A Rainy Day at the Green Dragon Report

General Summary

Our *four adventurers* played games of 4 card ante in the Green Dragon Inn until the quiet of the room was broken by a drenched man wearing a tattered cloak. After being questioned about his foul mood by Kaizzt, the four learned that this man, Deggar, had been robbed on the road by a mysterious wizard that the locals called the Wizard of Nearmarsh. The four agreed to help him in exchange for half of his stolen goods and all he knew about the wizard, which was limited to where he robbed him: Zagig's Bridge, a crossing over the Selintan River. The four adventurers took off right after retrieving Sylvan's horse, Spade, with a cart in tow, from the local stable. They trekked for a few hours through the rain until they reached the bridge, upon which stood a man dressed in a grey cloak and held a large staff. Immediately, the four noticed that there was something off about the man, he stood unnaturally still, and when he was approached, he moved lightning fast. He announced that he was Nearus Ishtar, the Wizard of Nearmarsh, ruler of the surrounding lands. He immediately demanded 20 gold orbs, to which Sylvan immediately obliged, right before trying to stab him in the gut. The dagger passed right through, but just as the wizard was about to unleash an arcane barrage of fire, he dropped the coins given to him and disappeared without a trace; an illusion. Cursing could be heard from the other side of the bridge, and Dreamstroke tried to follow its source, but only managed to find small humanoid footprints leading westward, away from the scene. They tracked the footprints to another nearby bridge, but were surprised when a small group of orcs jumped from under it and assaulted the party. Immediately, their leader charged Sylvan, and with one mighty axe blow, he was thrown to the ground unconscious. Two charged Kaizzt, one attacked Spade. Martin and Dreamstroke were left a bit behind in the back of the cart. Kaizzt was able to hold the two orcs off for a time, allowing Martin and Dreamstroke to rush to Sylvan's defense, killing an orc grunt in the process. The fight from there was brutal, Martin and Dreamstroke did a number on the orc captain, but by that time, Kaizzt was losing his battle. While the drow was able to kill one of the orcs, the other landed a particularly nasty blow on his head knocking him out cold. Dreamstroke re-positioned himself and fired a blast of eldritch energy at the orc. The grunt was about to charge the black clad axeman, but Kaizzt wasn't done. With a rush of energy, and a final push of strength, he managed to prop himself up and jab the orc through the bottom of his jaw with his pike, killing him instantly. The fight from there between the chieftain and Martin was a tough one, both had disarmed each other, and the only thing keeping the fighter safe was his armor and a well timed shield spell, but not a moment too soon, Dreamstroke ended the battle with an axe to the back of the orc's head. After the four had a chance to rest. They decided to head back to town, high in wounds and low in progress, as the only thing they managed to find was a crudely drawn orcish map. While they were back in town, mulling about, Kaizzt felt a few coins snatched from his purse by a red shape that disappeared into a back alley. While he was able to keep pace with what appeared to be a small, red, lizard-like humanoid, it disappeared into a sewer before he was able to catch it. He returned to the Green Dragon Inn to tell his compatriots about the small creature. They were able to identify it as a kobold and decided it would be best to enter the sewer and clear out any kobolds they saw. However, their plans would soon change. When they entered the sewer, they found a clan of seven or eight kobolds taking care of orphan children. Their leader, Febblekin, the last male of their clan and only barely past maturity, pleaded with the adventurers to find them some protection, as the city had forgotten that their clan was paid by the Free City seventy years ago to build them their sewers. It seemed that the guilds hadn't taken notice that some adventurers had gone off and killed half their number. To help them, Martin and Kaizzt sought out the Grey Carriers, a sort of mail service, to send a letter to the Lord Mayor, and Sylvan sold a few stolen trinkets to earn the kobolds some money. Dreamstroke, seeing the poor orphan children, had a bit of a flashback to his childhood and had a longing to adopt a child. He visited the local orphanage, but was sadly turned down and deferred for ninety days, but was told what he had to do to be eligible. With all of this done, the adventurers decided to take a week of rest to heal their wounds and work on personal projects before seeking the truth behind the Wizard of Nearmarsh. // 17th of Reaping, 598 CY

Rewards Granted

188 xp varying amounts of silver and gold

Missions/Quests Completed

The Wizard of Nearmarsh, given // The Red Scamps, given

Character(s) interacted with

Rickard Durant: Asked for information, bought food, drink and rooms from him. Dreamstroke asked for, and successfully got a serving job from him at the Green Dragon. // Bertrum: Served drinks and sold rooms at the Green Dragon, dealt cards for their four card ante game. // Deggar: Asked the adventurers to return half his goods stolen by the Wizard of Nearmarsh. // Febblekin: Asked the adventurers to find his clan protection against wanderers in the sewers. // Old Lady Nancy: Racist old lady who sold Kaizzt an overpriced patch to mend Sylvan's clothing. // Nerran: Old gnome that Sylvan may or may not have stolen from in the past. // Old Man Swiller: A toolmaker that Sylvan met in the thieve's guild hideout who had four teeth, sold him some thieve's tools. // Hariad: A jewelry shop owner that Sylvan sold stolen jewelry to. Paddiak Fischer: An old gnome that pointed Sylvan to where the thieve's guild hideout was.

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
29 Jun 2019
Primary Location
Free City of Greyhawk
Secondary Location
Western Nyr Dyv

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