crafts
4dF+2 Fair
Notice , Investigate , Athletics , Fight
4dF+1 Average
Burglary , Deceive , Stealth , Will


Can speak to dem plants
Inventory: Broad sword, LollyHops

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

Luca bin Alshams


Refresh: 3
Fate points: 2 x

HIgh Concept
The Watchtower
Failure is not a Hyperion quality
Hero BA
I am a Wanted Man


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Empathy , Notice
4dF+2 Fair
Crafts , Fight , Investigate
4dF+1 Average
Contacts , Rapport , Deceive , Athletics


  • Sunny Personality: +2 (rapport) when inspiring heroism in others
  • How I see the world (Roll Notice: Vision in Gamma> Xrays> Ultraviolet> Visible> Infrared> Microwaves> Radar)



  • Light manipulation (physical light)
  • Ignis Phaethonis
  • I produce a light so bright and uncontrolled that my sight is impaired for a moment (I could get burned) and everyone in the vicinity is at varying risk of becoming blind or burned.

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress