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The Deepest Depths Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Azure Sea - Saltmarsh
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Supporting Cast
  • Achuak
    High Shaman of the Lizardfolk and Speaker for Semuanya, God of the Lizarfolk. He is skeptical of the Queen's plans but will do as is willed by her.
  • Anders Solmor
    Head of the nouveau riche Solmor family. He just recently lost his mother to illness and lost his father to slaver raids when he was a child. He is the youngest member of the Saltmarsh Town Council and an impassioned advocate for building a navy to strike back at the Sea Prince Pirates, who he believes were the slavers who took his father.
  • Aryte
    Leader of the Lizardfolk group that was sent to Sandbalet to obtain weapons for the lizardfolk. He was captured with his two companions. Robespierre sprung them from their house arrest and traveled with them back to the lair. Soon after Aryte and his companions were poisoned. Aryte survived, the other two did not.
  • Aubreck Drallion
    Aubreck Drallion is a once fabulously wealthy merchant who lost it all when the ship carrying most of his wealth held in promissory notes was lost at sea. He has contacted the party in order to secure their assistance in recovering the notes from the recently discovered ghost of his former ship, the Emperor of the Sea.
  • Captain Xendros
    Captain Xendros is the chief operating officer of the Loyal Quartermasters of Iuz in town. It acts as an import/export shop of rare and magical items that are of interest to Iuz. She is a husky voiced tiefling who is always interested in making a deal.
  • Deirdre Doolittle
    Deirdre and her husband, Francis, were fishing the far west waters of the Saltmarsh coast when they were attacked by Sahuagin. She was killed, but has hopes that Francis is still alive. She haunts the Saltmarsh cemetery and scares Krag nearly every night. Her daughter Ginny stays in Wellgar's orphanage.
  • Donnrue
    The Koalinth Ambassador to the Lizardfolk Alliance. He was hot tempered, proud, and stubborn. He was killed trying to kidnap the sea elf Oceanus from the Lizardfolk.
  • Drenna
    Young woman who was captured by the heroes after ostensibly sacrificing a lizardfolk citizen to an unknown entity.
  • Eda Oweland
    Oweland is from the oldest prominent family in Saltmarsh. She is seen as the stern, matronly head of the town and does much to care for the weakest or harmed citizen. She does not trust the Kingdom of Keoland's new interest in Saltmarsh and makes no secret of that fact.
  • Eliander Firebrand
    The elected Captain of the Town Guard of Saltmarsh and therefore also a member of the Town Council. He is a Saltmarsh native who served loyally to the Kingdom of Keoland and is veteran of many campaigns in the north.  He lost a leg to an owlbear in the Dreadwood, but does not let that slow him down.  In fact, must don't notice his peg leg. He is also a bookish and learned man and owns the largest library in town.
  • Gellen Primewater
    Primewater is the richest man in town. He is also a member of the town council and often sides with Eda Oweland on issues of commerce and governance. He throws at least one extravagant dinner party or ball per week and is fairly well loved in town by guard, fisherfolk, and pirate smugglers alike.
  • Hanna Rist
    The nervous, yet determined proprietress of the Snapping Line Tavern and Inn in Saltmarsh. She aspires to grow the Snapping Line into a franchise and has recently met a talented individual who can maybe brew her up a way to accomplish this goal.
  • Hastings Clark
    Hastings Clark is a huge firbolg ranger turned diplomat on behalf of the Axewood Steading in northern Keoland. He is also the uncle of Meriwether Clark of the party. He is genteel and noble in bearing, but pragmatic and a realist who has spent most of his time in the forests of his homeland. His primary concern is the influx of hill giants to the northeast of the steading.
  • Jhank
    Female lizardfolk drill sergeant for new recruits into the Lizardfolk Army. She has recently been learning Common and is trying to understand squishy folk humor. She is convinced most of it has to do with chickens.
  • Kiorna Kester
    Kiorna is a highly skilled and sought after leather worker. She has made clothing, tools, equipment, and armor. She specializes in working with exotic and difficult to work with hides. She currently has a deal with the party to find a bulette's hide.
  • Krag
    The half-orc cemetery keeper and amateur town historian. He knows the family names of everyone in town and their ancestors in the cemetery. He and Eliander Firebrand are fast friends and often meet at Firebrand's library to discuss history or philosophy. Krag is a stoic.
  • Manistrad Copperlocks
    The dwarven head of the Royally Chartered Saltmarsh Mining Company. She is a veteran, like Firebrand - although they did not serve together, of the Keoland Army. She is tough and hates being in the backwater country, but believes there's silver in the hills to be mined and she aims to get it.
  • Othokent
    Queen of the Lizardfolk. She is calm and regal and measured. She speaks perfect Common and is very interested in inviting the land based squishyfolk into the Alliance as she believes the Sahuagin are killing fisherfolk.
  • Quelli
    The Locathah ambassador to the Lizardfolk Alliance. Quelli is a Hunter and as such has longer legs than other Locathah. He is curious about the landfolk and fears the Sahuagin more than the other sea folk and is anxious for the Locathah to join the Alliance.
  • Sauriv
    The High Councillor to Queen Othokent. He is aged, stopped, and half blind with cataracts. He walks with a cane that is quite clearly his old rapier in a scabbard. He believes that the land based squishyfolk are potential important allies.
  • Silth
    Ambassador of the Merfolk to the Lizardfolk Alliance. She is dark blue with a violet crest of fins atop her head. Soft-spoken but firm, she supports the Merfolk joining the Alliance.
  • Wellgar Brinehanded
    The one-legged, former whale harpooner, current country priest of Procan, God of the Sea. Wellgar runs the temple and with Krag, maintains the cemetery. Recently Wellgar started an orphanage for all the children left by parents who have been lost at sea - a trend that has been occurring with greater frequency.
  • Winston
    The owner and shopkeeper of Winston's Store on the outskirts of the Hool Marshes. His general store sometimes has rare and interesting items that may help adventurers heading off into the Hool Marshes.

Sessions Archive

5th Apr 2020

Sailing the Southern Seas

The group board the Soul of Winter, captained by Wolgar Windrune, and set out to search for the derelict and abandoned ship, The Empress of the Waves.

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22nd Mar 2020

Salvaging Relationships....and other things

The party are invited to a gala ball at the Primewater Residence by Gellen Primewater himself. Hastings Clark, the uncle of Meriwether will also be there. He has someone he'd like his niece to meet.

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8th Mar 2020

Homeward Bound

The players spend another night learning about the lizardfolk and some of their captives, then head back through the Hool Marshes on a three-day hike back to Saltmarsh.   But the Hool Marsh is known for surprises. Yet perhaps, those surprises are preferable to whatever questions and concerns await the party from the Saltmarsh Town Council.

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23rd Feb 2020

...and then Facing the Queen

The Queen would like to speak with you about the role of Saltmarsh in the affairs of the lizardfolk and their allies.

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9th Feb 2020

Facing Thousand Teeth

Meriwether, Nooben, Korra, Veilla, and Robespierre head deeper into the Hool Marshes to face 1000 Teeth, the ancient and legendary crocodile scourge of the lizardfolk. If they manage to defeat it, they have a chance of proving the value of the squishy ones to the lizardfolk and perhaps some information of what threat faces the Azure coast line.

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This story is told by

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The Protagonists

Meriwether Clark

Robespierre Froiquingont


Veilla Darcassan

Nooben Hammerhalter
