The Jungle's Claw #017

General Summary

When the Tigers Broke Free!   Game date:   23rd day of the Crow, Year 13944   On the morning of the 23rd, Fouk, Thronn, and Gherman awaken from a fitful rest in the foothills of the Iron Edge Mountains, their minds still reeling from the events of the previous day. The aftermath of the Bloodclaw confrontation and Xolotza's betrayal weigh heavily upon them. Though Xolotza has flown off, carrying off the shaman Veylok towards an unknown fate, the shock of her sacrifice lingers in the air.

The morning brings a misty rain, dampening their spirits further. Thronn tends to his newly found vulture-dog, Meat Beak, ensuring the creature is well-fed with the remnants of their rotten lizard-meat provisions. Meanwhile, Fouk prepares the group to depart, his mind set on eventually circling back to the Corpse Flower temple in search of answers and more drugs. As they ready themselves, Fouk offers Gherman some dream pedal leaves, a substance known for its healing and sleep-inducing properties. Gherman accepts the offer and partakes in the leaves, experiencing a pleasant buzz and a heightened sense of awareness. Fouk, having also indulged in the dream pedals and a snort of mummy dust, finds himself filled with a newfound sense of inspiration, his mind racing with possibilities for the journey ahead. The two companions revel in the effects of the substances, their spirits momentarily lifted as they prepare to face the challenges that lie before them.
As they ready themselves for the journey ahead, Gherman proposes a strange Goliath game to pass the time. He instructs Fouk to stand upon his outstretched hands, explaining that the objective is for Fouk to maintain his balance while Gherman attempts to grasp a rock with his foot and bring it to his mouth. The game is to proceed in turns, with Fouk remaining balanced and Gherman doing the same for his attempts to manipulate the rock.   Intrigued by the challenge, Fouk agrees to participate. The diminutive halfling clambers atop Gherman's massive hands, his small frame dwarfed by the Goliath's impressive stature. With a mischievous grin, Gherman begins to sway and shift, testing Fouk's agility and poise.   Fouk, his reflexes honed by years of acrobatic training, deftly maintains his footing, much to Gherman's amusement. The Goliath, not to be outdone, contorts his body in an attempt to grasp a nearby stone with his toes. The spectacle is equal parts impressive and comical, with Gherman's face reddening from the strain of his exertions.   Despite his best efforts, Gherman ultimately fails to bring the rock to his mouth, the stone tumbling from his grasp at the last moment. Fouk, still perched atop the Goliath's hands, can barely contain his laughter at the sight of his companion's frustration.   A noxious interruption befalls the group when Gherman, in a dubious display of Goliath heritage, saying nothing, deliberately befouls himself. The smell, a repugnant horror of spoiling flesh and rancid innards, sweeps over them like a toxic fog. The ghastly bouquet appears to attact the attention of a pack of fearsome saber-tooth tigers lurking in the jungle nearby.   Thronn is the first to notice the approaching threat, his ranger senses alerting him to the presence of the predators. He calls out a warning to his companions, readying his weapons for the impending battle.
As if answering the world’s worst dinner gong, the beasts emerge from the foliage, their powerful frames rippling with muscle beneath sleek, striped fur. Their massive canines glint in the morning light as they stalk towards the party, taking the foul fragrance for the day’s first course.   The tigers attack with determined ferocity, their claws and teeth flashing in a whirlwind of violence. Thronn engages one of the beasts, landing a solid blow with his longsword, but the creature retaliates with a pounce and a powerful swipe of its claws, knocking the ranger to the ground.   Gherman flies into a primal rage, his Goliath blood boiling with the thrill of combat. He launches himself at the tiger now atop Thronn, his powerful jaws clamping down on the creature's neck in a vicious bite. The two behemoths grapple and tear at each other, their roars echoing through the jungle.   Fouk, seeking a vantage point, nimbly scales a nearby tree and begins raining arrows down upon the tigers. His shots find their marks with uncanny accuracy, punctuated by the occasional miss due to the chaos of the melee below.   Thronn, pinned beneath the tiger, manages to wriggle free just enough to plunge his sword into the creature's chest. The tiger lets out a gurgling roar as it collapses, its lifeblood spilling onto the jungle floor.   Amidst the fray, Meat Beak leaps to Thronn's defense, only to be savaged by one of the tigers. The vulture-dog collapses, bleeding heavily from a deep gash in its side, its fate hanging in the balance.   As the battle rages on, the adventurers find themselves locked in a desperate struggle against the remaining tigers. Gherman continues to grapple with one of the beasts, while Fouk maintains his position in the tree, loosing arrows at the creatures below.   The stench of Gherman's soiled pants mingles with the coppery scent of blood and the acrid tang of fear as the battle remains unresolved, the party fighting for their lives against the fearsome predators. Meat Beak lies motionless on the jungle floor, at death's door, a grim reminder of the ever-present dangers that lurk within the jungle's depths.

Rewards Granted

Items found: None. Consumed Items:

  • 5 arrows used by Fouk Rotten lizard meat fed to Meat Beak by Thronn (amount unspecified) Dream Pedal leaves smoked by Fouk Mummy Dust snorted by Fouk One day's rations consumed by the party during long rest
  XP Awards:
  • - Defeating one adult saber-tooth tiger: 150 XP each (450 XP divided among the party)
  • Engaging the remaining adult saber-tooth tigers in combat (ongoing): 100 XP each (remainder to be divided among the party once the battle concludes)
  • Impressive teamwork and tactics against deadly foes (ongoing): 50 XP each
  • Gherman's bestial rage and combat prowess: 50 XP
  • Fouk's agility in climbing the tree and accuracy with ranged attacks: 50 XP
  • Thronn's resolve while heavily wounded: 50 XP
  • Clever use of the environment (Fouk climbing the tree): 50 XP
  • Exceptional roleplaying during the Goliath game between Fouk and Gherman: 50 XP each

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP


Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
19 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Ironedge Mountains

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