Session IV: Enter the Keep Report

General Summary

Upon arriving at Garring Keep, DDH&A discover the Keep is looking haggard, as if falling into disrepair. They search the grounds after talking with Lord Cornwallis and his advising Commander, discovering clues pointing to an inside job. After discussing the matter with Jamilla, the second in command, they formulate a ruse in which they "offer a position" to some of the less content soldiers, discovering information that implicated Eser, a dissatisfied soldier with a motive to abscond with the sword.   The party also discussed with Lord Rodhric the people that might have wanted to hire the Obsidian to steal the sword. He mentioned that there are three other Lords that are part of the Lords of the Radiant Coast that would have the means to hire the group - Two human lords, Lord Callum Reardon and Lord Faramaz Bayat, and an elven lord, Lord Durlan Tesar.

Dim, Dark, Hazy & Associates


Level 7 Sea Elf Chaotic Good Druid
(Folk Hero)
44 / 44 HP

Gaeadrelle Havelock

Level 7 Kender Neutral Warlock
(Haunted one)
/ 55 HP

Omepheous The Undetonated

Level 8 Kobold Chaotic Good Rogue/Sorcerer
(God Poker)
/ 57 HP

Pate "Wolf" Fields

Level 7 Human Neutral/Good Druid
(Folk Hero)
49 / 49 HP

Euman Kredal

Level 6 Wood Elf Neutral Bard
33 / 33 HP
Report Date
09 Feb 2020

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