Boldly going universe The Trekking Timeline
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The Trekking

A very general overall timeline for the world.

  • 1959

    Tellar Prime becomes warp capable
    Scientific achievement

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  • 2024


    Bell Riots
    Civil action

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  • 2063

    5 /4

    First Contact (Human - Vulcan)
    Political event

    The first Warp flight by Zefram Cochrane in the Phoenix. This noted by a Vulcan survey ship and they proceeded to make First Contact in Bozeman, Montana.

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  • 2063

    5 /4

    Human Vulcan First Contact
    Diplomatic action
  • 2103

    Earth Colonises Mars
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 2151

    19 /6

    The Andorian Incident
    Criminal Activity

    This is what became the First Contact between Humans and Andorians. This happened in the Pah’Jem monastery which is Vulcan religious site. This was believed (and later confirmed) to be a listen post. This hyped up tensions between Vulcans and Andorians. But one thing good came out of this, it was the beginning of the friendship of the captains, Archer and Shran.

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  • 2156


    Earth-Romulan War
    Military: War

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  • 2161

    Founding of the United Federation of Planets

    Founding members   Andoria, Earth, Tellar Prime, Vulcan.

  • 2163

    23 /10

    Founding of the Federation Colonisation Service

    "The Universe is Out There." - Dulmur and Lucsly, 2371
    Helping people go where no one has gone before.

  • 2230

    Spock's Birth
    Life, Birth

    Born on in Shl'Kahr, Vulcan

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  • 2257

    First Contact with New Eden
    Political event

    Federation starship USS Discovery makes first contact with the New Eden colony on the planet Terralysium which was a human colony originating from World War III and was a First Contact incident.

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  • 2257

    Karidian Company of Players Tour of Official installations
    Cultural event

    The Shakespearian troupe Karidian Company of Players, sponsored by the Galactic Cultural Exchange Project, begins its tour of official installations.

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  • 2257

    End of Federation-Klingon War (2256-57)
    Military: War

    Federation officer, Commander Saru leads the USS Discovery on a mission that results in the end of the Federation-Klingon War

  • 2258

    USS Discovery NCC-1031 Destroyed

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  • 2258

    USS Pueblo visit Bajor

    The USS Pueblo travel back to Bajor in 2258

  • 2258

    Dr M'Benga's daughter is diagnosed with cygnokemia
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Doctor Joseph M'Benga's daughter Rukiya is diagnosed with cygnokemia.

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  • 2259

    La'an Noonien-Singh assigned acting first officer of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701
    Life, Career

    Is assigned to the USS Enterprise as acting first officer and later chief of security.

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  • 2259

    USS Archer makes 1st contact with Kiley
    Diplomatic action

    The USS Archer under command of Una Chin-Riley is tasked with making first contact with the Kiley.

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  • 2319


    Cardassian Occupation of Bajor
    Military action

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  • 2355

    Battle of Maxia
    Military: Battle

    The Federations ship USS Stargazer gets into a violent conflict with a Ferengi ship

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  • 2357

    1st Klingon to join Starfleet
    Life, Career

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  • 2367

    1 /1

    Battle of Wolf 359
    Military: Battle

    The Starfleet fleet made a stand against the Borg and got wiped out.

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  • 2367

    31 /3

    K'mpeck dies
    Political event

    The Klingon chancellor dies.

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  • 2369

    Bajoran Wormhole Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    Discovered by the crew of the redesignated Cardassian Space station to Deep Space Nine under the command of Cmdr Benjamin Sisko. DS9 was moved nearer to the stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.

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  • 2369

    Official Celestial Temple Discovered
    Religious event

    Discovered by the Emissary to the prophets Benjamin Sisko and fellow Starfleet officer Judzia Dax

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  • 2369

    12 /5

    Federation - Cardassian Treaty
    Diplomatic action

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  • 2370


    New Bajor
    Disaster / Destruction

    Only a few months after its founding, New Bajor's inhabitants were massacred by the Jem'Hadar as part of a larger offensive against Alpha Quadrant ships and colonies. Third Talak'talan told Kira Nerys that the colonists "fought well… for a spiritual people."

  • 2371

    USS Voyager lost in the Badlands
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 2372

    Launch of the USS Enterprise-E

  • 2372


    Federation Klingon War (2372-72)
    Military: War

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  • True Way terror attack
    The runabout USS Orinoco destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Deep Space Nine's runabout is sabotaged and destroyed bye the Cardassian terriost group True Way.

  • 2372

    Detapa Council authority restored
    Political event

    The Cardassian dissident movement where involved in getting the Detapa Council back into power after the destruction of the Obsidian Order

  • 2372

    Invasion of Cadassian Space
    Military: War

    Led by Martok the Klingon Empire starts an invasion of the Cardassian Union

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  • 2373

    Pah-Wraths attack the Prophets
    Cultural event

    Deep Space Nine resident Keiko O'Brien was inhabited by a Pah-wraith who tries to kill the Prophets, but is stopped by Husband and stations Chief of Operations, Miles O'Brien and entity was expelled from Keiko's body.

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  • 2373

    Martock Changeling Death
    Political event

    At the Order of the Batleth Ceremony a Changeling was discovered in disguise as General Martock and then killed.

  • 2373


    Dominion War
    Military: War
  • 2373

    Orb of Time returned
    Diplomatic action

    The Orb of Time was returned to the Bajorans from the Cardassians and was collected by the crew of the Federation starship USS Defiant.

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  • 2378

    USS Voyager's Return

    The Starfleet starship USS Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadarent after being lost in the Delta Quadarent.

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  • 2379

    Coup by Shinzon
    Political event

    A military coup results in a new government being formed, and peace overtures are made towards the Federation. This is discovered to be a ploy by the new Praetor, Shinzon of Remus, to lure the USS Enterprise and Captain Picard to Romulus

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  • 2385

    Shackleton Expanse Advert
    Diplomatic action

    The FCS put out an advert, to gather interest in creating a new colony in the Shackleton expanse. Colony Poster.

  • 2385



    Resettlement Romulans by the Federation
    Population Migration / Travel

    Starfleet is in the process of resettling Romulans threatened by an impending supernova. This includes the settlement of refugees on Vashti.
    This practically came to a grinding holt with the attack on Mars and the fleet that was being made there.

  • 2385

    5 /4

    Synthetics destroy Utopia Planitia and set Mars alight
    Civil action

    Compromised synthetics launch an attack on Mars, setting the planet ablaze and destroying the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards as well as a rescue armada which was under construction there and intended for Romulus.

  • 2385

    15 /5

    NAR Linnaeus enters the D'kot sector

    The NAR Linnaeus enters the D'kot Sector in the Shackleton Expanse trying to find a location for a colony site. The first location they came across was the Nebula 1 of Sector D'kot.

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  • 2423

    NAR Linnaeus travels in time

    After the NAR Linnaeus travels to he future visits a probe that has been taking over by an alien group. Then decide to travel back to the present.

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