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Facing Thousand Teeth Report

General Summary

The party traveled further west along the Dunwater River, eventually coming to a very swampy clearing.  In the center of the clearing, the water deepened quickly into a pond with a fallen tree acting as a bridge to a small island in the center of it. The players used a large rat to act as a scapegoat and to explore the environs. It did its job and was eaten, but in the process revealed 1000 Teeth to the party.  Eventually, two giant constrictor snakes appeared and also attacked the party. The use of saltbombs and spells while range attacking the beast worked well, and the party were able to defeat the giant croc and the snakes. They returned to their base camp and found Drenna still tied to the stump, but their two animal guardians had disappeared. After some investigating they came to the conclusion that they were being tailed by other creatures. Drenna was questioned but proved to be uncooperative and stated she was perfectly willing to meet her end rather than give more information to the party or anyone else. The party returned to the lizardfolk lair and met Sauriv, the High Councillor to Queen Othokent.  Speaking perfect common, he told them it was time for them to hear the whole story.

The Deepest Depths Campaign

Nooben Hammerhalter

Report Date
19 Feb 2020

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