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Despite [the capital city] being a melting pot of Vespía, Paradisus comes overwhelmingly second. Being a tourist hotspot, many different races and even planar beings choose to visit and/or setup shop in the city. Typically, most fall back upon Paradisus if their [the capital city] plans fall through. Many seem to believe that this diversity not only in clientele but also in the offerings of Paradisus has been one of the main contributors of its monetary and cultural enrichment.


As with every major city in Vespía, its government is managed by the host Guardian. From there, said Guardian can choose to elect a mayor, council, or even themselves to handle the more innerworkings of running their cities. Paradisus is run by the Guardian Propserity and his Minor Entrepenurial Council.

Industry & Trade

Paradisus mainly has sustained itself on tourism and lavish resort attractions. It is seen as a luxury vacation destination with the appropriate amount of tacky souveniers and designer brands strewn about alike.


Being the only coastal city amonst an arid desert landscape, the Guardian Prosperity and his most entrepreneurial citizens seized the opportunity to breath a resport paradise into Vespía's bleak land.


Since nearly the entirety of Paradisus is treated as a resort getaway, districts tend to be less distinct and purposeful within the city aside from attempting to appeal to the dreary and fun-starved Vespía populace. However, some minor districts were established after challenging legal battles and protest by longterm Paradisus inhabitants:    

Residential District

Perhaps the smallest district in the city, the residential district was the most recent one to be established. Before its founding, residents' homes lacked the protections that the for-profit resorts, businesses, and attractions seemed to have. Residents used to unexpectadly be given eviction notices in order to make way for the next big source of profit. After an overwhelming amount of Paradisians nearly broke out into a riot after protesting for weeks in the Arcane Tower District, the Guardian Prosperity and his Minor Entrepreneurial Council agreed to cultivate a space, albeit small, dedicated to housing the city's more permanent residents. Because of its small size in comparasion to the rest of the desert city and its other districts, many of the buildings have had addition after addition taacked onto them. If it weren't for the altruistic assistance from Vespía Contruction (even then, most don't believe their motives were entirely selfless), the Residential District would be more akin to a very vertical shanty town. However, it now resembles more of a architecturally inferior slum with heights beginning to rival the city's arcane tower.  

Arcane Tower District

The heart of every Vespían city and that is no different in Paradisus. This district, while small, perhaps is the most important of all. Without the arcane tower casting both light and protection upon Paradisus and its surronding landscape, habitation would not even be possible. Yet, those that have cultivated the city have still managed to turn it into a profiting machine. Paradisus prides itself on being the only major city in Vespía where constant tours are given of the arcane a steep price, of course. On these tours, participants are allowed to see the inner workings both of the arcane tower's functionality and those who work day after day to preserve its effectiveness. The tour is still quite limited, however, and takes place in only a handful of staged rooms that only simulate what goes on beyond the 'Employees Only' barriers within the tower. Despite its limited nature, this is still the closest that any Vespían will ever be able to get to being as knowledgeable as a hard working Lightstoker.  

City Center

Despite its name, the City Center does not actually lie in the center of the city. That spot is taken up by the Arcane Tower District as it is in every major Vespían city. Instead, the City Center sits next to it near the 'Main Entrance' of Paradisus. It serves as an information center for tourists full of numerous promotional materials, aggressive business and shoppe owners, and various folks checking in and out of the resort city. Various announcements and public events are held here as well. However, with the new areana venue under construction, that may soon change.


The Guardian Prosperity associates two components with his and his city's success: Profit and Favor.


As can already be gathered, Paradisus' booming nature is due to the entrepreneurial genius of the governing body. Any way they are able to monetize something, you can be sure they have already done so and expanded upon it. Nothing goes without a fee in Paradisus. Many of its long-term citizens have become more vocal in recent decades about the overprofitization of this coastal destination. While many make their livelyhood on tourist-related ventures, citizens have begun to notice that they are being deemed targets of money-bleeding pracitces as much as tourists. The blurred line between inhabitant and vacationer have begun to make many residents resentful and concerned about the city's future.  


Amongst all of the Guardians, the Guardian Prosperity was always a crowd favorite. With his overwhelming charm and wit paired with his governing practicies made for the people of Paradisus, the favor of Paradisians became a driving force of the city's early establishment. Citizens did all they could to support the city that supported them. Until his exploration into music and declining interest in Guardian duties, the Guardian Prosperity was reveared as a Guardian for the people. He made numerous public appearences and routinely assisted with tasks that many would deem below someone of his power. However, the Guardian Prosperity slowly disappeared from public view, leaving his minor council to be the face of Paradisus' government. In recent decades, as profits have skyrocketed, public favor of the entire governing body has declined at a similar rate. The Guardian Prosperity has made little to no comment on this decline in admiration, and if he has, it has always been in a condescending and dismissive manor. One could argue profit is the main driving force fueling Paradisus' life.

Guilds and Factions


As with every major Vespían city that hosts an arcane tower, those that serve to protect it and facilitate law and order are known as Lightkeeprs. However, despite having universal components, each city runs their Lightkeeper force diffrerently. Paradisian Lightkeepers do maintain their commonly known Warforged ranks, but they are split into two separate divisions:   Doctrine of Law and Order This is one that most Vespíans are familiar with: protectors of the arcane tower and its laws. One minor difference in comparison to most Lightkeepers is the more tropical color pallete and "friendlier" appearance of these Warforged. This was "brilliantly" thought up by the Guardian Prosperity as a way to make his peacekeepers seem friendlier than those found in other cities. However, in reality, all that really changed is a coat of paint and their voices replaced by the Guardian Prosperity's grating voice.   Doctrine of Leisure Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of vacationing in Paradisus are the exclusive Lightkeeper force dedicated to catering to tourists. Whether that means being rented out to be at a wealthier vacationer's beck and call or manning one of the numerous attractions scattered throughout the city, these Lightkeepers are less about guarding the arcane tower and more about guarding the city's profits. While citizens were worried at first about these nearly automatronic caretakers displacing hard workers, the Guardian Prosperity has made a promise to only use this brand of Lightkeeper to fulfill job vacancies only as needed. This slowly allowed business owners and the everyday worker alike to maintain secure jobs while having acceess to extra assistance if they so choose.  

Minor Entrepreneurial Council


  • Paradisus
    The city of Paradisus holds as much wealth as it does lack of morality. The Guardian Prosperity and his meticulous puppeteering maintains it from falling into complete turmoil. Without guests, there would be no income, and what guest would want vacation at crime-ridden cesspool? That's for them to gawk at behind the comfort and safety of the city walls where they may partake in more "civilized" debauchery.
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