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Free City of Greyhawk

The Gem of the Flanaess, the Free City of Greyhawk. It is a place of wealth and fortune, which attracts people of all kinds, merchants, adventurers and wizards alike. It has high walls and smooth paved roads, which glimmer after a light rain. The streets are often bustling with its inhabitants. You can often smell baking bread and leather on the main road, as it passes many artisans and marketplaces. The city is loudest at the low market, where buyers and sellers argue and haggle over the prices of a multitude of goods, and quietest in its gardens, which are well maintained to give its citizens a piece of nature to visit in the city. The Free city is divided into eight different districts, the Slum Quarter, the Theives' Quarter, the Foreign Quarter, the Artisan's Quarter, the River Quarter, Clerkburg, the Garden Quarter and the High Quarter. Both the Slum Quarter and the Thieves' Quarter are very dark, as the buildings there are so tall and close together that it blocks direct sunlight except at noon and the air smells of excrement and rotting wood in most places. The Foreign Quarter and the Artisans Quarter are in much better shape, as they are filled with all sorts of businesses, that make it smell strongly of sawdust and food. The streets are larger here, allowing more traffic through the area. The low market is set in between these two districts, which is incredibly loud and busy, and very easy to lose yourself in-between vendors vying for your attention and the ever shifting crowd. The River Quarter and Clerkberg are less crowded, but just as busy. The River Quarter is filled with many inns and taverns for those who want to rest after a hard day at the docks. The smell of river water and fish is strong here, as it is tracked into the city warehouses from the docks. Clerkburg is filled with all sorts of high end businesses and colleges. This is where the more educated folk of the city frequent, though it has its fair share of visitors from elsewhere as this is also where the city arena is built. The Garden Quarter and the High Quarter are where those of noble blood and high society mingle. There are several venues for more sophisticated entertainment, such as a theater, and an opera house. It is also where the high market is located, a place to buy commodities and fine goods such a beautiful jewelry and expensive furnishings. Despite this, people from the lower districts make their way here daily, as near half of the churches and chapels of the city are located here. At the farthest end of the High Quarter lies the Grand Citadel, an intimidating structure of vast proportions. This giant fortress is where the Guild Council attends its meetings and where the Lord Mayor resides. In the case of a siege, the mighty structure is capable of housing near all the inhabitants of the city for a few months.


The population of Greyhawk is predominately human. Wealthiest among them are guild leaders


Greyhawk is ruled by its lord mayor, who is elected by the Directing Oligarchy, comprised of twelve to eighteen of the cities major guild and military leaders.


The city is surrounded by incredibly high stone walls and is divided into three sections that can be shut off via portcullis. There are several defensible structures within the city as well, such as guildhalls and the Grand Citadel.

Industry & Trade

Greyhawk is a trade city by nature, and because of this, taxes alone are able to keep the city afloat. Individuals make a living by plying their trade or working for others who do, there is no shortage of work in the city.


Greyhawk has a major dock


Trade commodities, natural resources, crafted goods.

Guilds and Factions

Thieves Guild, Merchant's Guild, The Nightwatchmen, Performing Arts Guild, Merchant's and Trader's Union, Laborers Union, Guild of Architects and Stonemasons, Sage's Guild, Mercenaries' Guild, Seaman's Guild, Jeweler's and Gemcutter's Guild, Wizard's Guild, Cartographer's Guild, Translator's Guild


Greyhawk began as a small settlement on the Selintan River, built near a trading post. A warlord eventually dominated the area, who built a keep on a hill near the village. Eventually, this warlord had become wealthy and powerful enough that the land around the village became known as the Landgraf of Selintan. The warlord wed his son to the daughter of the gynarch of Hardby and a long lasting alliance was forged. The landgrafdom would continue to grow in power until its last landgraf, the Mad Archmage, Zagig Yragerne. Zagig reformed many of Greyhawks laws, and fortified the city. He was the creator of Castle Greyhawk, a marvel of engineering. As time went on, Zagig became more and more reclusive, until he disappeared entirely. Since he had no heir, an oligarchical council proclaimed Greyhawk a free city, which unfortunately sliced all political ties in the region. However, the free city did recover in time, benefiting from treasure troves discovered throughout the area, which increased trade, and brought forth new alliances between towns.


The Free City has access to a wide variety of resources, because of this, it architecture is equally varied. While many houses are made of wood from the Gnarley Forest, and adorned with different colors of paint, a good number of larger buildings are made of stone from the nearby Cairn Hills.


The Free CIty is set near a few small forests and the Selintan River. While the river side of the city is not particularly beautiful, the southern side of the city is kept in good shape to persuade travelers to stop by.

Natural Resources

The Free City has access to both wood from its nearby forests, and stone from the Cairn Hills. Iron and other metals are mined out north, or traded from the east and even further afar.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gem of the Flanaess
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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