Session 4: Infiltrating Whitewood Keep Report

General Summary

The Player Coterie concludes their infiltration and assault of the Whitewood Keep.   Ragnvaldr Halldorr takes a group of a dozen Reavers to lead an assault over the walls, causing a major distraction from within. While the assault was conducted, the rest of the coterie move in through the secret entrance they had found at the shrine of Eldric Whitewood. Ragnvaldr held his own, taking on multiple men in the courtyard, until Aelius Thorm presented his holy pendant of The Order of the Luminous Dawn, burning at Ragnvaldr's flesh. The two then began to duel in the courtyard.   The infiltration crew inside met Cedrick Whitewood and also convinced Aric Whitewood to come with them, but when the commotion outside started, the keep went into a panic. Aldous led a group of Reavers through the tunnel to begin their massacre from within. Lord Cedrick Whitewood fell and Lady Gwendolyn Whitewood was taken into captivity.    Finn Reinman knocked Aelius Thorm unconsious and dragged him into an empty home and bandaged him up. Finn then allowed Thorm to feed from him in hopes that the Vampire's vitae may lend some regenerative properties to Thorm's wounds.   After the keep was secured, Elowyn Ironthorne met up with her owl friend who she's now named Hooters and continued her bond with him.

Prologue: The Embrace

Ragnvaldr Halldorr

Report Date
19 Feb 2024

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