Prologue: The Embrace

A World of Darkness 5th Edition (Paradox) game In the world of Darkness of Solecea
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  • Duskridge Map
Supporting Cast
  • Ada Mewsing
    Childe of Serphina von Nachstein, the betrayer, Ada has offered her eternal unlife to Haus Nachstein to redeem the sins of her sire.
  • Callista
    A Hellen merchant, raided and sold into slavery, Odessa found use for Callista by offering her a deal as a ghoul.
  • Elara Whitewood
    Middle child of House Whitewood. Elara was embraced by Odessa during the Ironjaw Reaver's raid on Duskridge.
  • Gregorius Umbra
    Once a renegade mage, Gregorius was captured after losing a duel to Zerren von Nachstein. Kael von Nachstein embraced him when he found use for him in the dungeons of Dawnstadt as an aid in his experiments.
  • Nomina Ambra
    Nomina Ambra, known as the Amber Muse, is a devoted servant of Odessa. Skilled in the art of gathering information, she navigates mortal society with charm and grace, concealing her otherworldly ties beneath a captivating veneer. A talented bard, she often uses her performances to glean insights and maintain her ghoul duties.
  • Torin
    Astrid von Nachstein found the young boy raised by wolves out in the wilds of the Southern Vale. She chose to embrace him and utilize his skills as an outlander scout.
  • Vesper Nightshade
    A former vigilante embraced by Kael von Nachstein after cruel experiments and tampering with Oblivion.
  • Wulfgar Ironjaw
    After losing a duel to Zerren von Nachstein in the war between the Bjornheimers and Teutonians, Zerren chose to embrace Wulfgar because of his formidable strength. Now, Wulfgar is the leader of the infamous Ironjaw Reavers.
  • Zerren von Nachstein
    The youngest son of the infamous Haus Nachstein. Having awakened from 200 years of Torpor, he's now set on the path to reclaim Dawnstadt in his family's name.



Session 5: New Beginnings

Sessions Archive

18th Feb 2024

Session 4: Infiltrating Whitewood Keep

Read the Report
11th Feb 2024

Session 3: Rousing the Blood

Read the Report
26th Jan 2024

Session 2: Hunger Games

Read the Report
21st Jan 2024

Session 1: The Feast Day of Lady Elysia Vonheart

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Finn Reinman



Ragnvaldr Halldorr


Elowyn Ironthorne