Chapter 61: Out of the Fire, Into the Storm

General Summary

Date: 13th of Nightal to 29th of Nightal, 1491 DR

  The heroes had achieved a significant victory by defeating the leader of the Fire Giants Duke Zalto within his fortress of Ironslag. As Fire Giants gathered in the assembly hall to witness their fallen leader, Bene tried to intimidate them to stand down. The duchess, filled with burning hatred and anger however wasn't dissuaded and demanded vengeance. With their position compromised, Bene blew into the Conch of Teleportation, transporting the Good Fellas to Maelstrom, the Storm Giant Fortress.   Upon their arrival, the Good Fellas recounted their dealings to King Hekaton, informing him of the defeat of Duke Zalto and revealing that they had discovered the location of Iymrith's lair. Impatient and yet determined, King Hekaton assembled his war council and asked the Good Fellas to reconvene with them at nightfall to devise a strategy.   At the council, Hekaton laid out a plan to travel to Ascore with his honor guard, sparing just a few Giants to guard Maelstrom. This would leave the fortress weakened, but taking down Iymrith was more important to the king at this point. The party initially considered their own plans to deal with the hags, but eventually decided to join forces with the Storm Giants to confront the dragon. They agreed to meet with them at Ascore within two weeks. As a token of gratitude, King Hekaton rewarded the party with magical items from his treasury.   After resting the night, the party teleported to Evelund and embarked on a week-long journey to Citadel Adbar. En route, they were caught off guard by a blizzard and a orc hunting party, but managed to fend off the attackers. Upon arrival at the dwarven fortress, they met with Nordak and hired him as a guide. When discovering their airship at the foundry, the party was spotted by the guards and escorted to King Harnoth, who rewarded them for their deeds in Ascore and Ironslag. When hearing about the hags, the King requested their presence at midnight for another audience.    Though suspicious, the party agreed to the midnight meeting. While waiting, Nomime procured potions and the rest of the group spent time with Nordak. Bene, moved by Nordak's life story, decided to hire the dwarf to his inn, the Good Place. When Nomime regrouped, they sent him to Phandalin through a teleportation circle and headed out to meet with the king.   In the kings study, the party with a drow named Murssvayas Dhuurniv who informed them that the Underdark was under siege by both undead monsters and fiends infected by demonic blood. He tasked the Good Fellas to locate an important alchemist, but since the party was pressed for time, they agreed to take the mission after dealing with Iymrith. They left Citadel Adbar aboard their repaired airship and headed towards Ascore.   After three days of travel, they crossed the sands to the ruined city. Imperator Uthor came to fetch the party with his Roc and transported them to a location a few miles from a ruined amphitheater, the lair of Iymrith. The stage was set for their confrontation with the Doom of the Desert as the dark sky surged with ominous lightning.   The impending battle against the formidable ancient dragon is upon them.  What schemes and plans have the party overlooked during their rush to the desert? And can the heroes defeat Iymrith and stop her ascension ritual or will they be doomed by the desert?

Rewards Granted

  • Ring of Lightning Resistance from Duke Zalto
  • Duke Zalto's crown (worth 7500gp)
  • Ruby worth 25,000gp.
  • Pearl of Power
  • Ring of Spellstoring
  • Potion of Stom Giant Strength
  • Staff of Frost
  • Spellguard Shield
  • Chest filled with coins and gems (5000gp)

Character(s) interacted with

  • Duchess Brimskarda
  • King Hekaton
  • Imperator Uthor 
  • Nordak Torunn, the greatest guide of Citadel Adbar
  • Giftgiver
  • King Harnoth
  • Murssvayas Dhuurniv

Storm King's Thunder


Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
20 May 2024
Secondary Location
Citadel Adbar

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