Session 7: Hello Emlyn

General Summary

Opening:   As we return to the city of Shaf Threen, deep in Darwyn Kavern, the members of Mining Team 47 have returned to find themselves suddenly the highest rated team in town. And that’s a town with some changes since you were last here ten days ago… As you celebrated your new found status in the Shovel and Sickle last night, your drinks were accompanied by new ‘grain bread’ – bread made from a new plant instead of mushroom fibres. It is astonishingly tasty and very different from your former diet. And as you drank, and you chewed, you caught up on the latest news and rumours – stories about this new amazing food, stories about the death of a Kommissar just a few streets away – was it of natural causes, was she struck down, is this the work of the Red Knife? Opinions flowed almost as freely as the ale. And while a few faces from other minting teams looked somewhat out of joint, most everyone else was happy to join in an impromptu celebration, and the voices from the tavern rang out into the Tavern late into the evening. Some of you made it home, while Nina and Amber crashed out at the Shovel...   And as we’ve covered the 47 and their exploits, to some other events. Across town under the onion towers of the Kommissarium, specifically in a brightly lit chamber beneath the Hall of Records, is the venue for quieter pursuits. Here, Darlewynn the Mortician studies a short body on a central table. It is clad in red robes, parted now under bright magical and gas lighting. Steam powered saws ratchet back and forth under his careful hand and then grind to a stop. After a dull thud and a fleshy peeling sound, his eyes, magnified by an array of lenses strapped to his head, widen in surprise, and furrows crawl up his brow…   And nearby, in a corner tower of the Kommissarium main building, a metal barrel like contraption rests in a golden tripod stand. To one side, on a small octagonal table, are maybe a dozen metal cylinders the size of a gnomes fist. A Kommissarium high retainer, recognisable by her black and red striped tunic, slowly and carefully fills one at a time with a scoop of black grit from a pouch, tamps it down and then slowly drips melting wax from a warmed bowl to plug the cylinder top…   Session:   Nina slinks home early in the morning and her rest is disturbed by some sort of secret meeting conducted below her in the ruins. Muttered conversations are overheard...   Later that morning, Maevedille took Panhu for his morning walk and spied out the new eargrass fields amongst the mushroom farms, learning some things about the new miracle crop. Meanwhile, Pebble hightailed it to the Hall of Records for a hard day's researching.   'Ress woke after dreaming of Cibium as a young goliath woman, surprised to find she had a worshipper in Shaf Threen. Cibium gives 'Ress her paladin's oath and charges her to defend the city from extra-planar threats and enemies, and to find/defend other worshippers. Energised by this vision, 'Ress sets out to carve a more obvious shrine on the 'Prop' (the Bat Spire), working in an outcropping and a particular large red diamond - which comes off in her hand... quick repairs are made...
  Amber - once emerged from under the bench in the Shovel, went to Pebble's, discovered she was out, but in the process meets Gemcutter Otiz - her next door neighbour, who says he has a message for Pebble. Amber agrees to tell Pebble this, and isn't curious about the message (groans around the table). Amber decides to find Maeve, and bumps into her, 'Ress and Nina as all converge around the Prop. Somehow this turns into the need to go back to the Shovel for another drink...   In the Shovel and Sickle, Pit Boss of the Forties, Galar Thumbnose introduces the team's new member - apprentice Emlyn.  After he's been put to some cleaning up duties, the gang repair to The Marketplace Tavern for a change of scene, and are eventually joined by Pebble and Maeve.   Pebble learned many things in the Hall of Records, and Maevedille sought to book an appointment with a member of the Kommisarium , through retainer Obsilan.

Mining Team 47 Campaign

Amber Jadeforge

Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Uthgardt Tribe Member)
Barbarian 2
25 / 25 HP
Report Date
16 Aug 2023

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