The Jungle's Claw #004

General Summary

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Game date: 14th day of the Crow, Year 13944

  Thronn and Fouk trekked silently through the dense jungle foliage, following the faint tracks that wound ever northward. Thronn, a former member of the Bloodclaw clan, was haunted by memories of this place. Two years ago, he had been dispatched here on a mission with his closest childhood friend. They were ambushed by a rival orc warband, and Thronn was forced to kill his friend to prevent him from divulging clan secrets. Fouk, a servant to some Shadim emissaries, had been stranded in the Jungles of Nolavor for a year since a shipwreck.   Their quarry was two missing child soldiers they had been contracted to find. As they progressed, the terrain sloped upward, and the air grew heavy with the roar of falling water. Up ahead, a waterfall cascaded down mossy boulders into a medium-sized pool. Thronn's steps slowed; this was a part of the jungle he had hoped never to return to.
Peering into the clear water, they spotted gigantic leeches. Thronn advised Fouk that crossing here would be dangerous. Fouk lobbed a rock into the pool, provoking the leeches. Both drew their bows and attacked, managing to kill one leech. Fouk then leapt across the rocks to investigate a small shrine on the other side, while Thronn, attempting to follow, fell into the pool among the agitated leeches. Fouk saved him just in time.   The shrine appeared recently constructed and contained artifacts from Fouk's Vorcian homeland. Fouk disabled a protective ward and retrieved three vials of Mummy Dust, an ornate dagger, several scrolls, and a pendant. He showed Thronn the items but kept the Mummy Dust hidden for himself.
Thronn then refocused on tracking the missing child soldiers. He found bootprints leading north, along with tracks of a larger humanoid and a jungle panther. Fouk, desperate to replenish his dwindling opium stash, pressed Thronn about a village dealing in opiates. Thronn confirmed its existence but warned that it was risky.   Both agreed to continue trailing the tracks north. Thronn prayed to avoid his old clan, while Fouk dreamt of the opium and sorcery that lay ahead in the perilous wilderness.

Rewards Granted

Vials of Mummy Dust: Several small vials contain a shimmering, grayish powder known as "Mummy Dust." It's a rare and potent substance often used in dark rituals and necromantic magic. The vials are sealed tightly, and their contents radiate an eerie aura.   Ankh Pendant: A delicate pendant shaped like an ankh, an ancient symbol of life and immortality. It's finely crafted from a dark, unknown metal and adorned with small, glowing gemstones.   Scrolls of Unknown Origin: A set of rolled-up scrolls, their contents written in an unfamiliar script. They seem to be religious texts or incantations, but their exact purpose is a mystery.   Ceremonial Dagger: A ceremonial dagger with an ornate hilt, featuring intricate carvings of serpents and flames. The blade appears sharp, and it carries an air of significance.

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Report Date
13 Oct 2023
Primary Location

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