Chapter 42: Wishes Beneath the Mountain

General Summary

Date: 15th of Marpenoth to 28th of Marpenoth, 1491 DR

  As the sun dipped below the horizon, the weary group of travelers finally halted. Hours of marching had put a considerable distance between them and the Fire Giants. Relief mingled with the escaped prisoners as they set up camp on the plains. While having their evening meal, Tharra Shyndle thanked the heroes for rescuing her and the others and offered to lead the moon elves back home, since the Good Fellas were going to the opposite direction. The heroes agreed and Tharra bid them farewell. When morning arrived, she and the moon elves were gone.   During their journey to Citadel Adbar, Ranvas connected with Wiri Fleagol , a gnome tinkerer with an aptitude for firearm crafting. A deal was struck between them where Ranvas paid handsomely for Wiri to enchant his firearm. The party also crossed paths with Vordana, a halfling from The Emerald Enclave, who urgently tasked Ranvas with investigating the eerie rumors of unnatural creatures plaguing Citadel Adbar's Underdark caravan trails.   The Good Fellas arrived at Citadel Adbar and, guided by Wiri, reached the Short and Stout inn. They bought rooms and tried out Plump Helmets (dwarven street food). Amidst bites and laughter, discussions turned towards their imminent meeting with King Harnoth. Yet, before the characters could even contemplate their forthcoming royal audience, the inn's doors swung open, revealing a contingent of guards. The party had gotten a summon from the king himself and the guards were there to escort them to a private audience in the royal hall. The heroes agreed and followed the guards through the halls of the citadel.   In the grandeur throne hall, King Harnoth awaited with his three advisors. The king had interest over the events that transpired in Ironslag and the rescuing of the dwarves. The unexpected twists of their tale surprised the king and he showered the group with gratitude for their valor. However, as the prospect of rewards lingers in the air, the moment was abruptly interrupted. The grand doors swung open, heralding the entrance of the Knights of the Mithral Shield. Their arrival casts an immediate shift in the atmosphere, their presence drawing an eerie and foreboding mood within the chamber.   Confused, King Harnoth tried to quell the tension, ordering the Knights to stand down. The situation turned from bad to worse as crossbow bolts struck the king's guards. The party realized that the guards were possessed by the yakfolk and combat erupted. The advisors of the king fled the room, calling for aid as the remaining guards stood by the threatened king. Ranvas and Belros charged forth, becoming the forefront of the resistance.  
  Chaos unfolded within the throne hall; Ranvas and Belros surged into action, clashing against the possessed knights. Meanwhile, Nomime bound a soul of the dying yikari, forcing it to reveal a way to free the knights from the possession. With no sure way to free the dwarves, the heroes continued their assault.   In the heart of the fray, Nomime's incantation summoned a crashing tidal wave that engulfed the battlefield in a torrent of elemental might. Simutaneously, Ranvas' pistols unleashed a deadly volley that punctured the metal armor of the knights. At his side, Bene, ever the tactician, carefully looked for opportune moments to strike with his swift daggers. Belros however began to feel an unexpected resistance - a subtle obstruction that impeded him from summoning his warlock powers. Despite this, he persevered and coated his blade with arcane ice.  
  The battled reached its conclusion as the final knight fell. The advisors entered into the room with a host of guards. King Harnoth showered the heroes with praise and as a token of his gratitude, he beckoned them to name any reward or boon they wished and he would grant it. He offered the heroes to stay within Citadel Adbar for a few days while he procured the wished items. Thus began downtime for the adventurers.   During the tendays the heroes spent on Citadel Adbar, a peculiar encounter unfolded. While Ranvas was exploring the marketplace with Wiri, he met a strange figure that looked like an exact replica of himself. The creature standing in front of Ranvas had acquired his name and was willing to trade it back. It offered a proposal; for each letter in Ranvas' name, Ranvas would undertake a small task. Six small favors, a challenge for every letter. Ranvas agreed and got the first favor; he would have to solve a riddle. The creature told that it would be in contact and disappeared from sight.   What hidden motives might drive Ranvas' doppelganger? And as the heroes partake on their journey towards the desert of Anauroch, what threats and dangers await them there. Will the legend of the archlich prove to be tales? Or will the heroes bite more than they can chew for?

Rewards Granted

  • Ranvas: Milestone level

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escorted the prisoners of Ironslag to safety
  • Saved King Harnoth from the assassination attempt

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder


Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
20 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Citadel Adbar

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