Session 6: Lights, Frights, and Bready Delights Report

General Summary

The team mine on to further increase their haul before heading for home. After accruing significant finds they turn around and use their own freshly laid rails to speed back towards the city. Two significant encounters take place on their way to home and safety.   Firstly, they see a string of lights or lanterns crossing the long cavern. Cautiously (for the most part - Maevdille Bigroar excepted) the team approach and try to discern who or what is ahead. A long period of suspense followed, and it appeared on further tracking that no footprints or marks were left by whatever the lightbearers were... Leaving them to move north and west along the cavern wall, Mining Team 47 return to the rails.   The following day, a second encounter brings the team face to face with Team 50 - Valeria's Crew. They are heading out to explore and mine new areas, and a row about claims erupts. After reassurance that they aren't heading to the 47's recent finds, and after attempting to misdirect them to explore the lost mine and the debilitating grey light, the teams shuffle past each other, bristling... One of Valeria's Crew (her brother Walther) throws the 47ers a sample of new grainbread - a food product made from something other than fungi/mushroom, instead using a new 'ear-grass' plant, apparently.   Arriving back to Shaf Threen , the team hear more about the new bread and its popularity, and then as an aside, of the death or murder of Kommissar Rollo Holo Bolo a couple of days ago!

Mining Team 47 Campaign

Amber Jadeforge

Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Uthgardt Tribe Member)
Barbarian 2
25 / 25 HP
Report Date
29 Jul 2023

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