Session 3: A Tantalizing Deal Report

General Summary

We rejoin our newfound acquaintances at a game table without a dealer. Xander and Celeste both make attempts to steal money and pancakes, respectively. The drunk tiefling finds himself obviously caught by the dealer who flags down the nearest staff member. Gimml acts quickly and offers the dealer a basil joint, which convinces her to let Xander go. Despite the chaos, he manges to snag 40 gold. Celeste, on the other hand, successfully swipes a stack of pancakes from a pair of tipsy guests.    Right before partaking in a game of Three-Dragon Ante, the party's attention is stolen by Verity Kye's commotion from attempting to enter the Afterlife. Xander leads the party to investigate. Verity apparently still has a year long ban from the Afterlife. However, Xander, having delt with this same ban before, talked one of the two Bearded Devil guards, Gnarsh, into letting her through. To show her appreciation, she invited the party down to Mammon's Locker, a speakeasy beneath the casino, for some further discussion. On their way, they are waved down by none other than the Guardian Prosperity. He forcefully tags along and leads everyone to a reserved table in Mammon's Locker. A light feast awaits the party as another attempt to soften the animosity towards the Guardian Prosperity for his previous stunt. Celeste devours the entirety of said feast throughout the following events.    Verity gets Prosperitas to leave momentarily, which allows her to fill the party in on who she is and the proposal she has. She asks the party for assistance with a heist on the Afterlife Casino. Before she could elaborate further, Prosperitas returns and interjects claiming that he shares a similar goal. He hijacks Verity's deal with one of his own. Negotiations ensue with the end result being that the party recevies 200 gold upfront and the opportunity to draw from the Deck of Many Things before hearing further details about the heist.    The Guardian summons the nilbog Oddlewin. After being caught up, he informs everyone in the room on the deck's funtionality supported with examples of possible draws. The party, Oddlewin included, huddle off to the side to finalize a decision. While they have a moment alone with Oddlewin, they probe him on his knowings of Prosperitas. His most useful tidbit of information alluded to the Guardian Prosperity being one of if not the least powerful of the Guardians. Despite this, Oddlewin makes it clear that he is still not to be taken lightly based on his interactions with him.    Everyone comes back together with the party deciding to go along with the deal for now. Before contracts are signed, each party member gets to declare their draws from the deck. Everyone's cards are dealt and the consequences of them are made clear (see Rewards Granted below). We end on the final draw, the final effect, the final flicker of the candle's flame.

Rewards Granted


  • "Borrowed" 40gp from an active game table.
  • Gained 200gp from the Guardian Prosperity as compensation for his "demonstration."
  • Drew 10 cards from Oddlewin's Deck of Many Things (in the order cards were drawn):
  • Maze: Gained 1 level of exhaustion. 
  • Crossroads: Aged down 6 years (current age: 20). 
  • Tavern: Charisma increased by 2. 
  • Bridge: Gained 1 charge of the Time Stop spell. 
  • Expert: Dexterity increased by 2. 
  • Dragon: A dragon egg that suddenly appeared hatched a gold dragon wyrmling. 
  • Giant: Grew 7 inches and maximum HP increased by 20. 
  • Pit: Fell into a conjured 900 foot pit, broke fall with Unseen Servant, and was left with 1 HP. 
  • Flames: An evil presence sensed with Xander being the target. 
  • Staff: Gained a rare or rarer magic rod, staff, or wand (TBD).
  • Gained 200gp from the Guardian Prosperity as compensation for his "demonstration."
  • Drew 5 cards from Oddlewin's Deck of Many Things (in the order cards were drawn):
  • Tower: Drew two cards and chose the following: 
  • Priest: Wisdom increased by 2. 
  • Undead: A vengeful presence appearing somewhere on the Material Plane is felt. 
  • Ship: Gained proficiency in deception, persuassian, and perception. 
  • Skull: A sense is felt as if sleep will be very different going forward. 
  • Mage: Intelligence increased by 2.
  • Gained 200gp from the Guardian Prosperity as compensation for his "demonstration."
  • Swiped pancakes from an unaware tipsy pair.
  • Drew 3 cards from Oddlewin's Deck of Many Things (in the order cards were drawn):
  • Tree: Scales turned to bark. AC is now 15 + Dexterity modifier, unarmored. However, now vulnerable to fire attacks. 
  • Stairway: Gained a rare or rarer wonderous item (TBD). 
  • Map: Within 1 year, must name something in order to know its exact location and condition(s).

Character(s) interacted with

Verity Kye: The party assisted this bold and confident tiefling with gaining entrance to the Afterlife Casino. Afterwards, she returned the favor by leading the party (with the unsolicited help from the Guardian Prosperity) to Mammon's Locker, a speakeasy beneath the den of sin. Here, she proposed the idea of a heist on the Afterlife.   The Guardian Prosperity: The party is spotted by him on their way to Mammon's Locker, and he forcefully joins them. He then invites to a reserved table where a light feast is laid before the party as an additional way to compensate them for his stunt. He butts in on Verity's heist proposal to share that he has a similar goal. To further entice the party, he offers 200 gold and the chance to draw from a Deck of Many Things.   Oddlewin: He was summoned by the Guardian Prosperity and provided the Deck of Many Things for the players to draw from. He also gave the players some light insight on the Guardians, especially the Guardian Prosperity. Apparently, he may not have as much power as one may think, but he is still not one to be triffled with.

A Gamble of Fate


Chaotic Neutral Dragonborn (Haunted One)
Sorcerer 2
14 / 14 HP


Tiefling ()
Warlock 2
17 / 17 HP


Chaotic Good Half-Elf (Folk Hero)
Druid 2
17 / 17 HP
Report Date
19 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Afterlife Casino
Secondary Location

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