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Session 7: The Burning of Arundel

General Summary

The party watched as Sahanna was taken into a nearby house that wasn't on fire. Cattholomew snuck around the village and peaked in a window. The necromancer questioned Sahanna and then seems to drain her of some of her life energy, but didn't outright kill her. The group decided to follow suit and sneak around the edge of the village. The first part of the journey went well, but as they got closer, Old Grey stepped onto a log he didn't know was hollow and a resounding crack split the air. One of the Ogre Zombies and some of the ghouls noticed and battle had begun. Most of the party fled deeper into the woods, luring the large Ogre zombie into following them. Talen Faemenor and Old Grey stayed closer to the village and dealt with the ghouls. Part way through the fight a thunderous noise came out of the woods as Mizzix of the Imagnus cast a Thunderwave spell. This alerted a few more ghouls who turned and saw Talen Faemenor and Old Grey and joined into the fight. Cloud on the Mountain Top continued to pin cushion the ogre with arrows while Thalos Grosh used his wild shapes and spells to eventually finish of the ogre with another Thunderwave. This alerted the entire rest of the village including the necromancer. At this point the party decided to make a run for it but as they left, they saw the woman cast a high level spell and kill all of the villagers. They managed to make it far enough away that they felt safe and took a long rest. That night, Iona, the ranger that they had met on their first day in Talinor showed up in their campsite. She had managed to escape and had gone back to find the woman raising the villagers to join her undead army. She had caught a name, Liliana Vess, but didn't know anything else about her. The group continued on towards Marrowstone with Thalos Grosh trying his best to sell Iona a recorder and Talen Faemenor showing off some of his sweet new magic in an attempt to impress her. Teh party reached Marrowstone with a number of things to do.

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
22 Feb 2019

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