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Salvaging Relationships....and other things Report

General Summary

The party had just re-entered Saltmarsh when they ran into Meriwether's uncle, Hastings Clark from her firbolg steading in the Axewood in northern Keoland. He mentioned he had been in the capital of Niole Dra attempting to make the court aware that the firbolgs were threatened by hill giants in the area. While there he was asked by the king to escort Aubreck Drallion to Saltmarsh. Drallion is an old friend of the queen's sister and is need of help to the south. Uncle Hastings invited them all to a party to be held that night at Gellen Primewater's mansion. They did some shopping with Captain Xendros at the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz and Robespierre bought Meriwether a peace offering gift.
The group engaged in various activities while in town. Veilla and Korra visited the orphanage where Veilla was assured that Deirdre Doolittle is at peace by Krag . Korra found time to consult with Wellgar Brinehanded and heard about his dreams of an old sailing chaplain friend of his and the feeling that his friend is in peril. Meriwether chatted privately with Eda Oweland and rebuffed the request for pre-meeting information about what was learned from the the lizardfolk. And, Nooben heard from Hanna Rist that there has been some pranks or legitimate attacks to the Snapping Line Brewery business
The party found some more suitable attire and attended the party at the Primewater Mansion. There Robespierre was drawn into a meeting with Gellen where they politely and formally agreed to sever their working relationship. Soon after, the party was drawn into a town meeting where they described the situation with the lizardfolk. Veilla cast zone of truth on the room, causing bold moves to be made, but in the end, Eliander Firebrand volunteered to lead a group as a formal delegation to the lizardfolk.
The party was pulled into yet another meeting with Uncle Hastings and Aubreck Drallion. Drallion described the events of several years ago where he invested all of his money into promissory notes speculating on beginning a new trade route to the south. He put the notes in a strong box and sent it to the southern port where he was to begin operations. Unfortunately, the ship carrying the box, The Emperor of the Waves, was lost at sea - taking much of Aubreck's fortune with it. He had managed to rebuild some of his wealth but despaired of ever reaching the heights he once had. Then, two weeks ago he received word that a sailing friend of his had seen the Emperor of the Waves, now a ghost ship, sailing not a week's journey from the Saltmarsh. He is in town and hired a crew of dwarven sailor he trusts, but who are not willing to board a ghost ship. He heard of the party's adventurous spirit and made them an offer of 200gp down, 10% of the take should they return with the strongbox. He stated that this 10% is roughly 10,000gp should they succeed. The group accepted the offer and will leave in two days.
The following morning, Nooben, Veilla, and Robespierre visited the Empty Net to ensure that this competing dive bar was not the group messing with the Snapping Line's business. Some veiled threats were exchanged, but it did not come to violence.
The party await another adventure on the open water.

The Deepest Depths Campaign

Nooben Hammerhalter

Report Date
01 Apr 2020

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