Gods and Heroes notes 1
The day before spring break: Most kids have bounced but a few unlucky souls have tests.
I am studying for my Exam in Unorthodox Combative Environments (UE Combats).
9am: World Divinic Hx
11am: Special Weaponry Indp. Study
2pm: UE Combats
10:30am: Poly Science
After breakfast at about 8:40am I found a letter to me slipped into my backpack. I read it and became confused.
********I need your help. I've seen your skills in your heroism classes, and I know that you are the only one that I can trust for this mission of upmost importance. Please come and meet me tonight 9pm in the library room 025 for further details. --S.T.O.R.M.**********
I went to the library to check out the room. Its a classroom and no one reserved the room.
I got a B on my UE Combats Exam.(+1 Notice for session)
Ya got a letter from the same group! Someone dropped it for her to pick up?
We meet up at the library in room 024 and stake out the room across the hall. We confirm that we got the letters from the same person(s). I have my X-ray vision on to watch for various on goings but all I see so far is the Janitor and he doesn't seem suspect.
Another girl shows up, she got a letter as well. She was told it is a Mediterranean Clean up action Group? Soon after 2 other Jamokes come in saying that we got their letters.
The note says
Darin and Murrell, Ya doesn't trust them and they insist that Ya should be here if we know her. She is listening in on my phone from the other room. They tell the girl (Amita) that they had to mislead us to get us down there. They are with STORM. A covert operation founded back in the day after The Pantheic War. An attempt to reunite the pantheon. Poseidon and Zeus are the founders.
I am excited at the chance of becoming a hero! Quests!
They want to recover the sword of Damocles from a thief-- it's a super doom weapon.
Luca takes a Non Disclosure and signs it. Ya comes in after listening in on the convo. She asks more questions about our safety and provisions.
Once done I follow Ya outside and she pulls me into a shadowy corner. She wants to watch the 2 jamokes.
I scan the 2 of them Xray (3) and heat (1) I see that Murriell has throwing stars and knives hidden around her body, she is warmer than a normal person and much warmer than Darin and has a hot patch in her center. Darin had a sword hilt and a phaser gun on him.
QRZTF(17?) Licence plate # as they left.
Luca's Journal Ordered oldest to newest
Class Schedule
Spring Semester 3020
Gods and Heroes notes 1
March 3020
Spring Semester 3020
March 3020
The major events and journals in Luca's history, from the beginning to today.
Battle at the Volcano
01:02 am - 20.08.2022Battle at the Volcano
12:48 am - 21.03.2021I Guess We're All Learning New Things Today
06:04 pm - 06.03.2021I Guess We're All Learning New Things Today
06:04 pm - 06.03.2021I Guess We're All Learning New Things Today
11:57 pm - 23.01.2021Aftermath
05:32 am - 10.01.2021Aftermath
10:28 pm - 09.01.2021Adrift Part II
10:03 pm - 09.01.2021Adrift Part II
03:08 am - 14.11.2020Adrift
04:22 am - 17.10.2020"It's not like I get attacked by Pirates! I don't know Pirate etiquette"
03:28 am - 17.10.2020"Wow, I kind of expected more from you" Well, I don't know what you wanted from me! "I don't know, you're on a top secret mission, specially selected to save the world. Maybe thought you'd care more." I wasn't chosen because I was special to this mission. I'm doing this because the Underworld is in trouble. "Well, at least we know you're not acting out of your own selfishness" Whatever! "Quote of your day!"
02:37 am - 17.10.2020There's a med-bay?
02:20 am - 17.10.2020Anyone know about advance submarine engineering? If so, PM me. It's for a paper I am writing. Please note: I will have a lot of very specific hypotheticals. I want that Extra Credit!
01:35 am - 17.10.2020Adrift
01:28 am - 17.10.2020Journey To Greece Part II
10:35 pm - 16.10.2020Journey To Greece Part II
01:06 am - 03.10.2020Journey To Greece
12:39 am - 03.10.2020Journey To Greece
12:59 am - 19.09.2020Inciting Incident II
07:31 pm - 18.09.2020Might be out of town for a few! Seems like Spring Break won't be as boring as I thought. Shine bright fam!
03:51 am - 12.09.2020HAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
01:41 am - 12.09.2020Inciting Incident II
01:14 am - 12.09.2020Inciting Incident
03:56 am - 19.07.2020Gods and Heroes 1
The day before spring break: Most kids have bounced but a few unlucky souls have tests. I am studying for my Exam in Unorthodox Combative Environments (UE Combats). MWF--- 9am: World Divinic Hx 11am: Special Weaponry Indp. Study 2pm: UE Combats ...
03:31 am - 19.07.2020I was never good at the hide part of hide and seek...... great at seeking though so. . . there's that. . .
02:49 am - 19.07.2020Yo what's S.T.O.R.M.?
02:22 am - 19.07.2020Class Schedule
MWF--- 9am: World Divinic Hx 11am: Special Weaponry Indp. Study 2pm: UE Combats TR--- 10:30am: Poly Science ...
12:36 am - 19.07.2020Quesadillas!
11:12 pm - 18.07.2020Inciting Incident
11:05 pm - 18.07.2020Inciting Incident
11:04 pm - 18.07.2020Inciting Incident
11:03 pm - 18.07.2020Ready for some Hero Classes! Today I'm tackling my Physical Exam in Unorthodox Fighting E. Wish me luck!
10:25 pm - 18.07.2020ابي العزيز (Dear ol' Dad)
10:44 pm - 06.06.2020.تم العثور على الجمال في كل من الجسم والعقل -- Beauty is in both the mind and body.
09:52 pm - 06.06.2020Name, character concept and Hyperion symbol
09:07 pm - 06.06.2020The list of amazing people following the adventures of Luca.
Current Residence
Contacts & Relations
Reem Alshams (ريم فوبوس) His mother a 4th generation descendant of Apollo. Helius/Helios god of the Sun. His wealthy cousins that are Hyperions and Phobos descendants. He is particularly close to his cousin Ali Hyperion Alshams who is a wealthy land owner in Palestine.
Wealth & Financial state
He is financially supported by Helios currently. But after University he and his mother will have to fend for themselves. His mother has started work as nurse in a hospital in Tyre. She did that before Helios.
Family Ties
Luca is financially connected to his father Helios. Helios has had to distance himself from Luca ever since Luca turned 20 without completing the Hyperion Rite. He continued financially supporting Luca through college (which is unusual that he would continue supporting him after he failed to become a Hyperion). After college, Luca can only be considered as a favored human but nothing more under Hyperion bi-laws.
Social Aptitude
A friendly and warm person. Great listener and notices many things people do not.