Dead Gods

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dead Gods
09/22/2023 | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Chieftain Krolok
    Chieftain Krolok is a formidable level 3 Barbarian known for his ruthless leadership and cunning tactics. He wields a staff adorned with mystical symbols, which is said to hold great power and is a symbol of his authority within the tribe. Krolok is notorious for his distrust of outsiders, and rumors circulate that he has a particular fondness for dark rituals and "cannibalistic" practices.
  • Hunter Mok
    Hunter Mok is a level 1 Ranger, a silent stalker in the dense jungle, armed with a blowgun and an assortment of lethal poisons. His eyes are as cold as the venom he uses, and he's known for his ability to track and hunt with deadly precision. Mok is a loner by nature, preferring the company of his poisonous darts over that of his tribesmen.
  • Kurgan
    Kurgan, the enigmatic owner of the Jungle's Claw tavern, leans against the bar, his eyes scanning the room like a predator sizing up prey. His voice is a gravelly whisper, as if every word is a secret he's reluctant to part with. Known for his vast network of underworld contacts, he's a man of few words but many secrets, and while he doesn't pick sides, crossing him is a dangerous gamble. His eyes, cold and calculating, seem to weigh your soul as you step into his sanctuary of sin and secrets.
  • Kurnok Villager
    A typical Kurnok villager is an imposing figure, covered in rough, greenish scales and adorned with simple tribal jewelry made of bones and feathers. Their eyes, a deep yellow, are filled with a mix of curiosity and caution as they go about their daily tasks, which could range from tending to a fire to sharpening primitive weapons. While not as battle-hardened as the tribe's warriors or as mystical as its shamans, these villagers are still formidable in their own right, well-versed in the ways of the jungle and always alert to the presence of outsiders.
  • Scout Nok
    Scout Nok is a level 1 Rogue, agile and elusive as a shadow in the moonlight. Unlike his more aggressive tribe members, Nok is driven by curiosity and is more open to negotiation, although his trust is hard-earned. His eyes, keen and calculating, miss nothing, making him an excellent scout and a dangerous opponent in any skirmish.
  • Shaman Grik
    a level 2 Druid who exudes an aura of mystical wisdom and dark knowledge. He wears a necklace of rare herbs, each carefully selected for its magical or poisonous properties, and is said to possess a scroll containing antidote recipes that could cure even the most lethal toxins. His eyes are like deep pools of ancient knowledge, and it's rumored that he has a direct line of communication with malevolent spirits of the jungle.
  • Warrior Zarn
    Warrior Zarn is a level 1 Fighter, built like a fortress of muscle and scales, with a demeanor as aggressive as a cornered crocodile. His eyes narrow suspiciously at the sight of outsiders, and his hand never strays far from the hilt of his jagged blade. Zarn is known for his brutal combat style and has little patience for diplomacy, preferring the language of violence and intimidation.
  • Witchdoctor Tila
    Witchdoctor Tila is a level 2 Cleric, draped in dark robes adorned with bones and talismans. She wields a wand that can summon minor spirits, and her incantations are often accompanied by eerie chants and the rattling of cursed objects. Tila is a master of dark rituals and is believed to have the power to curse or heal with a mere flick of her wand.
  • Xolotza
    Xolotza is a large black jungle panther held in thrall by Veylok the Shaman. She is a distant relative of the displacer beast and has access to dark magics. She has been plotting her escape for months and is native to the area, though her kind is very rare. [img:4897001]

Sessions Archive

9th Aug 2024

The Jungle's Claw #024

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26th Jul 2024

The Jungle's Claw #023

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28th Jun 2024

The Jungle's Claw #022

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14th Jun 2024

The Jungle's Claw #021

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31st May 2024

The Jungle's Claw #020

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17th May 2024

The Jungle's Claw #019

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3rd May 2024

The Jungle's Claw #018

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19th Apr 2024

The Jungle's Claw #017

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22nd Mar 2024

The Jungle's Claw #016

Narrowly escaping a chaotic battle, Fouk, Thronn, and Gherman witness Xolotza's dramatic transformation as she overpowers Veylok in a fierce aerial duel, leaving them to confront a powerful dragon eel, uncover Veylok's connection to Kurgan, and make a crucial decision that will shape their fate in the perilous jungles of Nolavor.

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8th Mar 2024

The Jungle's Claw #015

In a shocking turn of events, Xolotza attacked both Gherman and Gruznak during their duel. The sudden appearance of Zerathoss, a beholder from the Eyes of Tezra, interrupted the fight, chastising Gruznak for his vendetta against Thronn, his own half-orc son. Xolotza then teleported Thronn, Fouk, Gherman, and a captured vulture dog to safety in the Goliath tunnels, where she shared her past and her desire for revenge against Veylok.

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23rd Feb 2024

The Jungle's Claw #014

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26th Jan 2024

The Jungle's Claw #013

Having fled from swarming hordes of Thronn's vengeful Bloodclaw war clan into the shadowy caverns of the Goliaths, our compromised heroes must carefully negotiate this uneasy shelter. Gherman the barbarian shelters fractious and suspicious kin, yet greater threats roar not far behind.

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12th Jan 2024

The Jungle's Claw #012

With Xolotza vanished, Thronn, Fouk, and Gherman race towards a mountain tunnel, their only path to Gherman’s xenophobic Goliath tribe. Though the tribe despises Thronn’s orcish blood, the adventurers hope to elicit aid against three Bloodclaw warbands closing in. But blocked passages and old hatreds may seal off salvation.

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5th Jan 2024

Session 11

Fouk, Thronn, and Gherman, with Xolotza's assistance, navigate the perilous Nolavorian jungle to reach the Corpseflower Temple. They intend to fulfill their dark pact by sacrificing Brakka to Djinn Azural, seeking the powerful rewards he has promised, while remaining vigilant against any lurking jungle threats.

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22nd Dec 2023

The Jungle's Claw #010: The Capitojoppa

The adventurers confront the metamorphosized Ravus, who has been stung and infected with the larvae of a Capitojoppa wasp.

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10th Dec 2023

The Jungle's Claw #009: Inside the Termite Mound

Thronn and Fouk find themselves navigating the challenging landscape of towering termite mounds in the Nolavor jungle. This maze-like terrain, rife with natural hazards, will test their skills and decision-making abilities. As they carefully tread through this complex environment, they must stay alert for the unique dangers that lurk within and around these formidable structures. Expect a session filled with strategic maneuvers, environmental challenges, and the need for quick thinking as the story unfolds amidst the mysteries of the jungle's heart.

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17th Nov 2023

The Jungle's Claw #008: Jungle Encounters

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10th Nov 2023

The Jungle's Claw #007: The Bridge

Fouk and Thronn race to find the panther Xolotza before she kills the addicted child soldiers. They must choose whether to sacrifice the children for Azural's promised rewards, and help Xolotza to turn against her shaman master.

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27th Oct 2023

The Jungle's Claw #006: Vorcian Puzzle

Fouk and Thronn discovered a mysterious ancient temple and solved its mystical elemental puzzles, freeing the imprisoned djinn Azural. Seeking revenge on his captors, Azural asked the duo to help by providing a child sacrifice to release him fully. He offered fantastic rewards like levels, familiars, and magic items in return. Azural told them of the nearby addicted child soldiers hunted by the magical panther Xolotza under her shaman master Veylok's control. With the children's location revealed, Fouk and Thronn now had to decide whether to betray them for the promise of power, or find another solution.

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20th Oct 2023

The Jungle's Claw #005: Corpseflower Temple

Fouk and Thronn discovered an ancient monolith in the jungle, but could not unlock its secrets. They found a Corpse Flower that concealed treasures from their consumed victims. Fouk and Thronn fought fiercely with a Carrion Crawler and emerged victorious. They found rare herbs, nectar, a gem, a map, and exotic herbs around the flower's base. Guided by the ancient map, they soon discovered the entrance to a long-forgotten temple. Inside, they found a vision of decay and grandeur—crumbling stone walls covered in vines and spiderwebs, collapsed pillars strewn across the mossy floor, and a massive stone head in the center of the chamber. Behind it, a metallic sphere rested on an ancient pedestal. Fouk tossed a torch to illuminate the area, revealing iron grates that covered most of the floor. As the torch fell through the grates, they heard it splash into an underground stream below. Suddenly, a giant boa constrictor lunged through the grates, but Fouk and Thronn managed to defeat it. In a secluded alcove, Thronn discovered remnants of a campsite—bedrolls and other belongings that belonged to child soldiers they had been tracking.

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13th Oct 2023

The Jungle's Claw #004: Bloodclaw Banner

After a narrow escape from the Kurnok Tribe, Thronn and Fouk head north through the jungle. Their mission is twofold: to find missing child soldiers and to discover what's poisoning the jungle's water. As they venture into an area that painfully reminds Thronn of his past, they follow clues that lead them to a place he'd rather not revisit. Unknown to them, hidden arcane symbols and sinister rituals suggest the presence of a dark force that threatens not only their mission but also their lives.

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6th Oct 2023

The Jungle's Claw #003

In the perilous Kurnok territory of Nolavor, adventurers Thronn and Fouk navigate a web of dark magic, tribal politics, and hidden dangers. Thronn, afflicted by a mysterious poison, seeks an antidote from the enigmatic Kurnok tribe, known for their crocodile-like appearance and dark sorcery. The duo discovers evidence of missing child soldiers from their faction, the Bloodclaw, heightening the stakes. A tense alliance forms with Scout Nok, leading them to Witch Doctor Tila for a painful but effective cure. Fouk's offering of a powerful amulet shifts the tribe's attitude, earning them momentary favor. As they depart, armed with cursed herbs and wary advice, the land's living curse looms ever-present.

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29th Sep 2023

The Jungle's Claw #002

The PCs find themselves at the edge of the "Serpent's Mire," a notorious swamp known for its treacherous terrain and venomous inhabitants. The swamp is a labyrinth of murky water, rotting vegetation, and deceptive patches of what appears to be solid ground but is actually quicksand. The air is thick with the smell of decay and buzzing with insects, adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

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22nd Sep 2023

The Jungle's Claw #001

Embark on "The Jungle's Claw," a treacherous quest through the mystical jungles of Nolavor. Heroes Thronn and Fouk must outwit a rogue shaman to unravel the jungle's arcane secrets. Sharpen your blades and prepare for a journey into the heart of darkness.

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Welcome to the Aina Continuum, a fantasy setting where we will explore the five elemental realms of Edrion and the divine hierarchy of the Gods, both Living and Dead. This world has been developed for three decades, starting as hand-drawn maps and comics, evolving into a Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and later into a series of unfinished novels. Currently, we are tabletop roleplayers playing in Philomath, Oregon, using D&DBeyond for character creation and character sheet tracking. We may occasionally use AboveVTT for virtual tabletop roleplaying in the future. Now, with the help of World Anvil and AI, this world is being brought to life in a rich and immersive way.   This setting is The Aina Continuum is a fantasy world deeply influenced by genres like doom, stoner, power, death, and black metal, along with dark and ritual ambient music. It also takes cues from the iconic landscapes of Tolkien's Middle-earth, Moorcock's Eternal Champion, and Dever's Magnamund.   The use of Magick has led to complications in this world as it is considered taboo by most living gods. The Aina Continuum is a universe created by the god Te Vevutur and his divine offspring, the Children of Time. It is divided into two planes: Edrion, the Material Plane, where five realms embody the elements of light, earth, water, air, and fire; and Ord Maada, the Outer Reaches, where ancient entities of unfathomable power dwell. The Continuum is governed by the principle of "Restrained Order" to avoid attracting the Mad God's hunger. However, a cataclysmic event caused by one of the Major Houses disrupted the harmony and led to his imprisonment and his son's exile. During this Age of Isolation, Zastor discovered the arcane potential to channel the energies of fallen gods through "Magick," changing the fate of the Continuum and its inhabitants. Magick is considered sacrilegious by most Living Gods.   You are invited to join this epic adventure and shape the destiny of this world.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP

Thronn Zamda


Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP