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25th Sarenith 1015 CE

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The Kozetora Shelf, a vast near-flat expanse of forest, grassland, deserts, mountains, and jungles bordered on all sides by the void, an empty nothingness that defies all known logic, the oceans forever flowing into it but never draining. The scholars, astrologers, and would-be scientists of the world have noted that the ‘Planetary Shelf’ on which they and everyone they know resides is moving at an incredible rate throughout the void. Every week constellations shift and change, the earliest recorded of which have been lost thousands of years ago as the Kozetora Shelf soared past. The world of Kozetora gets its name from an ancient and now all dead civilization that spanned the shelf from edge to edge, huge towering structures litter the landscape, some of which have been reappropriated in the contemporary and used for housing or defense, some even taken as palaces and castles of lesser civilizations. Not much is known about the Kozetorans beyond their towering heights, (if their door frames are anything to go on) even their biology is a mystery as no skeletal remains or otherwise have been found, but when the scholars and scientists aren’t busy pondering the void they’re studying any and all ancient artifacts left behind, the enchantment of items is a magic lost on the mages of today and so gathering these items has become something of an industry in certain parts of the world. Within the last fifty years, a lot has happened, between the Elven Trijunction, a harsh cultural separation of the three Elven kingdoms. The destruction of two Dwarven strongholds or Dehns, both Dehn Volkohm and Dehn Kuldir cracked asunder by ancient magics harnessed by the Dragonborn Kingdom of Kretus. And most recently the Confederation of Nafu (a Halfling Theocracy) after the Otholian Empire (A Humanocentric empire (Think Britain, France, and Germanic states like Bohemia)) marched on their capital under the guise of stamping out the heretical religion Telrinity, but many believe it was in a last-ditch attempt to stay powerful and relevant in an increasingly powerful world by appropriating the land of a previously peaceful ally of theirs. This Otholian conquest ended with the Nafu seceding land to Otholia but led to the nearby and now bordering Icudo Empire (Another Humanocentric empire (Think Rome)) declaring war on Otholia seemingly in the interest of reinstating Nafu back to its full power pre-confederation.