Dim, Dark, Hazy & Associates

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Omiralon
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Sessions Archive

3rd Apr 2020

6th Mar 2020

Session VII: Jailed In Amnethyr

Lord Durlan Tesar has thrown the party into the Amnethyr jail. Only Omepheous walks free, but will he be able to release the party? What does Lord Durlan plan? Will they be able to return the sword to its rightful home?

21st Feb 2020

Session VI: Lords of the Radiant Coast, Part II

An Air Elemental has landed on the Holy Grale in flight! What is it's business with Dim, Dark, Hazy, & Associates? Will the party make it to Amnethyr in one piece?

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9th Feb 2020

Session V: The Radiant Lords

Someone has it out for Lord Cornwallis, but who?

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17th Jan 2020

Session IV: Enter the Keep

The eyes of the Obsidian are clearly watching. As DDH&A near Lord Cornwallis' keep, the pieces of the puzzle begin to click - who is the patron and what designs on the sword do they have?

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1st Jan 2020

Session III - Shadow's Cast: The Black Blade and the Golden Chain

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13th Dec 2019

Session II: Shadow's Cast

What will the adventurers do following the death of Dr. Rex and Oksana's Axe of Pummeling? New faces enters the newly refurbished Holy Grale.

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15th Nov 2019

Session 1: A Debt Paid in Glass

The second half of Dim, Dark, and Hazy's time in the Shadowglass.

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This story is told by

The Protagonists


Level 7 Sea Elf Chaotic Good Druid
(Folk Hero)
44 / 44 HP

Gaeadrelle Havelock

Level 7 Kender Neutral Warlock
(Haunted one)
/ 55 HP

Omepheous The Undetonated

Level 8 Kobold Chaotic Good Rogue/Sorcerer
(God Poker)
/ 57 HP

Pate "Wolf" Fields

Level 7 Human Neutral/Good Druid
(Folk Hero)
49 / 49 HP

Euman Kredal

Level 6 Wood Elf Neutral Bard
33 / 33 HP

Oksana Battlehorn