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The Seers of Summershield

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Kozetora
01/08/21 | Full


  • Kozetora 1006
    The map of the world in 1006, made by an Otholian cartographer.
  • Zalfari
    The city of Zalfari rests in the shadow of a rugged volcano and is regarded as a truly modest metropolis, the skyline scattered with unique towers and colourful banners. Once a city belonging to the Nafu halflings, now used as a wartime port for the Otholian fleets following the peace concessions between the two nations.
  • The Seer's of Summershield HQ
  • Summershield
    The capital of the Otholian Empire.
Supporting Cast

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Dugg Jr

Raemanu Coriseldo

Pierre Courte

of Dalhurst Barris

Rimbley Grimblefingers


Mguu wa Meli