Cum as you ARRRRR!

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of DM Aconyte's Eberron
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  • Khorvaire
    A Recent Map of Khorvaire.
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

28th Sep 2023

Session 34: Final Preparations

You have a day before the tournament at the Afterlife, time to make any final preparations...

21st Sep 2023

Session 33: Owliphant in the room

You are juggling a casino heist, and a prisoner escape. All you have to do is find the prisoner...

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14th Sep 2023

Session 32: Side Quest Hell

You have several threads to pull, pull up a chair and have a pint while you discuss...

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7th Sep 2023

Session 31: Betrayal at Port Blackwater

You have been betrayed, what are you going to do about it...

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31st Aug 2023

Session 30: Have a Gamble

The party is split, Shopping or Gambling? Why not both?

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24th Aug 2023

Session 29: The Departed

There is still some stuff to unload, and factory to explore. I wonder if there are any more spirits?

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17th Aug 2023

Session 28: The Haunting In Hennessey

You are finally in the port where your franchise is going to be based out of. Time to setup shop...

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10th Aug 2023

Session 27: Welcome Home

You can see Blackwater Port on the horizon. Time to see what the Brethren have given you to work with...

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27th Jul 2023

Session 26: Rickety Split

You finished up on Bloodcove, time to collect the loot and head back onto the open sea...

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20th Jul 2023

Session 25: The assault on the Listening Pooooooost!

Let's Gooooooooo!

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13th Jul 2023

Session 24: Assault on the Listening Post at BloodCOOOOOOVE

You made it back to Rickety Squibbs and reported your findings. Your ship will be ready tomorrow, and you have agreed (via contract) to take out the Listening Post that allegedly exists on this island. Time for a cunning plan...

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6th Jul 2023

Session 23: Sorting Through the Aftermath

You defeated the Goblins and Big Pharma who were apparently working together. Seems like they've got some 'splainin' to do...

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29th Jun 2023

Session 22: Dealings in the Dark

You were ambushed by the very goblins you were trying to make peace with. You managed to track them back to their village, but now you see they are negotiating with Big Pharma...

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22nd Jun 2023

Session 21: Peace Talks

You have done some investigating at Rickety Squibbs and have been drafted to hopefully make peace between the Watchooti and the Order of the Brethren...

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15th Jun 2023

Session 20: Nazi's?

You are still waiting for your ship to be squibbed, but now you are tracking a lead on Artemis's Uncle...

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8th Jun 2023

Session 19: The whole, quadrifurcation, is your ocean...

You're finally getting Squibbed. You're also now part of a Pirate Corporation. Time to get down to business; once you figure out what that is...

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1st Jun 2023

Session 18: You get a Squib, You get a Squib...

You finally made it to Rickety Squibs, Let's talk terms...

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25th May 2023

Session 17: Marking your Territory

You finished delving into Nyx's Island and are back on the sea. Time to finish the Journey to Rickety Squibbs to claim your ship as your very own...

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18th May 2023

Session 16: To Die - To Sleep - no more

You are locked in combat with the denizens of an undead Kobold Cult! Let's see how that turns out...

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11th May 2023

Session 15: A Tomb,. Your Tomb? Whose Tomb?

You are investigating a tomb which supposedly belongs to Nyx...

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4th May 2023

Session 14: Nyx's Island

You crash landed on an, invisible?, island. There is a massive stone maiden, and a jungle to explore...

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20th Apr 2023

Session 13: Fight or Flight

The Man's Promise is now yours, it's up to you how you handle your first ship sighting...

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13th Apr 2023

Session 12: New Captain, Who dis?

You finally are no longer required to report to inferior authority figures. Time to see how hard it truly is on the High Seas...

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6th Apr 2023

Session 11: New Ship, Same Shit

After a 36 hour party, you finally figured out what the Captain is going to do with his new ship. Looks like you are once again on a new ship, against your will...

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23rd Mar 2023

Session 10: You gotta fight... For your Right... To PARTAAAAY!

You just finished your first battle as official Pirates. You received your share of the winnings. Now it is time to enjoy the after-party...

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16th Mar 2023

Session 9: Sails on the Horizon

After an entire Fort-night at sea, and only one chicken dinner, you finally see what you think is a ship on the horizon. The captain has been aroused... from sleep... and who knows what he'll do next?

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2nd Mar 2023

Session 8: More of the Same

Bloody hour of Day 12... Will you ever see some real action?!

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23rd Feb 2023

Session 7: Friends Ahoy

After two long, hard days at sea, you finally got a good nights rest. It is day 10 of your pirate-life, and it's time to make the Donuts...

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16th Feb 2023

Session 6: Storm on the Horizon

Your pirate adventure is continuing as planned (right?). Now you get to see how ships are in a storm...

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9th Feb 2023

Session 5: Wind in your sails

It's nearing the end of Day 5 of your piratey adventure. You just managed to win a controversial conflict with Owlbear before securing all of your stuff from the quartermaster. Looks like things might be coming up {insert group name here}...

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2nd Feb 2023

Session 4: Rats, why'd it have to be rats?

It's day 4 of your adventure at see, and time is already sailing by. It seems one of the crew was attacked by something in the bilges and Master Scourge has now made that your problem...

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26th Jan 2023

Session 3: Another Day, Still no Dollars

It is day two of your travels aboard the Wormwood. Stretch your sea legs, and see where the adventure takes you...

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19th Jan 2023

Session 2: All Aboard

You have just been assigned jobs aboard the Wormwood, time to figure out how the ship operates...

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5th Jan 2023

Session 1: Welcome to Eberron

Session 1: Welcome to Eberron   It is a time of rebuilding throughout the Khorvarian empire. It has been 2 years since the treaty was signed ending the open conflict of "The Last War." The 12 Nations recognized by the treaty were each impacted by the conflict, and are beginning to recover from the wounds it has inflicted. Every adult alive today has only known war for the majority of their life, and are trying to figure out how to get on now that the conflict has ended.   In each of your own ways, you have found your way to the region known as the Lhazaar Principalities. The region is known for all of the water and pirates. There is also many legends of buried treasure, vanished cities, and the promise of a free life on the sea.   Each of you have your own reasons for wanting to be a pirate. You might be looking for something, someone, or running away from your past. The smell of the sea, and the salt water, hangs heavy in the wind. The sound of gulls fading in the distance, as the ship begins to churn beneath you...

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This campaign is a home-brew set in the Eberron world. Our "Heroes" will take on the role of a pirate crew as they uncover their own character's stories.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Magnum Opus

Artemis Sindarin



Martin d'Jorasco

L3-37 Redgrave