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Monstrous Ambitions

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eberron
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  • Sharn Cogs Wards
    The Cogs are the industrial base of Sharn. The mighty artificers of House Cannith aided King Galifar in reconstructing Sharn after the War of the Mark. In so doing they created a means of extracting raw materials from the lava flows deep beneath Sharn. The Cogs are hot and sulfurous. The workers here toil in dim corridors. Tenements for the city's poor and its more monstrous inhabitants exist here in three wards. The Cogs also connect to the abandoned Undercity of Sharn. When the city was re-inhabited, the Undercity tunnels were abandoned because of their association with House Tarkanen and the old, Dhakaani ruins.
  • Khorvaire
  • Sharn Upper Wards
    The upper wards of Sharn comprise the wealthier property owners and businesses. Residential areas in the upper wards benefit from increased presence of the Watch. The financial centers of Sharn as well as the offices of the city's government can be found in the upper wards.   Malri maintains her apartments in the Ivy Towers on the Menthis plateau.
Supporting Cast
  • Brevva
    Guul'dar, second to Gamarah. Sharn born and raised.
  • Coal
    Light warforged, intended for combat support duties. Killed by Daask for an unknown reason.
  • Gamarah
    Guul'dar, Daask commander
  • Watch Sergeant Germaine Vilroy
    Human, female, early 40s. Concerned with the plight of warforged in High Walls. Anti-Droaam. She is on the payroll of the Boramar clan. She has contracted Malri at the Boramar's insistence.
  • Prashesh
    Cold, calculating, owner of Daash'itak. Appears as a Khoravar, but is a Lam Jes.
  • Rozont
    Gnoll warlord of the Dharg clan, Znir Pact. Daask gangster. Second to Prashesh.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 5th April 2020 16:00

Session 7: Daask Daask Revolution

With Ingor rescued, the Group returns to Daash'itak to meet Gamarah.

Sun 29th March 2020 16:00

Session 6: Fungal Attraction

The Group descends into Kech Malgaan to rescue Ingor and the other Daask members.

Sun 15th March 2020 16:00

Session 5: Bums in the Deep

The Group descend into the depths of a 10,000 year old Dhakaani kech. A small band of Daask Golin'dar say that Ingor and his people haven't been seen in days.

Sun 1st March 2020 16:00

Session 4: Sneaking...

Plans were laid to convince Malri that working with Daask is a good thing. Vilroy is bugged and kept in the dark about things. Orien is somehow involved in the whole scheme. Things are heating up!

Sun 23rd February 2020 16:00

Session 3: Threading a Needle

The die has been cast... sort of. The Group is going to take the middle path and play two dangerous gangs against each other.

Sun 16th February 2020 16:00

Session 2: They're Going to Take You

The Group has been taken captive by Daask. They're being delivered to someone named Prashesh.

Sun 26th January 2020 18:00

Session 1: Gettin Goin

Malri has a job for the Group. A Sharn Watch sergeant needs someone to investigate the claims of a warforged.

Malri gathers all of you in her apartments in Ivy Towers on the Upper Menthis plateau. These apartments serve as her home, and your offices. She sits you all down and describes her newest contract. It's the Sharn Watch this time. A Watch sergeant, Germaine Vilroy, has approached Malri concerning a warforged named Coal. Apparently, Coal has a friend named Razor. Coal is worried they might be mixed up in something unsavory down in Khyber's Gate. Khyber's Gate, one of the undercity districts that honeycomb the plateaus of Sharn. The population there is Droaamites, monsters, and criminals. Coal says that her friend Razor had been hired by a construction company doing renovation work in Khyber's Gate. The company had hired a lot of other warforged too. In fact, they only hired warforged. Coal hadn't seen much of Razor since they'd begun working for the company. When Coal did see Razor they'd share stories of the crazy work that they were doing. They weren't really building anything. They had gone down, past the tenements of Khyber's Gate into a part of Sharn that Razor had no idea existed. The warforged workers had broken down an adamantine gate that led into a sprawling series of chambers. The warforged were excavating these chambers. The work was dangerous. Magical traps, elemental guardians and the unstable caves were a constant threat. Razor had described the place to Coal, saying that the murals and arabesques on the walls were strange and hypnotic. The place seemed like a temple to something that Razor couldn't understand. Furthermore, Razor said that the overseers of the excavation weren't the humans that had hired them. The overseers were Droaamite species like beastmen, Dhakaani, ogres and trolls. The overseers were harsh too. They never let the warforged leave the dig site except for rare occasions. It was on such an occasion that Razor last talked with Coal. It has been a week now since Coal last heard from Razor and they worried that their friend might have come to some kind of harm. Coal reached out to the Watch and found Sgt. Vilroy. Vilroy said that the Watch couldn't commit resources to investigating 'forged in the undercity, but they could put out a contract to a private investigative service. Thus, Vilroy has contracted Malri to interview Coal and find out what is happening to the warforged in the undercity. Coal lives in the ghetto of High Walls in the district of lower Tavick's Landing. They can most likely be found at The Spot. The Spot is a warforged club. Vilroy says the contract's pay will be 375 galifars (gold piece equivalent). Malri has graciously accepted such a handsome sum and has assured Vilroy that her people will have results in no time.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Level 1 Goblin Artificer
/ 10 HP

Cyril Sygis

Level 1 Half-Elven L/N Cleric
/ HP

