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Korra is utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. Korra believes all life is connected and necessary. I'm connected to all living beings. Lastly, curiosity will often get me in situations where danger is eminent.

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The major events and journals in Korra's history, from the beginning to today.

Decided to open Brackus' book and boy was it loud, lol!

02:49 am - 13.07.2020

Brackus is in town, we should go say hi!!

02:48 am - 13.07.2020

I saw Robespierre let some one go. What growth for him. Oh cuz, he is growing on me,

12:21 am - 13.07.2020

Robespierre cast an amazing spell and I GOT TO FLY!!!!!!

03:13 am - 29.06.2020

Once I completed my meditation, the element of wind came to me and whispered a secret. I now have a greater understanding of wind.

01:37 am - 29.06.2020

Had a wonderful vision with the talking mushrooms. They told me to locate Tammaraut. That ship is connected to my destiny.

12:58 am - 29.06.2020

I'm talking to mushrooms, very awesome!!!

12:19 am - 29.06.2020

Skating down the hole, closing my eyes and trusting in the Ki of world.

12:18 am - 29.06.2020

I have really enjoyed focusing on the earth. I have been able to make holes and create a wonderful arch way. What a wonderful world we live in. Rocks, rocks, rocks, how fun are they.

11:54 pm - 28.06.2020

We totally just fought a living rock. We won, barely but we fought them. Very good combat.

03:05 am - 15.06.2020

We hung out in the tunnel and ate/drank. It was a fun night.

03:04 am - 15.06.2020

I think the others found some treasure. I am happy for them. I found a lot of fruit and beer. I am gonna sit here and enjoy this wonderful meal!!!

11:31 pm - 14.06.2020

we found so much fruit!!!!!! Yummy

02:16 am - 01.06.2020

I was able to finally feel the Ki of my opponent. What a wonderful foe.

12:01 am - 01.06.2020

A coat is alive!!!!! What wonderful world we live in.

12:00 am - 01.06.2020

Another couple of deaths, lets look into this mystery.

03:03 am - 18.05.2020

WATER WHIP WORK!!!!!!!!!! I am one with the water and the water is one with me!!!

02:12 am - 18.05.2020

WATER WHIP WORK!!!!!!!!!! I am one with the water and the water is one with me!!!

02:12 am - 18.05.2020

Oh boy, there is an impressive beast at the dock, wow!!!! The world is wondrous!

01:55 am - 18.05.2020

Robespierre just got a hat of snacks, that is awesome. I asked Captain Zandros for a future hat of mangos. That would be tasty.

01:41 am - 18.05.2020

I think it is time for me to get my second hand's weapon. My hits have been a little out of balance.

01:11 am - 18.05.2020

Someone passed to the great beyond in the tavern we normal stay. I hope her soul is at peace. I wonder whom was born!!!!

12:34 am - 18.05.2020

We are back to Saltmarsh! We need to find some fruits : )

12:06 am - 18.05.2020

What a beautiful night, it seems so much more peaceful when there isn't a large ocean beast attempting to kill us. : )

11:58 pm - 17.05.2020

What to do with $2,000 gold. This is the reward for this mission. I think I need a bit of fruit and then the rest can go to the orphans.

11:43 pm - 17.05.2020

Veilla was so helpful. I really really appreciate her a great deal.

02:56 am - 04.05.2020

Oh boy, the footing on this ship is awful!

01:42 am - 04.05.2020

There is a large octopus, that is cool!!!

01:01 am - 04.05.2020

I sat on top of the box and was able to propel it closer to the back of the ship.

01:00 am - 04.05.2020

Finally was able to quite my mind and successfully cast the my water whip!!!!!

12:32 am - 04.05.2020

I am heading for a swim, that is gonna be fun!!

11:45 pm - 03.05.2020

We cleared the room, not a bad fight. : )

03:02 am - 20.04.2020

Once again, I am so excited from battle but am unable to quite my mind. Unable to land the water whip. : (

02:32 am - 20.04.2020

Walked into a new room and saw a new competitor. He is a magic user. I think I might need to focus on him. Lets go Korra!

02:25 am - 20.04.2020

Soooooooo we have the new challenger that scared me real bad and a large spider in the next room. We can do this.

02:04 am - 20.04.2020

We ran into a new challenger in the bottom of the boat. He removed his masked. I have felt something I have never felt in my life............FEAR. What to do what to do......

01:39 am - 20.04.2020

While some of us are taking a break. Vellia and Meriwether have removed a stone alter and throw it in the ocean. That was new for me. Not sure what they did that but it gave me an opportunity to process the final battle. I am one with the Ki and the Ki is one with me. Come on water whip!!!

01:14 am - 20.04.2020

I was able to flip over the top of the spider swarm that was on top of me. That was the end of those spider's journey. Rest in power little buddies!

12:56 am - 20.04.2020

The spider managed to finally shake me off. I am proud of you giant spider...... I shall name him snicker because his little teeth make a little snickery sound.

12:40 am - 20.04.2020

I managed to poke the giant spider in its eyes. Afterwards I made sure that I reaffirmed that it is doing really good despite everything.

12:28 am - 20.04.2020

I am riding a giant spider!!!!! Dreams do come true! What a new experience.

12:22 am - 20.04.2020

Meriwether agrees to hold on to my shoulders as we navigate through the ship.

12:00 am - 20.04.2020

Well that last water whip didn't work they way I planned....... Well next time!!!

11:28 pm - 19.04.2020

Sailing the Southern Seas

11:26 pm - 16.04.2020

Sailing the Southern Seas

11:26 pm - 16.04.2020

A giant spider, we got this!!! Korra quite your mind, focus on your breathing.

02:49 am - 06.04.2020

We are off to another boat!!!! This is an embarrassment of experiences!!! Can't wait! I get the sense that the others are worried about this boat. What doesn't kill you.

02:21 am - 06.04.2020

Saw a four armed large enemy today. That was a worthy opponent. Failed to use my water whip again . I must continue to try to be one with water. I think I am allowing my excitement to get the best of me. I need to quite my mind.

01:58 am - 06.04.2020

Veilla, healed me again. I wake to her telling me that I need to get up and we will get mangos later. Yum, oh boy mangos are tasty. Time to get some more practice. : )

01:02 am - 06.04.2020

Well, I am knocked out once again. Ahhhhhh, I weirdly enjoy this. I am currently floating on the waves of the water in my head! I love the water!!!

12:57 am - 06.04.2020

Nooben busted into the room and told us that the sailors on the boat are getting killed. It looks like we are gonna investigate what is happening. It is unfortunate that this journey has seen a great deal of death.

11:17 pm - 05.04.2020

I think I am going to meditate a little bit to try to clear my head while we are on the ship. I am going to try to feel the essence of the ocean.

11:05 pm - 05.04.2020

Oh boy, Nooben is thinking about going to go out of the room to spy on the sailors. I wonder if this will end up in me practicing some of our elemental influences???

11:02 pm - 05.04.2020

I'm about to go on my third boat ride. I love the water as it was the first element that presented itself to me. It's so beautiful!!!

10:50 pm - 05.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Korra.

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