
Nolavor, located in southern San-Cromalika, is a jungle realm where civilization and wilderness coexist precariously. The jungle teems with unique flora and fauna, remnants of an age dominated by dark magic. Warlords and crimelords control various territories, engaging in activities like mercenary work and illicit substance production. The southern region is home to the Otaru, bird-people who have built cities that blend ancient architecture with jungle elements.   See: Locations of Nolavor  
The legacy of the Black Fire, an ancient dark force, still influences Nolavor. Hidden ruins and artifacts attract cults seeking to harness this power. The jungle is perilous, filled with dangerous creatures and plants. Despite the risks, adventurers are drawn to the hidden treasures and resources the jungle offers.  
The Otaru govern their sky-cities through a "Sky Council," led by a "High Feather." Warlords and crimelords have their own councils, specializing in various illicit activities. Cults dedicated to reviving the Black Fire operate in secret, infiltrating these power structures.  
Nolavor is a realm of survival and opportunism. Native tribes practice rituals to appease jungle spirits, while warlords and crimelords exploit the land's resources. The culture is one of ruthless pragmatism, where alliances are fragile and danger is omnipresent.  
Survival is the ultimate goal in Nolavor. Warlords offer security through military strength, while crimelords offer protection in exchange for loyalty or coin. The jungle itself is considered the ultimate arbiter of fate.  
Assets in Nolavor range from tamed beasts to dark artifacts and natural resources like luminescent fungi and quicksilver rivers. These assets are hard-won, making them highly valuable.  
After the First Black Fire War, races like Orcs and Goblins found refuge in Nolavor. The land became a breeding ground for dark magic and monstrous creatures. Over time, it evolved into a realm of fractured sovereignties. The northern jungles are dominated by warbands engaging in nefarious activities, while the south has some semblance of civilization, primarily established by the Otaru. Nolavor remains a realm that defies cosmic balance, a testament to the legacy of the Black Fire.


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