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Cairn Hills

The Cairn Hills separate the Domain of Greyhawk and the Duchy Palantine of Urnst. The hills are full of all sorts of mountain and hill dwelling folk, such as gnomes and dwarves. The hills are full of all types of ores that are prized highly by the surrounding territories.


The Cairn Hills sit between marshland to the southwest, plains to the east, and Nyr Dyv to the north. The hills themselves are reddish in hue, likely due to ore deposits and their more mountainous regions have breathtaking views, to the benefit of those living there. Despite its occasional beauty, there are dangers here as well. Many caves dot the area, which are prime locations for manner of all beasts to house their lairs.

Fauna & Flora

The Cairn hills are home to smaller fauna such as rabbits, foxes and birds, and have a landscape covered in patchy mountain grasses and bushes, as well as the occasional pine grove.

Natural Resources

Some lumber, iron, some precious metals

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