Session V: The Radiant Lords Report

General Summary

Esser, the dissatisfied guard, had hidden a piece of the sword in his chest. Dim, Dark, Hazy & Associates gave it to Lord Rodhric, returning it to its rightful place in the Keep. Upon questioning Lord Rodhric, they discover he has multiple potential enemies - An Elf, Lord Durlan Tesar to the South in Amnethyr, and Lord Rearden, located in a similar Keep along the base of the World Spine Mountains, nearest to the party.   Taking Esser into custody, DDH&A interrogates him. He says Khadrick Bronzebutton made him do it. Khadrick has been allegedly doing shady jobs and asked Esser to hide something wrapped in brown cloth. The party quickly identifies the description of the sword shard. Omepheus pickpockets Esser, find a piece of paper written in Arcana literally translating to: Fly, pop, skin, the planes. Esser clearly had an exit strategy. Omepheus takes the scroll, putting it away. While discussing the plan and talking with Khadrick, A soldier stabs Esser at the order of the Commander - he had reached into his pocket. Wolf tackles the Commander, suspecting a potential cover-up.   Finally, Esser confesses that he was working for the Obsidian. Voron Brynan from Amnethyr is his contact. Oksana relays to Lord Rodhric everything they had discovered. Asking for the party to continue in the search for the remainder of the sword, Lord Rodhric gives DDH&A a writ of safe passage (his symbol and a sealed scroll) into Amnethyr, with careful instruction - show symbol first, then when in the "Antechamber" produce unbroken writ. Wolf takes possession of both for safekeeping.   That evening, Gaea's Imp returns from Fedelma with information about the black tree. It says Fedelma has only heard of this magic in myths and legends, but that in every instance the tree is only defeated by large numbers of druids and clerics of many types of gods represented to try and dispel it. The magic is very old magic - from before the Age of Order - and dangerous.   After the evening, the Holy Grale sails to Amnethyr at dawn. After 6 days of travel, a storm envelopes ship. Clouds follow no matter the evasive maneuvering! Suddenly, an Air elemental appears, dropping onto the ship in a semi-transparent form. Still steering the ship through the sky, Oksana holds the helm for Wolf.

Rewards Granted

A writ of Passage into Amnethyr

Character(s) interacted with

  • Information from Fedelma about the Black Tree
  • Apprehended Esser, the Obsidian thief sent to take the sword
  • Returned the shard of the Sheild of Garring to Lord Rodhric Cornwallis
  • Campaign
    Dim, Dark, Hazy & Associates


    Level 7 Sea Elf Chaotic Good Druid
    (Folk Hero)
    44 / 44 HP

    Gaeadrelle Havelock

    Level 7 Kender Neutral Warlock
    (Haunted one)
    / 55 HP

    Omepheous The Undetonated

    Level 8 Kobold Chaotic Good Rogue/Sorcerer
    (God Poker)
    / 57 HP

    Pate "Wolf" Fields

    Level 7 Human Neutral/Good Druid
    (Folk Hero)
    49 / 49 HP

    Euman Kredal

    Level 6 Wood Elf Neutral Bard
    33 / 33 HP
    Report Date
    20 Feb 2020

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