Marshland Mysteries Report

General Summary

The adventurers played a few games of knucklebones awaiting Fredrick's arrival. After Dreamstroke swept everyone's coins up through some not too subtle cheating, Fredrick arrived, well armed and well supplied for the trip. After some more preparations on the party's end, they began their trek through the Plains of Greyhawk and eventually to the Mistmarsh. However, here became so muddy that the cart could not pass. Instead, they hunkered down by the Marsh Way for the night. All passed uneventfully until Kaizzt's watch, where he spotted a large shape moving towards them through the grass. It turned out to be an owlbear, hungry, and ready to take a bite out of spade. The adventurers quickly sprung to action and repelled the beast, after a few blows were exchanged, Dreamstroke knocked the beast over with an eldritch blast, allowing the front line to stab it to death. With the threat dealt with, they slept for the rest of the night. When morning came, Fredrick was unable to find any goblin tracks in the immediate area, so he suggested that they take the Dwarfwalk to Greysmere, a local dwarven settlement. Here, they would be able to drop off Spade as well as. The party complied and started their journey once more. Once they arrived, they were all let in, save Kaizzt, who was stopped by the gate guard and told to stay outside. The rest stopped by the stables which were positioned under the hillside it a little dug-out cave and paid for Spade's stay. On their way out, Fredrick learned from one of the guards that there was a local band of goblins that had been giving the Greysmere patrol some difficulty up north. Assuming that this was the band of goblins that was giving Lord Wainright trouble, the headed straight for it up the hillside. After passing over a treacherous bridge: Ryell Pass, they made their way to the cave. By this time, it was getting dark out, but before they rushed in headfirst, Dreamstroke and Sylvan scouted ahead. They found a few groups of goblins minding their business, as well as a few bugbears and an ogre. Reporting back to the group, they exchanged a few plans, and eventually decided on Martin's, which was for Dreamstroke and Sylvan to wait by a rope bridge in the cave and wait for some of the bugbears and ogre to rush out onto it, after which the two would cut the ropes, landing them in a pool of water, vulnerable to attack. The rest of the adventurers would stand outside of the cave and create a distraction, to divide their forces. The plan was executed masterfully, as the goblins were cut down with ease, though one of the bigger bugbears did provide a challenge to their divided forces. After the two bugbears on the other side of the bridge were alerted, operation: SPLOOSH was put into action. The ropes were cut and the two bugbears were sent hurdling down into a pool of water below. Then, operation: Donkey Kong was put into action by Kaizzt and Martin, who tried to roll a heavy barrel onto the two bugbears who were trying to swim out of the water, which unfortunately missed. The two were then shot to death by Dreamstroke and Sylvan. The last threat, the ogre was easy to provoke into stumbling down into the water, and the same strategy was applied. After collecting the loot that the creatures were storing, they walked back to Greysmere and told their deeds to the town guard. They were impressed and sent them to the dwarf-mayor, Varum Proudhammer. He was grateful for their efforts, and though he wasn't willing to pay them for a job he didn't ask them to do, he did invite them to his dinner that they interrupted, paired with a nice keg of dwarvish ale from the Crystalmist Mountains. After a stay in his guest bedroom, and the quick theft of one of his undersheets by Dreamstroke, the six of them left with Spade, and returned to Lord Wainwright's manor. He thanked them for their job and paid them their sum as well as sent the letter that Kaizzt and Martin asked for. In additon, he gave them a bottle of peach wine for encountering the tough threat of both bugbears and an ogre. With their spoils in pocket, they returned to town to take it easy for the week.

Rewards Granted

2750 xp // 1 silver ewer // 5 copper goblets with a silver filigree // a frosted bottle with teeth and hair floating in it // a pin with three black feathers sticking out of it // 500 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

Goblins of the Marsh: complete!

Character(s) interacted with

Fredrick: Led the party all the way from the Free City of Greyhawk to the Cairn Hills. // Varum Proudhammer: Thanked the party for their service and rewarded them with a nice dinner and a stay in his guest bedrooms.

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
14 Jul 2019
Primary Location
Cairn Hills
Secondary Location
Western Nyr Dyv

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