Session 006 - Visit to the Vineyard Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 006 - Visit to the Vineyard

General Summary

Date 25 Nuzyael to 11 Peonu 720TR (Spring)

Athena travels to the Bastion of Silent Screams and meets with the High priestess Albalny Sunis, High-Priestess. The meeting is tense but generally cordial, with Albalny informing Athena that she is searching for the members of the Order of Hepra the Mace hidden somewhere in the city. Athena is expected to report any contact she may have.

Athena then performs the appropriate rituals and makes an Oath of Vengeance before the Pit of Eternal Fire and her god Agrik, declaring that her enemies, the treacherous Clan Hamlen will be destroyed by her hands.

Quazzy then examines the Heart of Trondran using identification spells. She finds it is not a magical item, it is a Earthmaster artifact and her arcane examination supplied very little additional information. However, she has brief a flash of recall, remembering that the name Tondran has a certain familiarity. She has heard mention of it before.

After a few days of Valmera meets with the adventures. She has found that there are sealed documents in the Town of Telen from the Order of the White Hand. Apparently, they suspected magical abuse at the Chusselrin Vineyard and investigated in 590TR. The party and Valmera travel to Telen to investigate. Valmera discovers that the White Hand did investigate, but found nothing of magic, only the presence of an unnamed invention or new discovery. Valmera suggests that the Adventurers investigate lost ruins of the Chusselrin Vineyards for information on this mysterious invention.

The Players leave Telen, cross over the River Thard and start searching for the Vineyard. The first day they get lost in the wilderness, ambush a small band of the Gargu-Araki (small orcs) but are in turn caught by surprise by an enraged Bear.

Next day the party locate the Vineyard. They approach at sundown and see a large ruined barn and buildings. Quazzy sends her Rat familiar into the barn and sees a number of Gargu-Araki tormenting a number of rats in cages. Yureb uses Illusion to trick the orcs into an ambush which the party easily accomplish. Further on in the barns second chamber, they encounter an Gigantic Spider and its Swarm of Young.

Character(s) interacted with

Albalny Sunis, High-Priestess

Valmera, Researcher

Created Content

Temple of the Eight Demons

Albalny Sunis, High-Priestess

Town of Telen

The Earthmasters

Related Reports

Order of the White Hand

Clan Hamlen


Players Character Status

Athena - Level 3 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 3 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 2 Necromancer.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
04 Nov 2018
Primary Location
Town of Telen
Secondary Location
City of Coranan

Bastion of Silent Screams

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