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Sailing the Southern Seas Report

General Summary

The adventurer's boarded the Soul of Winter captained by Wolgar Windrune and his crew of dwarven sailors.  Disappointed to know they would be confined to quarters for the presumed 4 day sailing journey.  However, Veilla was able to convince the captain and navigator, Karen, to let her train and learn navigation more quickly.  On the first night at sea, Nooben was suspicious of why they were being confined to quarters and traveled through the ship's desk stealthily looking for some indications of a rationale for the order.  He reached the main deck in time to witness the boarding of sahuagin raiders and their quick and quiet attack on the night deck crew. He roused his companions and aided the crew in turning back the raid. Their substantial assistance changed Windrune's mind about them being landlubbers who would only get in the way and for the remaining three day journey, they were permitted freedom of the ship.   On the fourth day of the journey they sighted The Emperor of the Waves.  Windrune noted to Veilla that the ship was listing to port in a way that made him think the ballast had changed below deck, but he thought they should be able to walk it without too much trouble.  He did warn them that he would only be able to stay out for one day before having to turn the ship around and make for port.  They were rowed out by jolly boat where they were able to easily grappling hook the side of the upper rails and climb aboard.  Once aboard they became aware of how abandoned the ship was.  They saw no sign of humanoid life, but quickly encountered spider swarms, a giant spider, and a humanoid with spider like qualities.     They discovered the navigator's chambers and a stairway down to the lower decks, but thick webbing will make traversing the passages difficult...

The Deepest Depths Campaign

Nooben Hammerhalter

Report Date
16 Apr 2020

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