Chapter 4: Chasing Ghosts

General Summary

Date: 22nd to 23rd of Mirtul, 1491 DR

    After saving the last remaining Dendrar family, the group delved deeper into the hideout through the secret door they had found earlier. Upon entering to the other side, they found themselves in a storage area with seemingly only one way forward. Peeking through the double doors, Ranvas Pahrunath was met by a gurgling, maddening voice inside his head. The rumors of a skulking eye-monster and the telepathic intrusion were more than a telltale sign that the next room would host an unsavory encounter for the party.   Fortunately it was Bene's keen eyes that spotted a slit on the western wall. Another secret passage way was revealed which the party was able to use to get to the room of Glasstaff. Thah Rockslide and Firbo , lead by Ranvas entered the room with caution. A new absurd feeling was hitting the back of Thah's neck, but with no signs of danger present the trio pressed on. Thah made his way to the other side of the room and as he reached the door of the chamber, an invisible glyph was activated. In an instant the room was blasted with white-hot flame.   The entire hideout shook as the blast took Ranvas and Firbo by their feet, resulting in almost killing them. Thah however, who should've died, was somehow surrounded by these flames. The licked his skin, forming around him, changing hue, before eventually dissipating.   Wounded and tired, the party found clues of the plans of Glasstaff as well as some treasure in his chamber. But the blast had attracted some unwanted attention and they soon heard the door open from the next room. Thah, ready to engage the foes, was met by a frightened goblin that was scouting the aftermath of the blast. This was revealed to be a familiar goblin Gurbak that the party had previously dealt with.   Thanks to the warning of Gurbak, the party was able to surprise the three bugbears and a battle ensued. Killing off two, one of them made for his escape, Bene quickly behind him. As Bene rushed through the door, he was met by crossbow bolts from Redbrand thugs. Narrowly escaping with a bolt embedded to his side, the party retreated for now.   Gurbak had no clue of the whereabouts of Glasstaff and pleaded for the party to let him go. The party took pity on the goblin and they saw him making his way towards north.   After a short rest in the quiet common room of Stonehill Inn, the party was able to decipher the coded message of Thah. They were now set to take the quest of Sister Garaele and visit the Banshee Agatha. As morning arrived, they made some quick purchases by Barthen's Provisions and headed to the road.   The journey was set along the Triboar trail where in the first day, the party was able to spot an ominous cloud formation moving towards North-East. Keen eyes were those that spotted a castle on the formation, along with a mysterious figure looming over in the edges of the clouds.   As night gathered so did our adventurers retire for the day. Some of the party members were able to get some rest, before being aroused by the watch. Orcs were spotted along the road seemingly haste on them. Thah decided to deal with them and learn their motives, but unfortunately the few poorly selected words were enough for the orcs to stop and attack him.   The rest of the party weren't sure how to react as the orcs piled on Thah. Activated by his primal rage, a pixie emerged out of thin air that eventually exploded. This however wasn't able to do much, except damage Ranvas who was right next to the orcs watching the execution. Dirinor tried to deceive the orcs by pretending to be Glasstaff which didn't work. The orcs yelled that Dirinor would be beheaded if he were to be who he claimed.   The orcs left Thah alive, although beaten and bruised and continued their journey. The party relocated further up from the road and no encounters were met during that night.   The next day passed on quickly, as they spent the entire day on the road. As the sun was now starting to slowly set, they saw the ruined town of Conyberry in the horizon. Now they would have to prepare to meet with this spectral entity that had valuable information the party required and with the civilization behind them, there is no clue as to what dangers they will face off in the wilds.  

Rewards Granted

  •  Glasstaff treasury: 180 sp, 130 gp, gems, magic scroll and a glass staff

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
18 Jul 2021
Primary Location

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