Session 8: The one with the Mortuary Break-in Report

General Summary

Emlyn brings news of upcoming Selection and Election
This is echoed in the newsletter of the Kommiariat
Nina shares news of her overheard meeting
Pebble receives her delayed message from Otiz - gem prices are about to increase, and new restrictions on owning them
Amber casts doubt on the goodness of the city's governance
The party meet Mystery Catcher Balthazar Ladle who is suspicious of them after Pebble asked lots of indiscreet questions... He's keen to get into the mortuary and inspect Kommissar Rollo Holo Bolo's body.
The party learn the whereabouts from Lackwit the Buttoner who doubles as sticher up of bodies for Darlewynn the Mortician . They determine to make a night time raid on the Mortuary (without Mystery Catcher Balthazar Ladle !). There they discover the body with multiple stab wounds and no brain!
They escape as stealthily as they arrived, to reunite with Drezza Broadhand who has been entertaining small numbers of children and dogs in the marketplace as Selection Festival businesses arrive and set up.
The beginnings of a plan to get Maevdille Bigroar elected to the Kommissarium are hatched... and Drezza Broadhand sets it to music....

When we're due to select a Kommisar,
And time is running short,
When the red knife strikes again,
And nobody's up on court.

Vote Maev, vote Maev, vote Maev, vote Maev.

Shaft Threen leaders should embody the city,
They should live and breathe mining,
Gems, precious metals and wood,
Bi-monthly people will be fine dining.

Vote Maev, vote Maev, vote Maev, vote Maev.

Mining Team 47 Campaign

Amber Jadeforge

Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Uthgardt Tribe Member)
Barbarian 2
25 / 25 HP
Report Date
04 Sep 2023

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