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Aftermath Report

General Summary

After Obstacles was captured by pirates, the story was broken into two parts. 
Obstacles tried to break out of the pocket he was trapped in, and once he got to the holding cell, was able to out maneuver Scri and get the drop on him with the shrink gun. They had to resort to plan B and gas him to knock him out. He woke up strapped to a table and had an enlightening conversation with Ceathia about his history and origins. They struck a deal. 
Merial told the remaining 4 about the prophecy and the real motives behind the company they were recruited by. And the real organization that she works for. Upon hearing that information, they decided to have the four of them jump in the life boat and leave Merial behind to deal with Darin when he arrives. And follow after Obstacles and the pirates. on the boat Ya and Luca get into it about Luca dealing with being a fugitive, how they are going to deal with the ramifications of that, trying to understand why they were all considered to be a part of the prophecy, Ya's apparent water powers, and Luca's inability to harness light. Luca also realizes the need to get rid of any tracking devices, and chucks Dabria's phone in the water, reaction to be seen in the next episode. They also refashioned the tracking device that was on the life boat to be used as a tracking arrow that Luca has in his possession now. 
At the end of the episode Luca fully confronts Ya about her water powers and that she does have them, and Amita aggravates Ya enough to have her skip the boat along the water at a faster speed toward the pirate ship. Luca was also encouraged by Ya in his inability to fail and he manages to get enough light rope to get the grappling hook to attach to the boat, and with those combined they are able to pull themselves close to the boat. At the very end they see Obstacles on the deck of the boat with a ball of lightning in his hand.

Missions/Quests Completed

Quest to find and rescue Obstacles.

Character(s) interacted with

2 days of bonding between Ya, Luca, Amita and Dabria, and similarly 2 days of bonding between Obstacles, Ceathia, and Scri

Created Content

Luca has a rich cousin named Ali who is a real-estate mogul, Tracker arrow, Prophecy, Obstacle's candies, Shrink ray (only works on organic materials),

Gods and Heroes

金雅 (Jin, Ya)

金雅 (Jin, Ya)

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 3 x

HIgh Concept
A Wealth of Knowledge, a Deficit of Concern
Your Negative Energy Fuels Me
My Heritage will not be Honor before Swine
I Know Everything, so I Must Be a Part of Everything


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Crafts , Investigate
4dF+2 Fair
Notice , Will , Stealth
4dF+1 Average
Athletics , Resources , Provoke , Fight


Qi // Light As Air - Use Craft instead of Athletics when channeling power into body to control floaty running/jumping
Gorgon // Stunning Stare - When looking with intensive stare, roll Crafts and if rolls successfully, ends the characters next turn.


Inventory: Staff, Binoculars

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

Obstacles Hadroit


Fate points: 1 x

HIgh Concept
A kindly man with a warm smile, nervous tick, and a thousand yard stare
ᛋᚢᚱᚹᛁᚹᛟᚱ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚢᛚᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᛚ
“What are you? An idiot sandwich?” - used


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Notice , Burglary
4dF+2 Fair
Resources , Notice , Lore
4dF+1 Average
Shoot , Stealth , Drive , Contacts


    Cautious observer - In unfamiliar non stressful situations +2 notice
    Muscle memory - In high stress situations rely on previous training +2 athletics


Inventory: Rifle, Chainsaw Pike

Stress and Injury

Mild Consequence (2)
Fire gut

Dabria Amara

Dabria Amara

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 1 x

HIgh Concept
Soon to be ruler of the Underworld
Has big shoes to fill
Sweet as sugar, cold as ice. (Deceive)
Tonight, we dine in hell


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Provoke , Empathy
4dF+2 Fair
Fight , Notice , Athletics
4dF+1 Average
Investigate , Stealth , Resources , Will


One Person, Many Faces. Whenever you meet someone new, declare that you’ve met that person before but under a different name and identity. More or less, have seen what they have done through the eyes of Hades... Create a situation aspect to represent your cover story, and you can use Deceive in place of Rapport whenever interacting with that person. Deceive +2.


Power: Knowledge of people and their death date... Ability to connect with plants and animals (Kind of like Korra with the spirit world vines)   Inventory: Sythe, short sword

Stress and Injury

Amita Dhar

Amita Dhar

Refresh: 3
Fate points: 5 x

HIgh Concept
Pain on the earth brings my wrath
"She really needs to sort out her priorities" (Drive)
Lay it on all the table (provoke)
You have to learn the rules, to break them (Notice)


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Provoke , Crafts
4dF+2 Fair
Notice , Investigate , Athletics , Fight
4dF+1 Average
Burglary , Deceive , Stealth , Will


Can speak to dem plants
Inventory: Broad sword, LollyHops

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress

Luca bin Alshams


Refresh: 3
Fate points: 2 x

HIgh Concept
The Watchtower
Failure is not a Hyperion quality
Hero BA
I am a Wanted Man


4dF+4 Great
4dF+3 Good
Empathy , Notice
4dF+2 Fair
Crafts , Fight , Investigate
4dF+1 Average
Contacts , Rapport , Deceive , Athletics


  • Sunny Personality: +2 (rapport) when inspiring heroism in others
  • How I see the world (Roll Notice: Vision in Gamma> Xrays> Ultraviolet> Visible> Infrared> Microwaves> Radar)



  • Light manipulation (physical light)
  • Ignis Phaethonis
  • I produce a light so bright and uncontrolled that my sight is impaired for a moment (I could get burned) and everyone in the vicinity is at varying risk of becoming blind or burned.

Stress and Injury

Physical Stress
Mental Stress
Report Date
09 Jan 2021

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