Session 23: Sorting Through the Aftermath Report

General Summary

For once, we are not going to focus on what happened, but how you got here. There was some.... questionable judgements made, and I think we are all glad that you didn't kill all of the leads.   You captured a couple of Big Pharma employees, one got eaten by wolves. You then proceeded to "interrogate" them, which in and of itself was a form of torture; the being stuck in a conversation with y'all part, not any traditional torture. You worked out a deal with one of the captives who informed you there is a Listening Post on Bloodcove. Lord Rick d'Astly, jr., your other captive, is supposedly the leader; allegedly. You asked, demanded, threatened, bargained, and eventually accepted a deal with Slartibartfart to have him take you to the post. Instead he led you on a goose chase to the far side of the island. He managed to get away, and you were tired and rested for the evening.   While resting you were attacked by a troll, who you found out later might be the mystical "Sasquach." No one had apparently laid eyes on them and lived to tell the tale. Strange blurry illusions have been produced, but no one has ever been able to capture their true likeness. A fight ensued, and you managed to keep him away by knocking him back out of your small cave. He ran off in shame.   In the morning, you were able to wake up Lord Rick d'Astley jr. and get him to provide more details:

  • There is a listening post on the island
  • There are 3 dozen men there (sketchy)
  • They know the name of your new ship, presumably the names of others
  • They have been here for at least a Year
  • Re-supply ships come to the island regularly
  • Rick d'Astley has daddy issues
  • ^ is ambitious, but sloppy
  • ^ wants a more prestigious posting somewhere else
  • ^ doesn't really like the idea of being left to be eaten by a troll
After the interrogation, you made your way back through the forest to Rickety Squibbs. You informed him of what you found out, and he took 2k off the cost of your Squibbing. He offered to install cannons and cancel the rest of your debt should you agree to eliminate the Big Pharma presence on the island. If you leave the Listening Post intact, even better. You drew up a contract, and are about to sit down to discuss strategies.

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